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Emotions on this diet
12 Jun 2013, 08:30
Hi there

I'm on my 4th week of 5:2 just now.

The first week I noticed I was a bit grumpy in the evenings without food. But weeks 2/3 I felt much calmer and happier on my fast days, I seemed to be in control and smiley :grin:

But yesterday at the end of my fast day when i'd had my dinner, I all of a sudden got really tired, cranky and sad, ended up crying and going to my bed (at 7pm and slept for 13 hours!) it just came on so suddenly and this morning I still don't feel right. Just snapped at my friend :starving:

Is this the diet? lack of food? Has any one else experienced this?

I also had a massage yesterday (deep tissue) and I know sometimes that can release pent up emotions, but I just wondered if anyone had any experience of this?

Re: Emotions on this diet
12 Jun 2013, 08:40
Hi Suzanne
Must add it I do get a bit snappy come about 6pm on a fast day ( pre dinner) though I think my 10yr old would say that happens most evenings! And yes I sleep for England on fast days.
Blame the massage on the tears, apologise to your friend....... And breathe. :)
Re: Emotions on this diet
12 Jun 2013, 08:46
Yeah i'm usually alright, also yesterday was the first day I didnt eat anything until dinner, maybe i need to do small lunch and then dinner... trial and error....

i'll blame the massage, just wondered if anyone else had had the same experience?! Was going to do another fast day today, but it doesnt seem to give any added results and I'm still not feeling right, so i'm eating today :) mmm food!
Re: Emotions on this diet
12 Jun 2013, 08:52
Your right it is trial and error as to when you need to eat on fast days, that's the beauty of this woe find what suits then stick with it. I think at times we beat ourselves up too much about emotions, say it as it is, enjoy a good bulb, then apologise for being a mad old bag! :)
Enjoy your food.
Re: Emotions on this diet
12 Jun 2013, 08:55
That should say blub, not bulb!
Damn you autocorrect
Re: Emotions on this diet
12 Jun 2013, 09:00
Haha... will do! he know's i'm a bit crazy anyway!

I think maybe a combination of not eating enough and a few crappy things happening all at once! Stupid life... how dare it get in the way of losing weight! hahaa :)
Re: Emotions on this diet
12 Jun 2013, 09:05
I find some days hard, some easy. Been doing this since January. As for tears and lots of sleep, I'd go with blaming the massage too.

Today's hard by the way, feeling dizzy and a little headachy already.
Re: Emotions on this diet
12 Jun 2013, 09:10
I'd have a couple of well-salted pistachios if I was feeling dizzy. Maybe your salt balance is a bit squewy.

I'm well adjusted now but do think each day what would be best, so today I had breakfast as I've got a very long crossfit session at lunchtime and didn't eat enough yesterday on a feed day.

I think what I'm saying is that it's all a bit of a journey and even once a pattern is there, sometimes wee adjustments are required.

The massage would have released all sorts of things into your bloodstream, so it might have upset your blood chemistry a wee bit. Things seem to be more noticeable in the absence of so much food and digestion.
Re: Emotions on this diet
12 Jun 2013, 10:29
Hi rebelsue - when I first started this WOL I'd snap anyones head off until I'd eaten at the end of a fast day.... now it's all calmed down and I can easily get through to nosh time. Looks like the massage is getting the blame for the tearfulness then. Talk about giving with one hand and taking away with another :neutral: Hope you perk up again soon :clover:
Re: Emotions on this diet
12 Jun 2013, 11:28
This is quite interesting. I've realised I haven't cried since I started fasting, and I'm a bit of a blubber, so I'm wondering if this WOL is having a calming effect on my emotions. It certainly is making me feel more in control of my life generally.
Re: Emotions on this diet
12 Jun 2013, 12:22
Could it be irrelevant with fasting? Perhaps you were tired or expecting your period?
Re: Emotions on this diet
12 Jun 2013, 12:31
Thanks for the replies

Yeah i've found myself genearlly a lot calmer on fast days :) and less tearful. I guess the massage could be to blame, I still don't feel right today atall... headache and dizzy too... i've just had lunch so we'll see if that helps :)

It could be that the fasting is irrelevent which is why I wondered if it was just me :) dont usually get any mood swings or any symptoms with time of the month due to the pill so it's not that.

Massages are good, but the deep tissue is quite painful, my backs really sore today, but it does release all the muscles and all the tension, i havent had one for a while so it could be that there was a lot of toxins or something stored in my muscles.... ?

Hope i'll feel better tomorrow!
Re: Emotions
01 Jul 2013, 23:54
Yes, I have a bit of a roller coaster ride on fast days, both giddy and grumpy, but it helps to know what's likely to come and when (sort of like when a baby gets cranky at night). Have you tried light exercise the morning of a fast? That has helped me get through the day believe it or not(and I'm not yet starving because it's early in the day).

Massages have interesting effects on me too (not sure why exactly), though I haven't done one since I started this WOE (I don't call it a diet :cool: )

Hope you feel better tomorrow. I always feel GREAT the day after a fast. :clover:
Re: Emotions on this diet
02 Jul 2013, 00:39
Mostly, I would say I've felt ebullient on this diet. While I can get out-of-my-head hungry on fast days, it hasn't generally made me irritable (until yesterday. I had to hide in my office so I didn't yell at people). Having said that, I have experienced the occasional mood swing--where suddenly I am inexplicably sad. The up time is far more than the down, though, so I try not to let it get to me. I live alone and have a private office, so it's easy to hide away when I'm irritable or down.
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