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Feeling left..
01 Jun 2013, 08:28
... out of the shorties united thread!

Sort for edit, stupid I-pad!

At 5'10", I couldn't possibly have commented on the thread. I have been busy trying to think of disadvantages to being tall. I have come up with this -

Because my arms are longer, and as work done = force x distance moved, I actually have to work harder when using my hand weights!

Convinced? No, me neither :oops:


Strangers ask you to get things off high shelves in supermarkets :?:
You BMI looks low, but you still know you are overweight/ unfit
People assume you are are smaller size ( many clothes received as gifts have had to be returned cos I really am not a size 12 :bugeyes: )
Maxi dresses :neutral:

And the worst thing of all ...... Short girls use up all the tall boyfriends and husbands :frown:
Re: Feeling left..
01 Jun 2013, 11:13

Can I join in on this thread? I'm not a shortie either. In fact, I'm 5' 12" and a bit!!

Coming down from a BMI of over 40, I'm sick of clothes manufacturers assuming that everyone over a size 18 must be short. You just can't get any clothes from a size 20 upwards in a long length.

I have managed to find a tall husband though. He's 6' 4", so I can even get away with a small heel! :grin:
Re: Feeling left..
01 Jun 2013, 13:22
Jemima wrote: I'm sick of clothes manufacturers assuming that everyone over a size 18 must be short

Too true! And sleeves are never long enough because they only do 'long' for skirts and trousers.

My 'little' sister is 5'12" too :grin: Not sure where my 14 year old is going to stop, currently she is the same height as me.
Re: Feeling left..
01 Jun 2013, 13:29
I'm 5'10" and my pet peeve is not being able to buy dresses off the rack. The waist winds up under my boobs. So, take that, all you shorties!
Re: Feeling left..
01 Jun 2013, 13:30
Effie wrote: And the worst thing of all ...... Short girls use up all the tall boyfriends and husbands :frown:

So SO true...have had a long discussion about this with my (very short) housemate who has a thing for tall men - it's just not fair on us non-vertically challenged individuals!

Although I'm probably not quite tall enough to be classed as tall (I'm 5ft8) so I don't belong in either thread :( maybe we need a bit-above-average people thread :P
Re: Feeling left..
01 Jun 2013, 14:19
I'm also a tall! Means I can get away with carrying more weight, but also means despite losing nearly two stone people just aren't noticing yet! I want some congratulations! Also knowing I'll never be a size 12, looking for a size 14 this time next year, but still sounds big in conparison to a shortie! Once upon a time (in my early 20's) I was 10 stone and a size 12, but looking at the photos I went a bit cross dresser with my massive flapping hands on such small arms so won't be looking for that much weight loss again! Tops are never the right length!
Re: Feeling left..
01 Jun 2013, 14:26
One more tall gal - 185 cm - ca 6.1 I think?
No one has noticed my 10 kilo loss so I'm with you there Mariposa! Congrats to you!
Re: Feeling left..
01 Jun 2013, 14:36
Awwww, youse guys :heart:

I don't feel so along anymore :giggle:
Re: Feeling left..
02 Jun 2013, 00:43
Well, I'm a very-shorty but I have the body length of someone around 5'11" (yup, exceedingly weird shape) and most people are outraged when I say that I needed to lose at least 2 stone (I'm going with what my knees are telling me, not them). So may I lurk here too? :)

Edit: sorry Effie, I've maybe been one of those that's asked you to get stuff off the top shelf :confused:
Re: Feeling left..
02 Jun 2013, 01:00
Oh dear Effie I know I shouldn't be here as am only a shorty (now 5'1 but honestly I used to be 5'2½" until old age decided to add the loss of height as a difficulty) but after joining in on the Shorty posts I noticed your posting about being left out. :smile:

I could be wrong but as far as clothes are concerned I think you and all the other 'tallies' are suffering the same way as we 'shorties' suffer, in that the clothing industry just doesn't seem to have caught up with the variables in female bodies.

You may not have seen but change in shape (increase in apple over pear shapes) and height over the years has been mentioned on other posts and I know someone posted a weight/height chart from about fifty years ago which I think I remember correctly showed that 5'8" was the highest height listed for a woman at that time.

I am of an age when men around six foot were not that common so think through the increase in the availability of food, its production and content, there really has been a general increase in the average heights and we shorties are "evolutionally" probably on our way out :shock:

Shorty now returns to correct place. :smile:
Re: Feeling left..
02 Jun 2013, 05:20
I am 5 feet, 9 inches. Not model height, but not short. Here are some things I have observed / experienced:

* Living in Asia, people just mentally lodge me in the "giant" category and call me "sir" (despite an hour glass shape and a reasonable sized pair). I used to think it was because I was particularly overweight (BMI of 30). But was depressed to notice when my BMI dropped to a healthy 24, they still called me "sir". I have long curly hair and I don't think I dress particularly masculinely. So it seems I am just too large to be a woman in Asia.

* There seems to be a general resentment about people taking up more "space" than their fair share. What is that about? Perhaps its an evolutionary thing (we need more energy and therefore are to be inherently disdained). My Asian doctor, when my BMI reached around 27 again, told me I had to lose 17 kilos. Now, to get to a healthy BMI - I would have only needed to lose 10 kilos - but that, it seems, was not enough. I asked her if she saw an underweight person, would she recommend that she gain 7 kilos over and above the weight it would take her to get to a healthy weight, or would it be OK for someone just to get to the healthy weight "edge" (seems the lower end is more acceptable than the upper end of the BMI healthy weight range - even though the risk factors are not statistically distinguishable).

* When I was 20 and young and impressionable, I went to a Jenny Craig weight loss centre at the encouragement of women I worked with at my part-time job. I was 78 kgs at the time and so my BMI (had I known of such a thing at the time) was 25. The skinny blond consultant told me I should weigh 60 kgs. Since that time the lowest I have weighed was 70 kgs. I was in my view (and others) at that time skinny. But have been on a weight gain / loss cycle for 20+ years since. I would really like to deal with that skinny blond B!@+& who set my up for a body hating failure now.
Re: Feeling left..
02 Jun 2013, 06:49
Im 5'10 too and have totally given up on the idea of being below a size 14, I dont think it would be a good look!

And im constantly having conversations with friends about my hang upabout the height of men i date.....they keep asking if I met a perfect man but he was shorter than me, would I turn him down because of my height issue.....I always reply and say he wouldnt be perfect if he was shorter than me, they dont seem to understand my issue! Lol :grin:
Re: Feeling left..
02 Jun 2013, 06:55
Well I'm not short or tall, just average, now I feel left out.
Re: Feeling left..
02 Jun 2013, 10:10
kim83 wrote: Im 5'10 too and have totally given up on the idea of being below a size 14

When I left home at 17 (long story), I was skin and bone and you could virtually count every bone in my body (even longer story!), but I was a size 14. Now I just want to get back to being a 16-18 and feeling healthy. Some of my short friends look aghast when I say I want to be a size 16 as they see that as really overweight, which it probably is for them, but I think it's about right for me.

I guess I'll find out for sure when I get there! :lol:
Re: Feeling left..
03 Jun 2013, 20:32
Hi Effie,
am I allowed to join with 182cm? Honestly, if I could choose I would prefer being a bit shorter. With my 20-21BMI I am still big, large..... When I have a bad day, I would like to hide and cannot. When I have a good day I enjoy being tall (especially in crowed areas ;-))
However, I hate going shopping. I have an hourglass figure and long legs. Makes buying clothes a nightmare ;-(

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