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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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10 Jun 2013, 12:03
Well my first secret is doing 5:2 I'm a closet dieter this time only my sister knows exactly what I'm doing, told oh I'm calorie counting ( which is true 3days per week! I find my self posting stuff on here that I can't say out loud because I'm ashamed of my weight.
So Now my latest secret on my walks 3of which I do alone I've kind of fitted in a sort of jog me jogging at my size!! Not a pretty site at all only do few yards but upping it bit further each time and its getting easier do it on level track/lane where no one can see me, feel great for it like today fasting + walk + mini jog :lol:
Have any of you got secrets?. Sue :heart:
10 Jun 2013, 12:13
That's fantastic about exercise!! And try not to worry about anyone seeing you! At your BMI, what they're going to think is "Good for her!" any anyone who thinks anything meaner than that isn't worth worrying about.

I'm sort of a secret dieter, in that I can't post about it on Facebook or tell my mom about this diet - she had anorexia in the past and I don't want to give her any funny ideas.
10 Jun 2013, 12:19
Hi Tracie I agree about the mean people out there and I'm proud of myself really, but your mum well yes can understand you not saying.
With my hubby he's very supportive but I know the F word would Greek him out so I'll confess when I know he can understand completely. Sue
10 Jun 2013, 12:26
Good on you Sue, I know trying to exercise when starting off can be a daunting task. My BMI was 39 when I started off a year or so ago (34 when I began 5:2)

when asked how I am losing weight, I reply that I am reducing calorie intake twice a week with a diet called 5:2 and cycling. I don't mention the word "fast"

when I told my Parents they said "we know that one as our friends are doing it too" ... So far I have had no negative comments from anyone. My Wife and family are especially supportive and often join me for the evening 300kcal meal.

Good luck !
10 Jun 2013, 12:29
Sue.Q what a brilliant secret to share with us! Good for you to take control of your food and your exercise so well! :star: You certainly put me to shame! I manage the fasting and the weight loss but even going for a walk seems too much like hard work to me, so well done!

Isn't it great to have a forum where we can share our thoughts (and secrets!) with others who are sympathetic and supportive? I love this 5:2 WOE and this forum. :heart:
10 Jun 2013, 12:32
Great Sue.Q on the jogging - it does feel great to be able to do a little bit more each time and it really doesn't take long to build it up. I used to be self-conscious going for a run but then realised that unless people saw me actually leave the house they had no idea how far I'd been (could have been running for an hour for all they knew!) and also like Tracieknits says, if I'm running and they are not, then they're probably more likely to think 'good on her, perhaps I should do that' than think anything mean.

Apart from my husband and a couple of close friends, I'm not telling many people about this. If they ask I'll tell them but until I know I'm sticking to it long term it's my thing.

Sort of a secret, but there's a full length mirror in our spare room that I see when I go to the bathroom. Since I've been doing 5:2 I can't tell you how often I go past, clock myself and do a cheesy pose! So vain...
10 Jun 2013, 12:44
I kept quiet about fasting until I could see it was working and I had lost a substantial amount of weight, now it's hard to keep me quiet about it! I am very impressed with your exercise secret, I have only just started to have thoughts of exercise and I've still not actually done anything about it! I am very impressed and inspired by your post. Well done
10 Jun 2013, 13:42
I was on WW a few years ago, lost 5st and now have gained with a little interest :frown: . Nobody, including my husband, knows my current weight. As for secrets well besides my weight, there is the fact I'm on this diet, all of my family knew that around 6/7 weeks ago I had begun eating 3 meals a day (healthy ones!) and exercising and had lost a little weight. However on Sunday when asked how I had lost 3 lbs this week again I didn't mention 5:2 and don't intend to.
Another little secret is that I haven't seen my mother - in - law for quite a while now and it's not just because I don't like her :bugeyes: but mostly because I'm so ashamed of how much weight I have gained... :oops:
10 Jun 2013, 19:00
Terrific thread, SueQ! I know everyone is different, but I am one of those people who, when I talk about what I will do or am trying to do, seems to lose some of the impetus to keep going. It's like talking about it takes the place of doing it. So, my husband (who trusts the fact that I am knowledgeable about food, weight, and health) and my daughter are the only ones I've really talked to about it. If someone asks, I just give them the name and leave it at that.

I will say that the mirror in my room gets a workout! I feel kind of silly, but for so many years catching sight of myself in a mirror was a painful thing. :wink:
10 Jun 2013, 19:21
Hello. Your secret is safe with us :) if you fancy taking the jogging a little bit further there is a fantastic program that I did called couch to 5k (C25K). It is a 9 week program involving 3 runs a week building up to 30mins continuous running or maybe even 5k if you're fast enough. It is a NHS downloadable podcast and you don't need a fancy phone, just an mp3 player or micro as card for the mobile phone. You walk for 5mins then run and walk in intervals with "Laura" in your ear giving instructions and motivation when you need it. 2 years ago I started this and ran my first half marathon in March :) there's also a very friendly forum offering support and advice. I'll post a link for it once I can get to the computer as on my kindle typing this. Shelley
10 Jun 2013, 19:33
Here is the link for C25K: ... -plan.aspx

I did it too and now several people from work are. There are also C25K people on this forum and 5:2ers on the C25K forum. Good luck and well done to you Sue.Q, its a good secret to have! :)
10 Jun 2013, 19:38
Thank-you everyone for sharing your secrets with all of us.
Well done shelley and thanks about the link just Googled it and bookmarked ready to sort it out brilliant think I just MAY!!!
Good luck all :heart: Sue
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