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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hello all.

I have just started the Fast diet and I am finding it very hard to stick to less than 500 calories on fast days. This is my 3rd day and I would say I have consumed between 600-700 calories and felt very hungry the whole time. I don't know how I am going to get it down to 500.

What happens at 500 calories that doesn't happen at 700 or 900 etc?

If I were to continue the diet, having up to 800 calories on fast days, would I still reap the benefits (weight loss and cell renewal amongst others)?

Does anyone have more than 500 calories on fast days (but less than a normal day) and still lose weight?
Welcome to the forum Belladonna! Sometimes it can take some time and effort (will-power) to get down to the 500 cals. A little more information from you might help us give you some ideas of what foods can be incorporated to help you through your fast days.
Do you know your TDEE? If you fill out the forum progress tracker it will give you a TDEE.
What are you eating on fast days?
Hi Betsygr8,

I am 5'1" and I am 8 stone 10, want to get down to 8 stone and stay on maintainance thereafter.

Today I had;

1 tea, splash of soya milk, stevia tablet.
2 fried eggs, splash olive oil, a few mushrooms and half a red onion.

I then had quite a few herbal teas/water through the day.

Then had 1 apple (pink lady) as a snack and a few stalks of celery.

Dinner was zero noodles with a small portion of fried carrots, half a red onion and a handful of broccoli, with 1 tablespoon of sweet chili sauce.

I then had 1 clementine for dessert.

However, I felt hungry all day and since my two little kids are on half term and it is raining, it was very hard to distract myself from food and my stomach was grumbling and taste buds watering the hole time.

I will have a rasperry leaf tea now and nothing else until tomorrow.

I reckon that is about 700 calories in total.

What is TDEE?
TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure - the amount of calories you use in a normal day. There are links here to TDEE (Fitgirls is a good one).
You should stick rough and tough to your TDEE and about the 500 mark on your fast days, but this will vary with your activity etc.
I usually go over by 50/100 cals on fast days and stick to my TDEE on others and I'm happily losing about 1lb a week. I know it could be a bit more, but this suits me.
When I first started I went over. On my first fast I had 900 and 850 on my second. I still lost 4lb. Gradually I have got it down and now average around 360.
All I can say is stay with it as it really does get easier and eventually you will get there.
From just looking at what you had for the day, unless you used a lot of oil, I'd say you were right on or under 500 cal. Something that I have that helps alot is a cup of bouillon (5-15 cal). When I first started I would have a hard-boiled egg in the morning and a vegetable stir-fry with some baked fish for dinner. You can have a huge amount of broccoli, cauliflower, onion, zuccini, eggplant, carrot and bit of tomato for 200 cals or less.
Hi Belladonna, if it's any consolation I have been doing this for about 12 weeks, never missed a fast, or abandoned one half way through, but have NEVER managed to stay under 500 calories! I have tried eating different things on the fast day, different things on the day before, split the meals differently but to no avail. I am absolutely stark raving starving every single time and cannot sleep on less than about 650 - 700. I think I am the exception rather than the rule though so I am sure you will have better luck - also, on a positive note, it hasn't stopped me losing weight so don't stress about it! :oops:
I agree with Betsy, unless the splash of oil was a big one, you aren't far above 500. I stay away of any fat on fat days, they add a lot of calories.
Belladonna - eating protein is a good way to keep hunger under control. I notice that you only had two eggs, plus veg and fruit.

For my 500 calories, I eat two scrambled eggs at lunchtime, and then 125g of chicken, 100g of carrots and 60g of French beans in the evening. (Plus one small soya latte in the morning.)

That is quite a lot of protein, and it fills me up.
I agree with what others have said - that definitely doesn't sound like more than 500 calories.

If you don't have it already, download My Fitness Pal app, its invaluable for tracking fast (and feed!) day calories, so that might help you feel better if you still think you might be going over.

I'd also recommend you get some Fry Light cooking spray too, as this will help cut out unnecessary calories from the oil :)
I have often gone over the 600 calorie limit for a man during my 6 months on 5:2, but usually by no more than 100-150 calories or so...but other days I have gone well under also and have had as little as 300 calories. The limits are not set in stone...going over a little on a regular basis will not kill you, you will probably just lose a little slower.
I find eating triggers hunger. Maybe delay eating any of your calories for as long as possible, and see if that helps?
Hi Belladonna. After trying very hard to reduce to 500 calories (without success). I gave up and after 6 weeks of trying to reduce I decided on a simpler tack. I now eat a regular dinner with the family containing measured processed carbs, protein fat & extra veggies cosuming around 800 calories as a reasonable average. I have maintained 3 fasts through the week mon, wed & fri. To help compensate as Like you I found it very difficult to sleep if I hadn't consummed enough during the day. I have lost over 20lbs in 8wks which I am delighted with & I fast for a minimum of 22hrs which also appears to have cleared the indigestion I was plagued with daily. I also have a physical occupation as a gardener & typically swim 2 miles twice weekly coupled with visits to the gym & calorie counting via MFP I have altered my food composition in that I am eating far less processed carbs, measured proteins, reduced fats but i still consume butter etc in preference to reduced fat options. I also jig up my calorie intake day by day, eating when hungry in the main. In the last 8 wks my consumption has ranged from a massive 3500 c. To 550c!! I normally fail @ dieting as I feel deprived. I'm astounded that I am managing this in my own way but I refuse to kick myself over failing to reduce. I'm sure that should I reach a plateau I shall review my intake again but it's working for me as it is.
I try to stick to 500 but often go over (usually due to other people tempting me and not wanting to be rude or have to explain i'm doing 5:2) I don't worry about going over too much though so yeah I'm not strict and regimental about the 500 cal, although if I do go over I do try a make up for it by having a little less calories one of my feed days. As a result I'm losing more slowly than average at 0.5lb per week roughly.
Belladonna you say that you "reckon" that was 700 calories. How are you measuring that?

Plus, you are already at a healthy weight. Why do you want to be 8 stone?

Theres lots of recipe and meal plan ideas out there - google or the fast diet book will give you plenty of suggestions for 500 cal days. Planning ahead is the key.
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