For many years, before 5:2 was top of the pops, I started cutting down on milk - fruit juice on my muesli, for example. To help my bladder, for the past couple of years I drink only herbal or fruit teas and usually only one cup of coffee each day - about 50mls of milk. In the winter we have the occasional rice pudding etc., but that’s about it.
As far as I’m aware there’s been no adverse effect on my health and a friend of similar age, who is a vegan, seems fitter than me.
I’m sure I’ve read somewhere that modern cow’s milk doesn’t digest that easily anyway.
We are thrilled with the overall effect of 5:2 and I take the view that my body will soon tell me if something’s not right. Before taking a supplement I tend to wait until something is diagnosed. Our normal diet contains very little red meat, but a couple of weeks ago started taking Vitamin B12 after GP’s advice.
As far as I’m aware there’s been no adverse effect on my health and a friend of similar age, who is a vegan, seems fitter than me.
I’m sure I’ve read somewhere that modern cow’s milk doesn’t digest that easily anyway.
We are thrilled with the overall effect of 5:2 and I take the view that my body will soon tell me if something’s not right. Before taking a supplement I tend to wait until something is diagnosed. Our normal diet contains very little red meat, but a couple of weeks ago started taking Vitamin B12 after GP’s advice.