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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I have been reading with interest that many of you experienced fasters are doing liquid only days. Any advise for me as I plan for my first on Thursday please please do tell.
I don't do liquid only fasts but thought you should get a reply. If you look below this thread you will see other threads about liquid only fasts and perhaps you will find the information you seek there. Or you can use the search feature and type in liquid fast. Good luck to you. :)
it was a hard decision for me to try liquid only but i'm so happy that i did. What i did was stick with 0 calorie drinks like flavored water, or low calorie drinks and it really kicked my weightloss into gear. When i eat on my fasting days it's harder to stick too for me. you can also do those liquid only soup drinks which help, similar to what dr. mos did on his documentary
Thanks guys. I am new to this fasting lark and am like a sponge for info at the moment. Need to get off here as now found 16.8. What's that about. Think I need to just stick to one new thing at a time. But I do like to be armed with as much knowledge as I can.
I try to do at least one of my fast days each week as a liquid fast, sometimes 0 cal (water) sometimes I'll have a cuppa soup and some low cal hot chocs :) I play it a bit by ear, it shouldn't be forced or something you don't feel you want to do. If it gets to evening and you really want to eat, you've still got your 500 cals to play with after all! I've canned a few liquid fasts and eaten a small dinner instead, there's no shame in it.

That said, once or twice when I've changed my mind and eaten, I've ended up more hungry after dinner than I normally would be after my cuppa soup!
I find starting the day with some exercise is really helpful. It gives me the oomph to carry on!!! I take the day by stages as well. I usually feel bad around lunch, as my boys are eating then. I say to myself "just get through until 5pm." Then I feel that around 6 to 8 is difficult, so I say "right let's just get to 9 then you have done it." I works for me. I am surprised at how well I do it!!!

I have just realised that I look like a lunatic who talks to herself all day long hmmm!!
I did one evening meal on my fasts for about 3 months before switching to liquid fasting. I do it because by the time I get home from work at 6.30, its not long to go till bed, the worst of the hunger is over, so I might as well just have another cup of tea. I have black tea and water all day, other than one cup of coffee with milk mid-morning. I sometimes have a slimline tonic or bitter lemon when I get in from work, as a treat.

As Moogie says, you can always have an evening fast meal if you want to
I do liquid fasting and have coffee, water and diet coke. One fast day, after about 3 months of 5:2 I went to get dinner and realised I wasn't actually hungry. I wasn't any more/less hungry than regular 500 cal 5:2 and to be honest I now prefer not having the faff of thinking about what food to prepare. Also figure it saves me money! No harm in trying one out and seeing if it suits you too, but don't feel like you can't have something or you're a failure if you do as I don't think this would suit everyone.
Good luck
I have been doing liquid fasting for over two months now, basically because I can't be brothered with calorie counting. I just have water tea and coffee with a little milk. No idea what calories I have on fasting days but likely to be less than 600 :wink:
I found it easy from the start; sometimes wake up very early on fasting nights and can't get back to sleep. This happens around 1 in 3 fast nights.
My tips are: keep very busy, don't clock watch and try not to think about food ie meal planning
Best of luck :clover:
Some very useful information here I haven't tried a liquid fast day yet but these comments are very encouraging - particularly as at the end of the day, if you do feel like eating you still have lots of calories available.
I also had a few months of having just an evening meal, before realising that I could just as easily not have that evening meal, and make it a liquid fast. I find eating on fast days makes me much hungrier, so I'm better off just not thinking about food at all. I drink water, and green tea every fast, and sometimes either rooibos and/or crio bru.
Ok everyone thanks for the advise, I'm going for a semi liquid fast today and I have a nice bit of venison and some asparagus for dinner to look forward to. And if I get to dinner without any solids that'll be a first for me, so all good.
I think everyone else has more or less said it all but here my tuppence worth.

I also used to have my calories at dinner time only and would recommend anyone who wants to liquid fast to make sure they do that first. My first liquid fast was like doing my first ordinary fast. Be careful about how you break you fast - small and low refined carbs, otherwise you might get a dodgey stomach. Just like when I started fasting my weight loss improve initially . The biggest thing is that buy not eating you don't turn on the hunger switch.
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