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Is anyone else finding this a bit of an uphill struggle at times?
I had my mirena fitted in December and started 5:2 in January so I haven't had one without the other at any time really so it's hard for me to see if it's related or not.
Anyway I've had an average weight loss of 1 lb/week. I haven't changed my diet drastically in any way since starting 5:2 and my fasts have always been fine.
However I've had a really disappointing weight loss for May as I've been stuck on a "plateau" for want of a better phrase.
I just went over my diary and I notice three main "plateaus" since January and every one of those has corresponded with a month in which I have not had a period at all. Having the mirena has made my cycles very unpredictable and the months when I've not had a period I've still had all the usual PMS symptoms and a LOT of bloating/water retention.
I'm pretty sure this is why I've been stuck for a couple of weeks, gained 1 lb last week and then this week I lost 2 lbs. All without doing anything different to my feed days.
Is there any good way of tackling this water retention?
Hi, just saw this post. I don't have the mirena but do have the depo provera injection and both can cause weight gain. I think this stabilises after a while but it could make things a bit harder at first.

I have a mirena, and have had slow weight loss, and actually gained in May. But my expectations were low, after being overweight for so long, so I'm thrilled to have lost what I have, and to have reduced my waist size.

I don't know if its my mirena/age/height or any combination that means I lose relatively slowly, but I do feel confident that I will get there, as this WOE is sustainable.

No tips on water retention, sorry. Monthly cycle definitely plays a part in weight, and at least once you know that, its less puzzling to see the ups and downs.

Good luck, and keep going - you're doing brilliantly :grin:
Thanks for the replies :-)
Minum I'm like you, I've been unhappy with my weight for a long time and I'm thrilled that this WOE is so simple and sustainable and I have made a decent start. It's just so disheartening to fast for two days a week and yet see the scales stay the same or worse, go up :-(
I had a tiny gain this week (less than half a pound). No idea if it's hormonal as I've lost track of any cycle I might have now as it's so irregular.
Thanks though, I will definitely keep on keeping on, like you I'm confident I will get there in the end :-) (I just have a nice holiday looming for August and I really want to look nice and slim)
I have one and I had a plateau in April but I was muscling up. Otherwise, I lose about a pound a week on a fairly relaxed 4:3 regime.

I've not had periods since having it fitted and I've also lost the mood swings, so very happy after years of misery. However, I'm now having some spotting so I can actually look back and compare it to my stats and graphs. Hmm, will go ponder...

It's possible that it wasn't helping with my weight gain prior to this WOE but I've always had a weight issue.
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