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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Drastic Measures
01 Jun 2013, 22:25
So, I started the 5:2 back in early Feb having done some research and finding all the theories quite believable.
I was 10st 9 when I started and in the first week I lost 4lbs! Obviously, this made me very happy so I continued with the 5:2 for three months. I never lost a lb more. I stayed at 10st5 whatever I did, and although my clothes were getting looser, meaning I was losing some fat and toning up, it was still a real disappointment for those pesky scales to never be moving.
It came to a head towards the end of April when I went on holiday for a week and didn't diet at all, then the week I got back I only managed a 6:1 - and I'd gone back up to 10.8! I still believed in the fasting and loved how it made me feel - I was just one of the unlucky ones that wasn't shedding the weight.
This called for DRASTIC MEASURES so I decided that for the whole of May I would do alternate day fasting. I kept it a secret at first, for a number of reasons. Firstly, I wasn't wholly confidant I'd be able to do it, secondly, I didn't want any discouraging comments, and lastly, I didn't want to become a diet bore - which is quite likely when something is so important, and you just can't stop talking about it.
Anyway, I started on the 1st of May with a weigh in and measure and decided to weigh in once a week, but only measure at the end of the month. I actually found the fasting MUCH easier than I thought, and got into a happy rhythm of day on day off.
After the first week I lost 4lbs - yippee
After the second week I lost 1lbs - not quite yippee but still a loss. It was also after week 2 that I came clean and admitted what I was doing as my husband made so many comments about my weight loss. Even though I hadn't lost masses, I had definetly changed shape and toned up.
After week three I lost 0lbs! Nothing! How is that even possible when you eat 6000 calories less! Anyway, I've been exercising more so put it down to muscle etc. quite a low point, but determined to see the month out.
So, at the end of the month, I'm now 10st and have lost 3in off my waist, 2in off my hips, and 1in off my thighs. I'm going to stick with it til I reach my target of 9:6, but not worry about the holidays I've got coming up. I haven't been under 10st since before I had kids, so when I break that barrier I might begin to feel a little bit good about myself. :grin:
Re: Drastic Measures
01 Jun 2013, 22:45
Well done. Not really that drastic - most of the health research is on ADF and if that makes you lose weight, then do it I say. Some people cut their feed day cals, I prefer to do 4:3 and eat what I want on feed days - so whatever suits and whatever works seems to be the motto with this WOE.
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