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Re: Alcohol - 2:2
01 Jun 2013, 11:02
One of the best things about this 5:2 is that it makes us re-examine other aspects of our diet. I totally agree with you about the increased effect of alcohol as one loses weight.

I was having a good deal less alcohol than you before starting 5:2, but haven't done too well at reducing it since I lost my weight, so that means I have more bad 'mornings after' (and disturbed nights).

Liver damage is not the only consideration. I heard a cancer expert (I am not sure where, but it was probably another BBC radio programme) saying that there was no safe level for alcohol, all alcohol intake increases the cancer risk and high alcohol intake increases it dramatically. :frown: Killjoy...

Anyway I am sure you are right to cut down, and I should probably do so as well. I am probably somewhere in the 14-20 units/week range, most of that on Friday and Saturday nights. (If I sound a bit anti-alcohol at the moment bear in mind it is Saturday morning...)

Info re health and alcohol (red wine in particular) on Wikipedia here, but I think the page may be slanted pro-consumption.
Re: Alcohol - 2:2
01 Jun 2013, 12:13
Hi, banging headache this morning after about 3 glasses of wine, but one was a large - I suppose that's quite a lot for me, but a few years ago I wouldn't have suffered! I cut right back a few years ago and only generally drink 2 days at the weekend (sometimes 3 but that is not usual). I cut down by having a period of complete abstinence to break the habit and resumed in a much more mindful way. I didn't find it that hard to do. Definitely try it. It's the 5:2 principal- moderation, it means you can still indulge in the pleasures of consumption, without it ruining your health/life. Plus with 5:2 you have the added bonus of getting tipsy after one glass!
Re: Alcohol - 2:2
01 Jun 2013, 12:55
dominic wrote: I heard a cancer expert (I am not sure where, but it was probably another BBC radio programme) saying that there was no safe level for alcohol, all alcohol intake increases the cancer risk and high alcohol intake increases it dramatically. :frown: Killjoy...

I'll search around, but if you could find something on the link between alcohol consumption and cancer rates I'm very interested. I've always been taught moderation is best, even better than total abstinence, unless you were an alcoholic...

ETA: Found this -- A Drink a Day Raises Cancer Risk, Study Says
Re: Alcohol - 2:2
01 Jun 2013, 13:13
dominic wrote:
Liver damage is not the only consideration. I heard a cancer expert (I am not sure where, but it was probably another BBC radio programme) saying that there was no safe level for alcohol, all alcohol intake increases the cancer risk and high alcohol intake increases it dramatically. :frown: Killjoy...

Technically in environmental health and risk analysis, we use stochastic models for cancer. Which means, yes, even just one small exposure can result in cancer, and there is no threshold or dose-response effect. So, the expert might be referring to that?
Of course, translating models into practice isn't really a straightforward process...
Re: Alcohol - 2:2
01 Jun 2013, 13:20
Also, there still isn't any clear evidence that red wine is any better for you than other types of alcohol. Ethanol confers health benefits in humans. Polyphenols (found in red wine) confer health benefits in mice, but at extremely high doses (too high for humans to consume).

So if you prefer beer or whiskey, you're in the clear, as long as you stay in the moderation guidelines. :)
Re: Alcohol - 2:2
01 Jun 2013, 14:39
Alcohol in moderation...hmmm....


:lol: hic :lol:
Re: Alcohol - 2:2
01 Jun 2013, 15:23
:drink: CHEERS!!!!!

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Alcohol - 2:2
02 Jun 2013, 19:44
Stuck to 2 large glasses tonight. Thanks for this thread kencc - very thought provoking, like the NEAT one.
Re: Alcohol - 2:2
03 Jun 2013, 04:46
Is there any risk if you are only a weekend drinker ? I only drink wine on the weekend maybe 1 or 2 glasses , they are fairly large wine glasses. Usually only one night , at most 2 nights at the weekend. I never drink during the week only the weekend.
Re: Alcohol - 2:2
03 Jun 2013, 05:24
That sounds really healthy, Ally, especially since you're not overdoing it.

I'm taking a month off alcohol. My trouble is that once I start I tend to go overboard. Even at home, where I don't go too crazy (like at parties), I can easily have half a bottle a night (though these days, not on fast nights). I don't think I'm an alcoholic (I have no trouble stopping for a month); I think that the lowered inhibitions of just a glass of wine means all plans and good intentions are thrown immediately out the window.

I'm also a bit more of a light weight now since losing weight and fasting. One glass is usually plenty to make me tipsy, which is as far as I want to go anyway...
Re: Alcohol - 2:2
03 Jun 2013, 05:49
I was part of the Million Women survey. Looking back, I filled up the quite long questionnaire in a bit of a rush and I'm sure I under estimated my alcohol consumption. Which I think is acknowledged as very common - people don't like to own up to their alcohol consumption on the whole. I wonder whether this was taken into account?
Really useful thread so thanks! Makes me think about how I want everyone of my calories, even on feast days, to be worthwhile. Doesn't mean I don't have to enjoy them though!
Re: Alcohol - 2:2
03 Jun 2013, 23:16
MaryAnn wrote: That sounds really healthy, Ally, especially since you're not overdoing it.

I'm taking a month off alcohol. My trouble is that once I start I tend to go overboard. Even at home, where I don't go too crazy (like at parties), I can easily have half a bottle a night (though these days, not on fast nights). I don't think I'm an alcoholic (I have no trouble stopping for a month); I think that the lowered inhibitions of just a glass of wine means all plans and good intentions are thrown immediately out the window.

I'm also a bit more of a light weight now since losing weight and fasting. One glass is usually plenty to make me tipsy, which is as far as I want to go anyway...

Thanks MaryAnn xx Good luck with taking a month break off alcohol xx
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