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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I have been on the 5 2 way of life since the end of January and up until a week ago I had not missed any of my two days a week fasting and am almost certain that I have never gone over my 600 cals on those days. I started out at 15'2 and am now bang on 14 stone. So, of course, I know it works and it's steady weight loss.
I just didn't manage last week for a few reasons and am now considering a short break from it (just another week). I was going to start again today as I usually fast Tuesdays and Thursdays but just feel like a break, these feelings exacerbated as I am going to be on holiday with my family during the next ten days or so. I was just wondering if there are many others out there who have had quite a while on the 5 2 , have come off for a week or two and then gone back to it again and how they found this - very difficult or easy ? And did they put much weight back on in the interim period or found that their weight was stable?
I know that this is a long term way of life and I don't want to be constantly flitting with it and know that I have managed for a longish time already but just wondered what others have found with a break.
I have found that this whole week I have been eating under my TDEE in any case without any problems as my overall eating habits have improved massively since I started this so my guess is that I will not start piling the weight back on. Any thoughts appreciated.
Hi, I went on holiday a couple of weeks ago and was away for 7 days but ended up not fasting for 2 weeks for one reason and another!

I haven't weighed yet (I only weigh once a month now) but don't feel like I put too much on - was good with choices, lots of salad and fish. I found it fairly easy to get back into fasting once I was back and will have done 4 fasts before I weigh this weekend so am hopefully I will be the same (or less - or is that too hopeful!) than I was before I went on holiday.

Enjoy the time 'off' - you will probably be looking forward to getting started again once you are back and you know it works so if you do put a couple of pounds on you know they will be gone in a couple of weeks!
Thanks Rachel, good to know others have taken breaks, I felt quite guilty about it as I had stuck so rigidly to it up until last week. I am going to set the date for my 'first' fast day back in so I can get myself ready. Not sure why I am so concerned I won't be able to get back into it after doing it this long. Good luck with yours
No guilt is allowed with this WOE! My husband and I have also been 5:2-ing since the end of January with losses of 17.75 and 20.5 pounds, respectively, prior to our two-week holiday (cruise with wall to wall food, 24/7!) which started on the 1st May. We enjoyed the food and alcohol (considerably!) and put on 13.25 and 9 pounds! However, we were back to our regular fasting the day after we came home and, after two and a half weeks, have now got 5.75 and 2.75 pounds to go to get back to our pre-cruise weight. (My husband is a little less committed than me!)

We had no problem getting back into this WOE and, unlike previous occasions when I have 'dieted' for a specific event and then gained weight, I am quite happy to know that I didn't 'blow it' and just accepted it and jumped straight back into 5:2.

You have to love a WOE which transforms your whole attitude to weight gain/loss and gives you the tools to do something about it so easily. I hope you have a very good holiday. Enjoy the food and let us know how you got on when you return. Onwards and downwards! (Apart from the occasional holiday!)
Hi Neilo
We've been 5:2ing since early January and had steady weight losses. Have been on a two week holiday and like StowgateResident thoroughly enjoyed the food and alcohol. Result = gains of 7lbs. After two fasts 3lbs have melted away and we are heading towards our pre holiday weights. My advice is to go away, have a great time, and then get back on the 5:2 to continue the downwards trend.
Thanks for the replies Jazzbird and StowgateResident - I will happily take your advice and look forward to resuming the 5 2 existence on my return! Will let you know how I get on.....
I purposely took 3 consecutive weeks off during late Feb/early March just to see what would happen...I didn't overeat most of those days, just ate well and omitted the fast days (not unlike what I do during normal 5:2 weeks). I didn't gain any weight,nor did I lose any either. It did seem to rejuvenate me a little though. I think sometimes a break is beneficial, both mentally and physically.

I still am erratic with my fasting schedule. Most weeks I do 2 fast days, but some weeks I do only 1 and others I've done as many as 3 or 4. But I probably still average 2 fast days a week.
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