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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I like fasting (except at approx 3pm on fast days when I dream of cake) it gives my mind and body a break from food. Today I had a mini breakthrough in attitude and I'm smiling internally. I met with friends for lunch today, both are big eaters and I normally try my best to keep up / match them. But today, my inner food voice said, honey you don't need to feast just order something tasty and enjoy it. And I did, no starters, yummy main and no dessert laden in cream. My friends didn't notice my lack of food, but I did, in a good way and so did my stomach. But it's tonight that I GOT it. I don't need any dinner, in fact I have no want/hunger for food tonight, because I have eaten enough through the day. I listened (first time in a very long time) to my stomach and I'm feeling pleased with myself and that's why I'm sharing this "yay me" moment because hopefully someone out there will know why I'm feeling so smug with myself.
What a great day for your, it's good isn't and no one noticed except you. Way to go, it's like building a new muscle each hurdle conquered adding to your habit and resolve. Well done you
That's so good - I'm so happy for you. Sometimes I sort of get it like that too. My dream is to feel like that all the time. Well done you!
Good for you. You said it, this is truly a breakthrough for you. Listening to your body and not all the eating cues that surround us so much of the time is a skill. And I think thin people have it. :like:
Thank you fello fasters. I knew someone somewhere would understand my small step.
Amazing Minsmum! What caught me most about your post was how kind you are being to yourself.Isn't it about time we treated ourselves as nicely as we would treat a friend instead of beating ourselves up? Well done.
Yey! That is a breakthrough! Well done! It's tricky not to indulge in the pudding even when you don't need it if other people have succumbed! I completely understand your victory! :0)
Yay you!
Totally with you Minsmum, it's taken 8 weeks but finally I seem to have turned the corner from eating everything in sight on a feed day to actually thinking about whether I'm hungry or not lol.
I guess I'm not quite there yet - I'd still have gone for the pudding ;-)

But a very big well done to you minsmum.
Well done you! It's a great feeling :)
Though to be honest, it comes and goes a bit for me - I go through periods of week upon week listening to my body, then I'll have a blowout for some reason (you know, like a special occasion or meal that someone else is paying for etc ;)) - knowing full well I don't need to and it'll upset my tummy... which then reminds me to listen to my body again!
Fantastic Minsmum it's a real light bulb moment you have had, keep being kind to yourself and listen to your body. Also trying to erase all those habits that we have learnt along the way or have been taught by our parents can be challenging but embrace your new found wisdom cause more will follow.
What a great achievement! I still have moments where I eat too much and feel stuffed but they are happening less often now. I am inspired by your story, thank you for sharing.
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