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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Disaster Looms - or does it?
10 Jun 2013, 13:05
Hi Folks,

Been doing the WOE since end of Jan and had really good results - over three stone gone :grin:

However, I am about to face my biggest challenge so far. I have two fasts to go - Tues and Thurs, and then on Friday I am off on my jollies. It's one of those holidays (a cruise) where food and drink is on tap 24/7.

I don't plan on fasting during the holiday, but I am going to apply as much common sense as I can to my food (and drink) choices.

To be honest I am resigned to putting on some weight - I can't see how it can be avoided, I just want to keep it down to the minimum, and I don't want to let the idea of it spoil my holiday :cool:

I might even be tempted to use the gym on the ship :shock: just to work off that baked Alaska.

Has anyone got any advice, all ideas gratefully received. Alternatively we could start a sweepstake to see who can guess closest to what I put on :lol:

Hi Kev! I won't join the sweep stake. Enjoy your hols and start again when you get back!
Oh my.........I love cruising! :heart: Sounds like you have a good plan in place. I would also recommend NOT using the elevators. Do the will help with the calorie burn from all the yummy food. Have a wonderful time and enjoy every minute!
Enjoy your holiday! You might want to consider just having one over the top meal a day and eat lighter on the other meals ... or not. ;) Taking stairs sounds a good idea as Lori suggested.
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