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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I did the 5:2 diet for a few weeks and didn't see any results so I kind of gave up the last 2 weeks although I have still been doing 8:16 eating.

I also now seem to quite happily go for nearly 24 hours without eating if I've had a large meal. Im a bit worried that I've messed up my metabolism. Until I tried 5:2 I used to feel horrible if I didn't eat regularly throughout the day (the first day I did 500 calories it gave me a migraine and I vomited!). I'm not one for diets either so unlike a lot of overweight people I haven't messed myself up by yoyo dieting!

After talking to a friend I have decided to give 5:2 another go as she said her parents do it and it took a while to see any results but I think I need reassurance that it will help me lose weight and its just taught me to deal with lack of food and isn't just messing up my metabolism! :confused:
It would be interesting to know how long you did 5:2 for, what your weight is, what you are hoping to achieve - did you lose anything at all? Did you take any body measurements as weight loss is not always the only result to use? I've found 5:2 very successful and easy to follow. For most people it seems to show that we don't need to "graze" constantly throughout the day and you can survive on 2 or 3 meals a day and for me I can also stop when I'm full and not just carry on eating regardless. I'm sure with more info you'll get some answers to some of your questions.
I did it for about 4 or 5 weeks. I may have lost a pound or so but my weight seems to fluctuate wildly by about 5lbs so it's hard to say. My weight is around 14st BMI is about 27 and I would ideally like to lose about 3 stone but to be honest any loss at all would be gratefully received! I need to lose about a stone and a half to get to a healthy BMI.
I'd try again, just be sure to take measurements from several areas of your body as well as weigh. If you log your weight daily in our progress tracker and or an app such as libra for android or trueweight for iphone, you'll get a trend line that is helpful in smoothing out the daily weight fluctuations. Give 5:2 an honest try for 4-6 weeks, I'm sure you will see results. :)
Sioux101 wrote: I also now seem to quite happily go for nearly 24 hours without eating if I've had a large meal. Im a bit worried that I've messed up my metabolism. Until I tried 5:2 I used to feel horrible if I didn't eat regularly throughout the day (the first day I did 500 calories it gave me a migraine and I vomited!). I'm not one for diets either so unlike a lot of overweight people I haven't messed myself up by yoyo dieting!

No, you haven't messed up your metabolism - what you describe there is exactly what a great many of us experienced when we first began 5:2. After the Horizon programme, on my fasting days, I began with a small breakfast, lunch and a slightly larger dinner. After a while I thought I wouldn't eat until I felt hungry - and never did. So from then on until I reached my goal I only ate one meal on my fasting days.

If you're not losing weight on 5:2 you need to check that you're not eating too much on your feed days. Also people with thyroid problems find losing weight difficult - even on this WOL.

Best wishes, B&W
I agree with Breadandwine, you haven't messed up your metabolism. I think you've repaired it! We aren't supposed to feel faint or sick with hunger if we skip a few meals. Our blood sugar levels should remain good, and we should switch smoothly from burning glucose to burning fat as needed. Sounds to me like you've improved your metabolism very much, from the symptoms you used to have.
Thank you all for your advice. I hope that is the case, it definitly makes sense and Im quite glad that my life isnt ruled by mealtimes any more! I suppose its not losing anything combined with years of reading stuff about not skipping meals (especially breakfast, which i often dont bother with now) and your body going into 'starvation mode'if you don't eat it's quite hard to reprogramme your thinking that not eating for long periods of time is actually ok. Im going to get back onto the 5:2 fast again tomorrow properly for a few weeks and see what happens. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Good luck, second time around, Sioux101. This WOE is working for many, many people, so there is no reason that it shouldn't work for you!
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