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Hard to figure out fast day
05 Jun 2013, 04:20
Hello. I had my entire week planned out which I need to do to get work outs and fasting and all that jazz in. I end up having to have a lunch meeting where I need to eat on my fast day and can't figure out when else to do it! I know this sounds nuts and your like come on just do another day but I can't do tomorrow since I did today. Thursday is the meeting I need to eat at. Saturday I work from 5 am till 9 pm and when I work early shift I am starving there is no way I'll make it! And Sunday I'm in a running group and then zoo and the zoo sounds awful if you are hungry. Plus I'm making a big meal Sunday for everyone. So that leaves Friday and that day we are having an entire staff meeting where I am going to go pick up all the yummy food then have to watch everyone eat it. Then have to have a hard day at work.
I guess I'm just complaining but I'm also proud of myself for going to do it. I'm spending time on this food for everyone and all eat together and am not going to have one bite. Even if I did eat it its way over 500 cals and I need to eat at night on my fast days. Any advice to herb through it? I know I can and I know I'm doing it for myself so that's good. Anyone else have problems finding a day? I can't believe some people do every other'! I thought about doing more fasts but I should stick with and do two at first to start I think.
Re: Hard to figure out fast day
05 Jun 2013, 04:25
I know I'm replying to myself but I had an idea! To order my food when I order and get everyone else's ( the idea of going through the trouble and not eating any is bothering me) then just saving it and eating it Saturday on my long day at work! It will still suck to not eat when I see everyone else but I can munch on carrots if it really bothers me. It came it me reading people's posts about you can eat it tomorrow! Hasn't till now applied to me yet!
Re: Hard to figure out fast day
05 Jun 2013, 04:44
I would give this week a miss. Just being careful would be enough. I have some long days like you and they are torture. I end up eating vast quantities of chocolate at the end and blow all the pain of the long day and hunger pains. I now just give in and try again next week. Good luck.
Re: Hard to figure out fast day
05 Jun 2013, 06:14
You need more days in the week!

Missing a Fast day isn't going to be the end of the world, doing 2 consecutive days is also an option if you can't space them out (I've done that once and it wasn't too dreadful)
As Convert said, just do one fast this week then back to normal next week maybe even a 4:3 - you could even think of it as 10:4 two week cycle.

....and Breathe!
Re: Hard to figure out fast day
05 Jun 2013, 06:50
I agree with convert52 give the week a miss
Use the time to plan. It looks like you have recently started. This diet is more about a lifestyle change; So I would look at your diary; think about about what you cannot lose in your life and have a good read of the posts about the different diets and how people cope with life and dieting.
Also think about how much weight you want to lose; the progress tracker is very good for that.
When you have a plan you think will work I would give it a go for a set time, say a month then review it.
Re: Hard to figure out fast day
05 Jun 2013, 07:41
Another option would be to do 2 partial fasts, so skip breakfast on Thursday, have your lunch & tea, then on Sunday could you manage on just the meal you are making for everyone?
However if it's stressing you out just give yourself a break this week, there is always next week!
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