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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Esmecat - I thought about your post on and off yesterday. I understand what you're saying and I felt the same way about Weight Watchers. I was ridiculously monitoring points, counting points, and agonizing over points. When I read about 5:2, studied it and thought about how much my head causes me more problems than anything else dieting I thought I'd give it my best effort. I hope you find what works for you - you are right to step back and make the best decision you can.
Having heard about the Horizon documentary in September last year and seen the Telegraph article I persuaded my husband to try it with me. I weighed myself in the beginning and diligently had 2 fast days a week. I was weighing myself fairly frequently and was dismayed at the fluctuations, so I decided I would give myself until Christmas and not weigh until then. I wasn't doing any exercise at this time. Although my clothes were feeling better I found at Christmas I weighed only a pound less than I had when I started in September. But in the back of my mind I felt that it must have been the weighing that was wrong, not the plan.

I let myself go after Christmas - my parents came from the US for the holidays and in January I had some minor surgery that kept me off my feet for a couple of months. At Easter we took a trip to South Africa and I was shocked that I split a pair of trousers that in the past had been too big for me. I thoroughly enjoyed the lovely food and wine we had but I was firmly resolved that when we got home I would give 5:2 another go. I was really disappointed to discover on my first day that I had put on almost another stone since Christmas, but I was resolved not to get discouraged. Coming onto this forum and realising many others were struggling with plateaus, but getting past them by sticking with it (crucial!) has been incredibly helpful.

Since then I have been doing 5:2 religiously and exercising diligently. I am now at just under the weight I was when I started in April, but that's about a stone more than where I would like to be. My tracker is telling me it will probably take till October to get to goal, but that's ok - I've got time. I'm so glad I gave this another chance.
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