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Emotional binge eating...
02 Jun 2013, 21:09
I just ate 3/4 of a tub of ice cream in about 5 minutes and now I feel awful :(

I've suffered a lot from exam stress today and missing my mum and boyfriend. My last exam is Thursday and I've literally shut myself away working (unless I'm revising) for days now but really not feeling like I'm getting enough done. I sort of broke down earlier and cried to my house mate and then reached for the ice cream. Once I started I just couldn't stop, I feel like such a cliché!

I've already been overeating the past few days, not by much but I've set my calorie on MFP to 1400 and I went over by 100-200 the past couple of days, which was sort of fine because my TDEE is 1600, but I can't even bring myself to log the calories for that amount of ice cream.

I'm fasting tomorrow, thank god, wondering whether to do a liquid fast or something. I don't want to 'punish' myself but I just don't know what will make up for this, even when I calorie count I'm still losing slowly :(

Sorry for the rant. Hoping that someone will be able to understand. I've been so good recently and now I feel like I've sabotaged all of my hard work.
Re: Emotional binge eating...
02 Jun 2013, 21:20
Hey Beth stop there.
At this moment in time you have more important things to think about. Ie exams etc.

Don't beat yourself up over eating ice cream. OK you might not lose as quick as you hoped but you have plenty of time for that. Put it to one side now and move on. Tomorrow is another day.

NOW concentrate on what really matters right now. I wish you all the best with your exams.
A big hug from me.
Re: Emotional binge eating...
02 Jun 2013, 21:26
Oh boy, I know that feeling. Look, you are under a lot of stress at the moment, so give yourself some slack. Exams and being away from those you love is hard. Have a big hug from all of us here.

You have not sabotaged things. That's the great thing about this diet, you can just hop back on track tomorrow. And don't be too tough on yourself during the exams. You need your brain working at full capacity.

I know you've got a target of your holiday this year for weight loss. Looking at your signature track you are bang on target averaging a pound a week. The pattern looks quite hormonal (not surprisingly given the stress you have), but honestly that first weeks' water loss will now have turned into real fat loss after six weeks.

Good luck with those exams
Re: Emotional binge eating...
02 Jun 2013, 21:36
Don't give one tub of ice cream that much power! It's done, it's a blip, move on! Tomorrow is another day and sounds like you have a lot going on and focusing on the I've cream is just a distraction. Think about what you didn't revise that you needed to and schedule in a catch up revision session. That's the bit that needs undoing, the weight will take care of itself in the long run, you clearly have the tools to do that as you've been successfully losing weight. Be nice to yourself and a big hug from over here :0)
Re: Emotional binge eating...
02 Jun 2013, 21:38
*hugs* awww don't be so hard on yourself. Just have a normal 500 cal fast tomorrow, no need to complicate things especially during exams. I wouldn't worry about the ice cream, you might even get a surprise weight loss. ;)
Re: Emotional binge eating...
02 Jun 2013, 21:59
Beth, as someone who has just finished exams, I would urge you to get out and away from the books for a few minutes during the day. I would go outside and take two brisk 15 minute walks - one midmorning and one midafternoon. It is amazing how being outside in the fresh air and doing a bit of exercise helps clear your mind and allow you to concentrate better.

Don't worry about the ice cream. FWIW, I delayed my 5:2 fast until my exams had finished.
Re: Emotional binge eating...
02 Jun 2013, 22:18

Stop beating yourself up and just take deep breaths and relax. Ice cream, eh? What make? What flavour? and are you enjoying it because you might as well savour it if you are determined to have it.

My mum died a couple of years ago and for a few months afterwards, all I ate was ice cream, it had to be vanilla, with the pod seeds in it or I was not playing. One day I went to the freezer and was horrified to see 24 tubs of vanilla ice cream, with pod seeds, staring back at me. I knew my husband hadn't bought them and intelligent as the cat is I somehow knew she was not the villain either!

What I am trying to say is, the ice cream, with or without pod seeds, is a temporary but much needed crutch for you so, see it for what it is, enjoy it for what it is but mentally be aware that it's days in your life are numbered.

Like others have said, be kind to yourself, you are under great stress but it will ease. Good luck with the exams and keep us posted,

Ballerina x who now lives in a pod seeded ice cream free zone! :heart:
Re: Emotional binge eating...
02 Jun 2013, 22:22
Don't worry about it Beth, really, ice cream isn't that bad as far as binge food goes and you've certainly been burning extra calories recently, who knows, it might actually help your weight loss? I really think there is such a thing as being too good!
Re: Emotional binge eating...
02 Jun 2013, 23:20
Beth give yourself a break! It's only one day of indulgence. You are stressed with exams and being away from loved ones. Relax and look at the bigger picture. Have short breaks between all the the revising and go for a walk in the fresh air. It'll pep you up and give you clarity and you'll focus better on your revision.

Don't worry about the weight loss but look at how well you feel and look. Look at the inches you are losing and how much more energy you have.

Good luck with your exams and don't worry about eating too much when you are stressed out. Tomorrow is a new day. Big bear hug being sent
Re: Emotional binge eating...
02 Jun 2013, 23:49
Been there, done that. Hugs to you.
Re: Emotional binge eating...
03 Jun 2013, 07:24
what everyone else has said...
take a break daily to have a wee bit of me time...
Re: Emotional binge eating...
03 Jun 2013, 08:39
Thank you for all of the wonderful advice and support. This forum is my crutch! I probably shouldn't have posted straight after it happened but I think I needed some accountability, or something? I didn't want to express to my housemates how bad I felt because I'd just sat there in front of them and eaten it all but posting it on here was a way of admitting it so that I can move past it!

It just felt so strange because I haven't done that in such a long time. It was Haagen-Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake, for any ice cream fans, and it is my absolute favourite. I used to eat whole tubs when I was like 14 or 15 just in front of the telly! Back when my metabolism was a lot faster :P Must add it to my list of 'things I cannot stop eating once I start' and replace it with something else. (eg. can't stop once I start eating milk chocolate, but can happily only have one or two dark choc digestives. Mind games!)

It's done, I've admitted it, it's in the past now. Today I will be leaving the house for a walk at lunch and going to two hours of Taekwondo. Apart from that, I'm going to revise my butt off. Thank you very much, again, for all of the support. Onwards and upwards.

P.S. I'm hoping you're right, Nicky_94, about being too good. Maybe the spike in calories will confuse my body and make it work harder? I can dream!
Re: Emotional binge eating...
03 Jun 2013, 17:23
Haagen-Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake, e? Well, I understand it all now!!! :lol:

Glad to hear you are feeling better about things,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Emotional binge eating...
03 Jun 2013, 20:59
Really glad that you are feeling better today Beth. You sound much more positive.

Hope the revision is going well and again, good luck on Thursday.

Another big hug.
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