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Anyone else got lots to lose?
13 Jun 2013, 11:18
I have about 6 stone to lose before being considered at the healthy end of BMI. I keep readong posts of people with a stone/2stone to lose and I know that feels like a lot but some people's start weight would be my dream. :neutral:
Is there anyone with a lot to lose?
hi Nelsonsmum, I too have a lot to lose so please don't feel alone. I am aiming to lose 5 stone at least.

I've been doing this for just under 5 weeks (and not counting calories much at all on the feast days) and have lost 7lbs. It seems to work for me in terms of making me appreciate when i am truly hungry and forcing me to recognise that i won't die if i miss a meal.

How are you getting on?
I just joined yesterday so it's very early for me but I also have loads to loose. Approx. 1/2 my body weight. I don't work in stones so I am not sure how many that would be. I guess about 8+
I also have lots to lose, more than you :wink: I haven't quite plucked up the courage to publish my stats yet but I will! I have faith in this WOE because I don't feel deprived of anything. I know it will be slow going but it took me a long time to get this big so it will take time to come off. I realised today that this is probably the longest I've ever stuck to any 'diet'! Eight weeks in and 1.5 stone lighter already :-D
I did have about 5/5.5 stone to shed - I'm now 4stone lighter (but not all of it on 5:2, as I started simple calorie control dieting before I discovered 5:2). I've now got 1/1.5 stone left to go. This is the easiest way I've ever found to get rid of the llbs. I've done SW and WW in the past but it's always gone back on. I've been doing this WOL since November and can truly say that it's turned my life around and I'll be on it for life - and happily so. I'm sure there's others on here too with quite a bit of weight to get rid of - hopefully they'll be along shortly - you're certainly not alone! Glad you found this forum - hope it all goes well for you. Goodluck :clover: to you all. There's masses of support/information/advice here - don't be afraid to ask whatever you need to - someone will always pop up with an answer/advice/opinon :grin:
Have completed my second fast and it hasn't been that bad. I have lost 21lb since November doing WW but wanted something that was less intrusive and more flexible. We eat out a lot and I often felt cheated by having to order what was within my allowance instead of what I wanted. Hopefully I can have the best of both worlds with this WOE.
Hi Nelsonsmum and others
In January I had nearly seven stone to lose and started 5:2 then. I now have a couple of pounds over five to go. My clothes fit well and some of them falling off me :confused:
but most importantly I feel so well. I haven't had any blood stats done or anything but due to in July, so hopefully they will also be good.
I couldn't have continued with this without this forum. I often read posts but don't always join in but they have kept me going, made me laugh, sigh, educated me (particularly the nerdy bits) and I can see myself continuing until ONE DAY I am in the healthy BMI range. :smile:
Hi Nelsonsmum, I have a fair bit to lose as well. About 4 stone! I've been doing this for 2 weeks and have lost 4lbs so far, so not a bad start. Good luck :)
Hi Nelsonsmum,
I started off with 5 and a half stone to lose in April. I cut down on fat / calorie counted for the first month and a half, but found it very effective when I switched to this way of eating a few weeks ago. I've lost 21 pounds, 7 of which have come off since starting the 5-2 fasting diet.
I'm desperate to get into some clothes I actually like rather than things that cover me up by the time I go on holiday in late July! (Yes, vanity over health...) :victory:
Hi nelsonsmum And Welcome Yes I have a shed full of weight to lose should be 9st but my first Big goal is 7st them maybe move the goalposts!!!
I've put my stats in so you can all take a look, all our fellow faster are in same boat but with various amounts to lose no one is judgmental and can't see you so be brave and fill it in.
I'm off to a good start think its 8 weeks with holiday in middle and my health is so much better for it, taken walking up again so that is boosting my loss, I've set mini goals along the way & have decided to treat myself when i reach goal 1stone = completely new hair style much shorter then I'm use to but love it. You'll all have to wait a while for episode 2.
Good luck with your journey :clover: Sue
I needed to lose 7 stone and have lost 5 in eighteen months (5:2 for a bit in the autumn and then every week since Christmas). I think I would have felt depressed at the start if I'd known how long it would take but now I'm glad it's been slow and steady because it feels so maintainable. Home stretch now and got my first size 12 top yesterday (need a happy dance smiley).
I think one stone is 14 pounds.
welcome to the forums, eb757 :-)

And yes, you're correct
I'm another 5:2 er with lots to lose - over half my body weight to get me to the top end of a healthy BMI. I'm trying not to think about how long it will take. I'm just glad I found this WOE, this forum and some hope. My first target is my 50th birthday in October when I know I will be lighter than I have in years. One pound at a time!
hi, i have about 6 stone to lose too, or i did have when i started, now i have about 5 stones and 2lbs to lose :) i'm doing 4:3 at the moment.
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