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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Forgive me if this is already covered in a different section of the forum but I didn't see it...

I'm looking for ideas on how you prep for your fast day. After doing this WOE since 4/16, I have figured out a couple "Do's" and "Don't Do's" that seem to work for me. For example, I do better the next (fast) day if I really watch the alcohol and get plenty of sleep/hydration before a fast, and if I don't deprive myself the day before a fast. I also try to get super organized with the zero calorie beverages, so that everything is ready to go w/me to work, but I was curious if others have any recommendations?

Thanks in advance! :grin:
All I do is plan what I will eat and try to avoid going out to places where there's food involved.
If I crave something on a non-fast day and I'm fasting tomorrow, I eat it.
I do better if I had a good day before a fast day or if I have plans for the next day because I feel goooooood but that can't always happen.
Basically... take it easy, don't over-think it, it's easier than it sounds and it causes weight loss! :-)
I tend to use myfitnesspal to plan everything I'm going to eat on a fast day the day before, and prep most of it in advance, partly so I have to spend as little time in the kitchen as possible on fasting days.
Hi Sifrina,
I use similar ways to prepare as you and TML13 do. For me, planning is key, I have to know that I have the right food and liquids available and generally avoid going food shopping on fast days.
I make plans to ensure I'm going to be busy on fast days, too. I avoid too much carb food the night before a fast as I feel I wake up hungry. I think it all becomes quite automatic after a while. :smile:
Debjas wrote: Hi Sifrina,
I think it all becomes quite automatic after a while. :smile:

Same here.. after a few months you hardly have to plan as you just know what the next day will be.

for 2 months ive been eating the same meals almostfor fast days but im now perusing recipes to change it up a bit.

Its a good thing about choosing consisten days of the week for fassting as you do normally go into robot mode about it all.

Must admit today though I had a brain snap. I saw some yummy leftovers in the fridge today, my fast day and i completely forgot, ready to finish it off before realising what day it was. Lucky i remembered before I swallowed. :grin:
Juliana.Rivers wrote: Must admit today though I had a brain snap. I saw some yummy leftovers in the fridge today, my fast day and i completely forgot, ready to finish it off before realising what day it was. Lucky i remembered before I swallowed. :grin:

I've moved fast days or re-planned normal days menu's just so I wouldn't have leftovers in the fridge, lol. I found that if I only have fast day foods available on fast days, I stay on track. Leftovers just tooooo tempting (just a bite? NO!) lol
It's all about planning the right food for fast days, which often includes a 30 calorie or 60 calorie piece of very dark chocolate (85% or 90%).

I also avoid straight carbs after dinner the night before a fast day. I can't do bread with jam, but I can do bread with peanut butter or cheese. No to plain granola, but yes to a bit of granola with a bit of yogurt :-)
Plan, plan, plan
always have food planned for fast day & keep busy.
I try to fast on work days as I find that easier, at lunch I try & find something else to do - shopping, work, emails so I'm not sitting for a full hour with everyone else.
Food shopping doesn't seem to bother me on a fast day, don't know why - maybe I'm a masochist :?:
I have only done two fasts and am still learning but I know that I do better when i plan. I have miso soup and bovril in my work bag. My locker at work is full of herbal teas so I have lots of choice. I plan my evening meal and input it into myfitnesspal the night before. All I have to do is get up and get through the day. I try to eat all my cals in the evening, I am a teacher so there's always lots to be doing at work instead of eating.
Since I go to the big supermarket only once a month and I hit the local and the farmer's market once a week just for very few stuff, my fridge is always full with all kinds of food, fast and non-fast.
What I don't ever have though is left overs. I always cook by the portion. I rarely cook an extra portion but I don't consider it left overs because it goes to the freezer as soon as it cools down.
Thanks everyone! VERY GOOD suggestions and I appreciate it!! So wonderful to be around such supportive people who totally get this...

Scotty, I'm with you - for some reason I can grocery shop after work on a fast day. Maybe masochistic but the busier I am, and the later I get home, the better...
I do... nothing. I eat what I eat on non fast days, and then on fast days I don't eat at all, just drink green tea and rooibos and loads of water. Works well for me. Means I don't have to really think, I can just do, which is why I'm so confident that this is my way of life for the future - don't see me every not fasting.

Sure, my weight loss is slow, but I'm in no rush. As long as the trend is downwards, which is mostly is. I haven't found that eating/not eating something the day before has any effect on my hunger (hardly get hungry at all on fast days). I seem to be able to break my fast with anything I feel like too, with no problems.
keeping busy and drinking plenty works for me, tend to get lots done on fast days!
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