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Sooo initially my goal weight was 9 stone. But as that number is still a stone away (5lbs already lost which I am absolutely chuffed about) I thought it would be a better way to try having mini goals.
As I have lost 5lbs already, I will aim for another 5lbs and so on.

Has anyone tried this before? Like several goals of 5lbs or 7lbs? Maybe it is a psychological thing seeing the red and blue lines move closer and closer together. :grin: Will give it a go for this month and see how it goes.

Good luck out there fellow fasters! :like:
Hi vix89 :) my first mini goal was to lose 7 pounds and my big goal was to get to 9 stone like you.

I got there a couple of weeks ago and have since decided I would like to lose another half a stone before I go on maintainence.

Now that I'm quite close each pound seems like a big achievment and each one is a new mini goal.

Good luck to you too and congratulations on losing five pounds :)
I think that is a good way to plan. A smaller goal is far more attainable and more quickly. That way you might stay more motivated. I have an overall goal, but I have little rewards planned for achieving certain goals in between. For example I said I'd get some new jeans when I'd lost my first stone, which I did. Next reward is to have my belly button re-pierced, I'm only a pound away from that one :0). Non-food rewards really give you something to aim and look forward to.

Good luck x
I'm doing exactly that! My goal is also 9 stone, but I am setting myself little targets along the way. I've lost almost 2 stone so I'm getting there. My first target was 10, now it's 9.5, we'll see after that.
Hi - I don't really have a single fixed goal. I suppose I want to get back to 9 stone, although my 'secret' goal (ie what I really want to get to but don't know if I can) is what I weighed on my wedding day getting on for 2 years ago - 8 Stone 9. I was only ever in the 8s for a couple of months and I don't know if it's possible to maintain but I don't think I really appreciated at the time how slim I was so I want to get back there & bask in it!

In reality I think it's going to be a 'goal range' - my weight has a weekly range of up to 3-4 lb depending on whether I've just fasted or had 3 days pigging (sorry 'normal eating') so anything between 8.5 to 9 stone would do me just fine! Next milestone would be getting my 4lb range to top out under the 9 stone 7lb mark, which is where I'm hovering at the moment.

I also keep getting out the skinny jeans languishing in my wardrobe that I can't wear any more and seeing how the progress is going. Only on 'thin' days though...
I don't even have a goal weight in my tracker. I haven't been really thin in eight years, so I'm not sure how weight loss will suit me now at the age of 54 (I don't want to wind up all wrinkly in the face). I have a rough mental goal of 160 pounds, which would put me at an American size 8/British size 10, so I might stop there, or my goal might wind up being a bit higher or a bit lower.

My short-term goal is just to throw out my fat(test) girl trousers and get into the next selection of clothing that is slightly too tight for me now. I'm finding that my weight is starting to fluctuate, but still has a downward progression and I've lost an inch from my waist since starting 5:2 12 days ago. I think having a series of mini goals makes a lot of sense, given that weight loss is rarely a continuous downward-line trajectory.
I have mini goals (talked about this in my first blog post). I find it helps with the impatience a bit. :) My first goal is 60 kg, then 57.5 kg, then 55 kg. It goes by some convenient dates, travel plans, and bite-sized numbers. I'm not quite on track for goal 1, but hoping to still turn that around! :)
I have mini goals too. My first goal is to move from obese to merely overweight.
I am with you on that one JanetM.
I also have mini goals vix89 & I am currently trying to get to below 14 stone before I go on holiday at the end of June. I put on 3 & 1/2 lbs last week because of being away & eating out all week & not being able to fast properly.
Hi all I'm on mini goals also but mine are bigger ie 1st stone achieved before my holiday, now repairing damage done!! so mine go in stones got loads of them to lose & kept my end goal lower than what I should be as I believe I can get there and be happy at said weight if not I'll move the goalposts accordingly. :clover: Sue
I think that is a really good idea and just reset my goal because of it. I am going to set 10 pound incremental goals and hope that doing so will really make it seem like I am doing well. When you have a lot to lose it gets discouraging. Although, I was well chuffed on Sunday in the pub when two friends remarked that they could tell I had lost weight. :grin:
Nah, just the one goat -shift 15 kg, of which I have managed 8kg. I just note I have passed 1/2 way so am on the down hill run.
Am holding off buying clothes just yet.
I mix around my strategy rather than reward just to up the ante and crack any stalls.
That is the beauty isn't when you see all the variations one can follow on this WOE.
if I am despondent I come to the forum to get cheered up by what people write
Yes, I do the same but I haven't reached my first mini goal and I'm a bit disheartened. I do try to stay focused though...
vebnorahs I like your idea of little treats for each mini goal! Another good tip I heard is to put a one pound coin in a jar for every 1lb you lose and at goal weight spend it on a new pair of skinny jeans or something.

It seems a lot less daunting knowing my mini goal weight is only a few lbs away, rather than a whole stone which seems so far away. :)
I have a mini celebration in my head every time another BMI number ticks down. Mini goals are great!

JanetM, you're so close! Gambatte ne! It is a great feeling crossing that particular line.
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