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First weigh in tomorrow!
09 Jun 2013, 19:37
I've been on the 5:2 a week tomorrow.
The thing is I was only really on it for 2 days. Monday and Wednesday.
I was "good" Tuesday and Thursday- think my tummy felt shrunken and so diet mind continued.

Today not so much. And yesterday as it happens. But yesterday was sort of by accident that I ate shed loads (around 2500 calories [my TDEE is 1527]) a blip if you will, which I could happily sweep under the carpet.

Today though I have proper binged and stocked up on food.
Knowing that tomorrow I'm not allowed to eat. I mean obviously I am, but you know. This is making me STUFF myself today. I've had a chocolate bar, a bag of sweets, a bag of nuts as well as dinner and a fry up ya di ya di ya. A lot of it was mindless chomping. I always mindlessly chomp but Tuesday and Thurs I was really aware of tastes and textures and really enjoyed my food. Not today. Chomp chomp chomp.

I'm nervous about the weigh in. But also about how I am going to fare on tomorrows fast.
I've taken a weeks annual leave and am spending some time with my mum. (She's on SW so will be eating a LOT but v.healthy- lots of fruit and stuff). We're going shopping and cinema and the dreaded lunch. Cinema will be fine as she's not allowed popcorn. If anything it means I'll have 2 hours of distraction from food. This is definitely a good thing.
Other than that though I'm just not sure what to do about eating. Mon and Weds I did do a lose breakfast,lunch dinner. I don't know whether to try and eat all my cals in one go tomorrow but I really Really REALLY don't think that will work for me. I will suffer all day as a result. I think. I think I know me.

Anyway...thoughts advice...comments..anything really.
Re: First weigh in tomorrow!
09 Jun 2013, 19:47
Three thoughts:'s OK if you ate more for a couple of days. It is just the beginning, you are adjusting and you managed two fasts so you should be proud of yourself!
2. don't worry if you can't have all your calories in one go, many 5:2ers eat two, three even four small meals on a fast day.
3. If you like the discipline of a fast day but can't control the rest of the days, you might want to try 4:3. It's quite easier to handle for some of us.
Re: First weigh in tomorrow!
09 Jun 2013, 19:59
Why don't you postpone your fasts until Tuesday and Thursday or Friday? That way you will have your Mum to keep your eating fairly sensible tomorrow - I know that you wouldn't sabotage her SW effort by tempting her to pudding, cake and popcorn - and you will still be able to fit your two fasts in.

If you think that you won't manage to save all your calories for dinner on your fast days, then why try? You don't want to make this WOE more difficult than it needs to be and there is no reason why you shouldn't have three very small, low cal meals if that's what you prefer.

Good luck with your weigh-in tomorrow. You may be pleasantly surprised but if not, then at least you know why and can try to adjust your binging accordingly! Whatever the result - don't give up. This WOE does work and it's up to you to make it work for you!
Re: First weigh in tomorrow!
09 Jun 2013, 20:04
Also - consider not weighing yourself for a couple / few weeks, if it is freaking you out that much. It will allow you to relax into 5:2 - and this is what most people have found - their attitudes to food change and they get a lot more relaxed about it. It's very early days for you yet, and as TML says, you are just getting used to the changes. You don't know yet whether or not you can eat all your calories in one meal ... Most people felt the same when starting out, but many have discovered they actually CAN do this. But on the other hand, it doesn't matter if you find you prefer to eat in small meals on fast days. It's about finding the right way for YOU, rather than being dominated by rigid rules (ie weighing yourself every week, not eating certain things, eating loads of a certain type of food, feeling pushed into doing things a certain way because others are doing it)

Sorry to have gone on at length, but do give yourself some time; if you haven't already, look around the forums and see others' posts - it will give you a lot of food for thought! And if you don't feel you can face weighing yourself tomorrow - don't. If it's difficult with your Mum, just eat what she's eating - it sounds healthy enough, and you can get back on track later in the week.
Good luck, and come back and tell us how things have been - you will find everyone is interested, and will give you a lot of support.
Re: First weigh in tomorrow!
10 Jun 2013, 08:15
Do you know what guys. You lot are lovely!
Thank you so much for such detailed comments and advice.

As it happens I lost 2.2 lbs which is a bonus! I'm also going to take my waist measurements today as I have read that many people find it better to measure than weigh.
I may consider not weighing for a while Silverdarling, but I'm so used to weighing. When I did the Dukan last year I found myself weighing a couple of times every day!!! I suppose it would be quite useful for me to not get so hung up on it all though.
I'm also well aware that this first kilo will have been water weight but going to try my best with the fast today.

Thank you for your advice Stowgateresidence. If its too difficult today then I may try and put it off until tomorrow but I've woken up prepared for the challenge. Last night I was scared but today I feel empowered and want to see if I can do it.
I'm so glad that you and TML said that its ok to have a couple of small meals if I want. So many seem to save for one or two meals but I'm just not used to that. I usually eat little and often and this goes against everything. I'm sure in time I will get there though! :-)

Thanks again everyone and happy Monday!
Re: First weigh in tomorrow!
10 Jun 2013, 17:56
Great to hear this lastresort - keep posting as we will all want to know how things are going ... And if things get tough, remember the 'forum effect' - ie support and encouragement which will make this journey a pleasure and a laugh rather than an ordeal and a hard road :clover: :like:
Re: First weigh in tomorrow!
10 Jun 2013, 18:17
Fantastic news, well done!!!
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