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Weigh Days
11 Jun 2013, 07:32

I am just a bit confused about the best and most truthful way to record weight.

I have set my weigh day down as Monday morning. I usually fast Mondays and Thursdays as a general rule.

Yesterday, despite being 82.6 after my last fast day on Thursday. I had crept back to 84. I have been eating loads of salads and if I was let down at all, it would have been by a couple of drinks over the weekend.

This morning after fasting again I am 82.6 again.

So my question has to do with true weight loss. Is it only true if it is sustained to the following weigh day?

How do others do it?

I have on the other hand lost 7cm since the 3rd of June so I know my body is changing.
Re: Weigh Days
11 Jun 2013, 07:38
I also fast Monday and Thursday and officially weigh on Monday although I record my weight every day on fatwatch on my iPad. My weight fluctuates a lot during the week but the gradual trend has been down. Monday is normally the heaviest after a weekend of more indulgence. Please don't panic when your weight goes back up - it seems to be quite normal for most people. If you are losing inches then you are heading the right direction.
Re: Weigh Days
11 Jun 2013, 07:48
I usually fast on Mondays & Thursdays and record my weight as it is on Saturday or Sunday. But I usually also weigh the morning after my second fast of the week. I'm nearly always 1lb/0.5kilo lighter on the day after the fast than I am at the weekend.
I understand that some of the fluctuation is down to food /water in the digestive system.
As Jed says, the general trend is downward - one or two bumps in the line for me, but I've lost a fair amount of weight and almost 2 clothes sizes since the end of January 2013.
So what I'm saying, in a roundabout way, is: don't lose heart, keep going and things should work out ok
Re: Weigh Days
11 Jun 2013, 08:14
Thanks guys, I hope I just gave you both a big thumbs up, but unsure now as the little thumb is pointing downwards.

Anyway, I shall take it all on board and chill.

Re: Weigh Days
11 Jun 2013, 17:27
Hi - there's a lot of chat about when and how often to weigh and as with so many other things we're all doing it differently and in a way that makes the whole thing work for us. I weigh daily (sometimes even morning and night :shock: ) - just keeps me on track of what's going on. However, I only record my weight once a week on here. On a daily basis I can see how my weight goes up and down a bit like a roller coaster - however in the long term I can see that the trend is downwards (I use one of the many apps available for phones). I find the fluctuations fascinating and it does give me reassurance that the trend IS downwards, albeit slowly. Most importantly you say that you've lost 7cm so that's great. I'd suggest you either weigh daily and after a couple of weeks you too will see the actual trend line that your weight is doing - alternatively don't weigh at all for, say a month, then hopefully you'll have lost a few llbs. Find what's right for you, but don't give up too soon. Good luck, hope you sort it out for yourself :clover:
Re: Weigh Days
11 Jun 2013, 17:30
I use the Libra app for android to record my weight everyday, it's interesting to see the trend go down and for a brief time it was trending up :shock:. It really helped me focus on what I had been doing when I was losing and what had changed to gain. I really believe weighing everyday can be a great tool to guide you as long as you don't panic with flucutations. I continually gain during the day, as much as 4 lbs, but it's usually all gone in the morning. :)
Re: Weigh Days
11 Jun 2013, 17:42
I think that in the depth of time (wow, that sounds profound, LOL) it won't matter what day you weigh yourself on.
I jump on the scales daily but I enter Wednesday's weight on the tracker. I chose Wednesday because it was my first official weigh in day after a week of 5:2, so it was pretty much a random choice.
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