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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
28 Jun 2013, 18:58
After reading all the threads regarding the above, I thought I'd give it a go for various reasons:

- without fail, I am never hungry until lunchtime the day after a fast

- my weight loss has slowed down (originally lost around 2 pounds per week, now down to 1)

- just thought I'd see what would happen

But it's not worked for me. Admittedly I only tried it for a week, but I didn't enjoy it and didn't lose ANY weight. I hated the fact that I had to watch my intake on my feast days because for me, 5:2 really doesn't feel like a diet. I found I was really hungry on my fast days whereas before I didn't really struggle. I like to think I've been relatively successful with 5:2 so I'm not going to mess with the formula!

I should be on commission with the amount of people I'm converting :grin:
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
28 Jun 2013, 19:05
Sorry this woe didn't work for you but did you give it long enough?Only saying because I was hungry on non fasts days but only lasted maybe 2 weeks never struggled with f/days at all :like: :clover: Sorry to be losing you and Good luck with your next venture :heart: Sue
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
28 Jun 2013, 19:09
SueQ I'm not leaving, just not doing 16:8 as well as 5:7 :-) thanks though.
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
28 Jun 2013, 20:07
I haven't tried 16:8 but I wouldn't do it and fast I don't think, it would be too restrictive for me, I think sticking to either/or works best...I might give 16:8 a try when I'm on holiday though.

Anyway, 1 pound a week is still great loss, remember slow and steady wins the race!
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
28 Jun 2013, 20:14
Oooops sorry senior moment lol. Welcome back :heart: Sue
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
28 Jun 2013, 21:17
Hi Misty
I also had a try at doing 16:8 2 days a week as well as fasting 2 days, but it slowed my weight loss and made me feel too fixated on food those days. So I've gone back to normal eating on non-fast days and my weight loss is also back to what it was (just under 1lb a week). I feel much more relaxed and happier.
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
01 Jul 2013, 17:23
silverbelle wrote: Hi Misty
I also had a try at doing 16:8 2 days a week as well as fasting 2 days, but it slowed my weight loss and made me feel too fixated on food those days. So I've gone back to normal eating on non-fast days and my weight loss is also back to what it was (just under 1lb a week). I feel much more relaxed and happier.

Hi Silverthorne. Yes I found the same! Didn't lose at all the week I did it and I'm terrified of messing with the formula so I'm just going to carry on with 5:2. Normally fast on a Monday but it's my son's 16th today and we are off out for a meal :grin:
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
02 Jul 2013, 15:41
Hmmm...I'm really struggling myself with 16:8 on non-fast days. I find myself ravenous at 8:30 in the morning, when I have rarely ever eaten breakfast that early! My motivation for trying it is potentially to be able to transition into it for maintenance - if I'm already doing 16:8 when I drop 5:2, I will be used to it and it won't be a hardship. That's the theory, and that was the experience of Ballerina (our resident 16:8 expert).

This past week I didn't manage much 16:8, just one or two days. If I manage to lose weight nevertheless I may rethink whether I keep doing it, or just wait till I lose the weight before moving to 16:8 full time.
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
02 Jul 2013, 15:53
I had breakfast at 6.30am this morning, I was so hungry after my fast ! I dont think I could do 16:8, although possibly I could eat in 9-5 window, if I wasn't fasting the day before
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
02 Jul 2013, 16:11
It seems too much like hard work doing 16:8 and 5:2. When I go into maintenance in a few weeks. I will do 6:1 fasting on Mondays and 16:8 on Thursday and see if that works for me.
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
02 Jul 2013, 16:42
Dear Mistygrey,
Yes, I tried 16:8 and was miserable also so I think the 5:2 is fine even though I also have slowed down in weight loss to 1 pound every 2 weeks. But who cares, as long as you're still losing, in a few months I'll be down another 10-12 pounds! Woohoo!! Slow and steady wins the race (sometimes!)
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
02 Jul 2013, 21:13
I have done a month of 5:2 + 16:8, do agree the weight loss has slowed but it is still happening. My experience is that it is a hard slog from waking to breaking fast after the 5:2 fast days otherwise if I can't wait I open the eating window earlier. Technically you are clocking up a fast in delaying eating. As we find if you mix it up your body keeps shedding so It is fine I find if I have a day where I just want to eat, I listen to my body and then eat instinctively but know I can also get back to 16:8 next day.

The beauty of being on 16:8 was as my exercise was limited this past month as I twisted my ankle while that healed I could still be doing something about my food intake. The flexibility is being able to tailor IF to fit into what works for you and your life
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
02 Jul 2013, 21:26
16/8 is not for everyone so I'm not surprised it has been hard for some folk but for me this is the beauty of the whole 5:2 experience. Everyone can, if they wish, tweak, modify or shake things up to suit themselves or just keep to the original concept, nothing is right or wrong, just do what suits you and your body. It all works so no need to fret if you are doing something different, or not for that matter, as long as what you are doing is working for you, :smile:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
02 Jul 2013, 21:43
I have to admit I don't understand how 16/8 could lead to weight loss. I'm not against it, but just don't see why it would work for that purpose.

5:2, 4:3, ADF all restrict calorie consumption and lead to weight loss if TDEE is not exceeded on the feast days. 16/8 does not restrict calorie consumption - it just crowds it into an 8 hour period each day. I could easily eat 4000 or more calories in an 8 hour period (not that I do anymore, but I could). Sadly, we have to eat less to lose weight and I don't see how 16/8 helps me eat less. :confused:
Re: 16:8 AND 5:2 not for me....
02 Jul 2013, 21:45
I am trying a single 16:8 tomorrow as I am so uncomfortable with the extra bread roll I absentmindedly ate for dinner I never want to eat again. I looked at my profile in the mirror and if my friends could see me now they would be sending me baby bootee's and nappies (diapers).
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