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Weigh ins for me are daily so tracking it well or you may say, obsessively.

Assuming I haven't decided to go for a run or bushwalk (which I dont do) slug it out at the gym (which I also dont do) or do 100 situps (which I definitely dont do ever) my weight gain/loss has become so consistent with the day of week or the day in relation to my eating pattern or more than I expected. That is my activity levels rarely change from day to day so my energy output is the same

People say that weight gain can be so up and down but not for me other than the difference between whether the day before was a fast or feast day

and after feast days (Tuesday, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays) its always +150grams to + 300grams from previous day

and after Fast days (Monday, and Wednesdays) its always - 400grams

if you do the sums, this can only be maintenance or even maybe weight gain if i dont watch out

e.g +200 (average) x 5 days makes it 1000 grams up over the week
-400 average x 2 days of fasting makes it 800 grams down over the week

net is a gain. :cry:

anyhow.. this is why im reverting to 4:3 as of this week cause then over week i should definitely be down.

+250 * 4 = 1000
-400 * 3 = -1250

which is net loss of 250 :grin:

Hi Juliana,
I weigh daily too and definitely don't have the same losses by the day of the week.I can go down or up 1/2 to 1 kg in a day. :shock:
It depends greatly on what I've eaten on my feed days- something quite salty, lots of cake, lasagne etc can alter the weigh in.
I mostly don't count calories on feed days but if I'm not happy with the weekly loss I'll either count or be more careful for the week- after all I don't really need to add up the cals to know that apple pie and ice cream is high calorie!
I'm happy with my 3 month loss, and have never done 4:3- I would feel too deprived I think and wouldn't keep up with the WOE.
I've started weighing myself daily too after reading other people had been doing it, purely from an experimental/interesting point of view, I wanted to see how much my weight does fluctuate. I track it on a "true weight" app which balances it all out so I don't drive myself crazy.

I haven't really noticed a pattern, some days I'll be 1-2lbs heavier, some days I'll be 1/2lb lighter, and other days I just stay the same.

I seem to be my lightest the morning after a feed day, which I found strange. I'd have thought i'd be lighter after a fast day, must have something to do with water retention.
It's a Tuesday morning here and as predicted, 200g gain in past 24 hours as yesterday was feast day. So consistent I am, its uncanny.
It's Wednesday so got through another fast day. Exactly as predicted, 400g down from what it was same time yesterday. That's too weird. Its always 400g loss showing on Wednesdays and Mondays. (3 weeks now)

Bring on Saturday (day after next fast) and it will read a lower scale mark than a long time. (moving to 4:3 to get the net loss more than net gains over a week, seeing im so predictable)
I track daily as well and use an app to balance out the weight loss. Not sure I have a set amount I gain or lose as I read somewhere that food and water in your system can account + - 4 lbs, but I do see a trend in my entries, but I always weigh the least after a fast day so that is what I base my weekly numbers off of. I can see where it could drive someone batty but knowing the trends really help me to not stress out about the numbers too much.
Up until a week or so ago, I would have to agree, I saw a pattern develop in my daily weigh ins. Post fast day, I see drops around 800g to 1 kg. Post feast days, I see gains of 300 - 500 g. This was quite consistent, to the extent I moved from 5:2 to 4:3 to get a consistent weight loss of 1kg approximately a week. But almost no change in waist measurement. Mostly subcutaneous fat around extremities and upper torso measurement loss.

Then a week to week and a half ago, the weight loss stalled, with me losing and gaining 200g each day. Net result a plateau week with no gain or loss but a drop in waist measurement. Since then, there has been a less definitive pattern to follow. Or it could be that I am still settling into a new routine
Guitar1969 wrote: I track daily as well and use an app to balance out the weight loss. Not sure I have a set amount I gain or lose as I read somewhere that food and water in your system can account + - 4 lbs, but I do see a trend in my entries, but I always weigh the least after a fast day so that is what I base my weekly numbers off of. I can see where it could drive someone batty but knowing the trends really help me to not stress out about the numbers too much.

Im a bit of a systems analyst and numbers person in my day job.. so love the tracking of numbers. i guess each to their own.. but on top of daily you need to see the weekly change.. hence my quick swap to 4:3 or id be in just maintenance mode which just aint right.

i must measure myself too one day. lost the measure tape! but profile view of between belly button and knees is very very encouraging. no longer look 4 months pregnant (when i cant be haha)
I weigh on a friday morning after my fast, and usually lose a pound. I don't weigh over the weekend until the morning of my first fast day, then I weigh to see what the challenge is for the week! Usually I have put on 2-3lb. The first fsat day shifts most of that, and then the second fast shifts the rest, plus one more lb.
Are you in the healthy bmi range J-R and how much weight are you planing to lose. The progress tracker is very good about working out your TDEE and daily calories to lose weight.
I weigh daily don't calorie count have two liquid only diet days a week. I find my weight varies by about 3lbs during the week; on average I lose 1.7lb per week so for me it looks like I eat over my TDEE on my non fast days
Mine is pretty consistent - 1kg down after a fast, gain a few hundred each day on feed days. I'm sure if I did 4:3, I could get to my target much more quickly. Even if the pattern stopped after a few weeks, I would have made it to my target, so could do a new pattern for maintenance. But 4:3 wouldn't fit in my schedule at the moment.
I'm a daily weigher, probably from my Weight Watchers days (although they told us not to do it then, too). I like seeing how my weight fluctuates, to give me an idea of my weight range rather than one figure each week that could so easily have been affected by lots of things (not going to the loo, having had a big drink of water etc). I'm no maths/numbers fiend, so for me I try to think of my weight as being within a certain range or bracket. At the mo it's between about 9st 4lb on the morning after a fast day and 9st 7-8lb on the morning after a few feed days in a row. Knowing these facts means I won't get disheartened if the scales are at any point in between those numbers, but if I see it climb out of that bracket I can do something about it. Hopefully the bracket will get lower until the bottom of it hits about 8st 9lb (at 5 foot 5, thats a BMI of around 20) and the upper is under 9st. Then its just a question of keeping it there, which has always been my problem!
Actually had a day after my fast last week where i didnt lose and didnt gain, as opposed to my normal -400 im thinking i went over by at least 300calories on my fast day so that would explain it. Yesterday it was the usual -400 after a fast.

Anyway im glad im no on 4:3 as i need to get those scales to move to the 73 point something kilos. My old old manual scales say 72 but they must be out by 2kg.

What happens to those old scales that makes them stop recording weight properly? Any scientists in the house?
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