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I manage my fast days absolutely fine, stick to my 500 cals and cope with the rumblies. My problem is feed days, I find that I do have to count and some days do go over my TDEE. I am just greedy and I hate myself for it. :starving: :curse:
Don't beat yourself up :smile:
I suspect that you aren;t eating on Feast days because you feel hungry but because you feel like eating something. Try this for a strategy - instead of eating whatever it is straight away drink a glass of water and wait 30 mins, then if you still want to eat it, go ahead. For me it is the thoughtless eating (and drinking) that does the most damage :clover:
Agreed. I do eat without thinking. Will resolve to have a drink first in future and see how I get on. Thanks for your suggestion x
Post a sign in the fridge that asks "Are you really hungry?" Lol I find myself wandering to the fridge and opening it for no real good reason. :)
I am sat here feeling utterly stuffed because I couldn't resist my husbands left over bread roll. Even though I know I am wheat intolerant and keep wheat out of my diet as much as possible.
But tomorrow is another day. Although a feast day, I will be kind to my tummy and keep my meals low calorie and not pick between them. I may even do a 16:8 to reset things again.

I found at first that I still had a little kid inside me saying 'eat everything before its taken away', it took about 4 weeks before I noticed that my meal sizes had shrunk, that I wasn't eating the whole packet of biscuits in one sitting with a pot of tea by my side, that there was still chocolate in the sweety tub at the end of the week. In other words, don't fret.

Your problem could be that you ARE calorie counting that's triggering the 'must eat everything in sight' feeling. That feeling that 'OMG I've only got 240kcals left and that chunk of cheese is 300kcals', therby kicking in the deprived section of the long term dieters brain. You know the bit I speak of. The 'I'm on a diet, I will never eat another chocolate for 2 years, oh sod it, give me 2 bars' and then the guilt sets in and you get two more bars. Creating a vicious circle.

You are not greedy, but your body may be reacting to carbs in a bad way. Too many carbs, especially the ones early in the day set your sugar/insulin balance into a rollercoaster ride. Too many carbs now, gives you a sugar rise, in 2 hours the insulin mops up all the excess sugar and your blood sugar level plummets, leaving you hungry, so you eat more carbs as a pick me up, so your sugar level goes up, in two hours out comes the insulin again, hence the rollercoaster. Try having a protein breakfast without the cereals, bread products or fruit and see how long you last for till you need lunch. Do the same for lunch another low carb meal and then the same with dinner. Keep it up for a few days. See if that helps.
Or as the others are saying, eating without thinking. That was me today. I need a teleporter to take away half the contents of my stomach I feel so uncomfortable.

The sign on the fridge is a good idea, I will do that now.
STOP hating youself, Nelsonsmum!

You are only doing what we humans are programmed to do - that is, eat when there's food around! It's why we all got fat in the first place. Have a look at this post on the subject, on my blog:

And here's a thread I started, with other posters thoughts on the subject:

Best wishes, B&W
Thanks for these links. Really interesting stuff. I agree about the hunger switch, once it's on it is ON. Must try to drink more and get out of the habit of having a pudding.
It also gets better with time. I really struggled with the feed days to start and I occasionally have a bad day now but I don't seem to snack much any more.

I think the mental freedom does go to the head for a while, once it becomes boring again and the brain stops having little hissy fits, it's easier.
Look at my recent post with a link to an article from NY Times about "high glycemic foods and cravings". Basically sugary foods and refined carbs like candy, cakes,white bread etc... Raise Insulin levels and Insulin move glucose from the blood into the body cells, which leads to hypoglycemia and craving of more of these foods several hours after. I find it easier if I stick to healthy eating- complex carbs, veggies and lean proteins and indulge on special occasions.
I wonder if it would help to plan your feast days like you plan your fast days? Maybe that's too tedious and too much like other diets.
I am doing much better today. Didn't feel hungry and am well below my TDEE for a feed day. Hopefully was just a blip. :oops:
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