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5:2 on holiday?
06 Jul 2013, 06:46
Well, it's ten weeks since I started 5:2, and I am so so happy with my steady weight loss and improving figure.

There were several reasons for starting this WOE, two of those being my impending 40th birthday and the special holiday my lovely hubby had booked to celebrate. We are off to the Caribbean, 5*, all inclusive. I can't begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to it.

I love my new shape, I love the refreshing feeling of a fast day, but I didn't get to weigh 13 stone without loving food. I am (or maybe was) a glutton. I know I am eating less now, but it has only been 3 months out of 40 years and I think I could easily slip back into my old ways. The thought of coming back home fat makes me feel so sad.

It is also important that I point out that I am quite likely to be consuming my total TDEE in cocktails before I even think about food. :oops:

So, the question is, how should I eat on holiday?

I would love to hear your opinions.

TIA :grin:
Re: 5:2 on holiday?
06 Jul 2013, 06:52
I would say see how you feel. If I was going somewhere on holiday I am afraid the diet would be on hold. We know it works so the diet would still be there waiting for me when I got home. I would also refuse weigh myself the week before and after my hols or I would just get hung up on the numbers and it would take something away from the enjoyment of the holiday.
Re: 5:2 on holiday?
06 Jul 2013, 07:03
Have a super holiday. Now that you are armed with this new food knowledge you may find that you can make better decisions about food. Just stay away from carbs, ie white bread, potatoes, pasta etc. cocktails - not sugar syrup based ones, stick to pure fruit juice and tonic based ones. But most of all try and eat what you can pick or kill ie fruit, veg meat and fish. Then relax and enjoy this holiday of a life time you can sort out any weight gain when you get home with all of those wonderful memories.
Re: 5:2 on holiday?
06 Jul 2013, 07:17
Hi Effie,
I'm going on hols just for 5 days next week up to North Queensland.
I'm going with my sister who is not into dieting of any kind, and as she is taking me I will not want to make a fuss about my WOE. Can't skip breakfast as it is part of the plan.
So- I'm going to try portion control! I will eat what I like but try to keep it small- a new concept for me pre 5:2! and I'll have one cocktail per evening and then wine if I want another drink or two at most, then water.
However as we all know, fasting will be there for us when we get home to regain control.
Have a wonderful cruise and 40th Birthday.
Re: 5:2 on holiday?
06 Jul 2013, 07:19
My attitude Effie is, enjoy your cocktails, lovely hubby and holiday, forget about 5:2.

Although older than you we went on a group holiday a few weeks back and ate what we wanted, fortunately it was all buffets (very good) and we found we couldn’t manage large helpings of anything.

OH is thrilled with her weight loss since starting 5:2 and at your age enjoyed her food and drink. :oops: She didn’t put on as much as she expected and easily got back to her new (now normal) weight.

You know you can lose weight - think of the pleasure you’ll get from doing it twice. :wink:
Re: 5:2 on holiday?
06 Jul 2013, 08:19
I'd say, just don't stress yourself out with worry and take the edge of your holiday, relax and enjoy it. It is a HOLIDAY, it's not the rest of your life which 5:2 might be and as others have said, jump straight back into it when you get home. Another tip, if you feel you have gained weight then DON'T weigh yourself the minute you walk back through your door, just get a fast or two under your belt, do your laundry/post/garden and whatever else we all have to get done when we get home and once you are back into your post holiday routine THEN weigh yourself otherwise you will look like Munch's painting 'The Scream' and you will be demoralised. On the other hand if you feel that you have not gained then jump on those darned scales and celebrate. Either way, have a great time and let us know how it goes, good luck

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 5:2 on holiday?
06 Jul 2013, 16:55
I am on holiday at the moment. Really haven't bothered about the diet and hope to be back on track on Monday . Like the others have said I won't be back on the scales for a week or 2 or possibly 3! But holidays are meant to be just that.
Re: 5:2 on holiday?
06 Jul 2013, 18:14
After 10 weeks you might be surprised how much your thinking has changed. I went on a 10 day RV trip with the family last month, didn't fast, ate worse than usual, but still lost 1-2 lbs because I just ate less (let myself be hungry between meals, stopped eating sooner, etc) -- all without much thought.

My advice would be to enjoy your holiday but don't use it as an excuse to be a glutton. THINK about what the holiday is besides prepaid food -- time with hubby, new activities, walks on the beach, go snorkeling, swimming, on tours, shopping -- there is a lot to do besides consuming calories. You will remember those things long after the quick calories are forgotten.

SAVOR the food. Eat thing you really enjoy, try new things, but don't be afraid to put the fork down and leaving food on the plate when the food goes from scrumptious to "yeah, I can eat this". I've learned how to throw out a half-eaten doughnut when it goes from heaven to blah. lol As to the drinks -- consider drinking on just 2-3 nights or just at one meal?

It's easy to get caught in the "all inclusive" trap, but consider the money is spent and all of your decisions are based on what you want NOW, not trying to get the "most for the money" since that money is already gone.

Anyway, just some thoughts, but whatever you do focus on enjoying your holiday.
Re: 5:2 on holiday?
06 Jul 2013, 18:49
I won't be fasting whilst on my holiday because I'm not tied to it. The whole point of 5 2 for me is that I can work it round me which will include time off for holidays. I'm now in control I'm not being controlled by guilt and food as I have been all my adult life. I'll put on weight no doubt because no doubt I'll make bad food choices but it'll serve me right, I'll only have myself to blame and I'll lose it again when I'm back home. That for me is pure freedom.

Have a lovely time :-)
Re: 5:2 on holiday?
06 Jul 2013, 19:10
Hi Effie well I'd only been on this woe 4 weeks when I went on my holiday so I just did the best I could when away :-) Greek salad lunch swapping the chips for potatoes etc, I ''knew'' I must have gained from a particular top on my last evening so returned on my new weigh-in day and simply didn't weigh for the next 7 days I did however have fast day day after my return and 2 more before weigh-in ( I'm on 4:3 ) got on scales same weight as the day we departed ( bit of a cheat but it kept me motivated)
As you already know that's the joy of this woe its flexible + easy to get back onto :like: my advice is have a lovely holiday you only celebrate your 40th once so enjoy, don't worry about food coz after 3 days A/Inc you get that'' I've had enough feeling'' anyway, and do your penance on return, Enjoy and good luck :clover: Sue
Re: 5:2 on holiday?
06 Jul 2013, 21:16
Just forget about it while on holiday, I intend to. My holiday diet tends to be healthier I think anyway. Different foods abroad, portions controlled, lots of exercise - actually no wonder I'm knackered when I come back :)
Re: 5:2 on holiday?
06 Jul 2013, 23:57
I agree, enjoy your holiday but just be more conscious of what you eat and don't go overboard.

I travel a lot and I rarely manage to do one 5:2 fast day, so instead I just skip breakfast on most days which is easy if you sleep in or keep busy with activities in the mornings. So they ends up being 16 or 17 hour fasts anyway.

I also have days on and days off for eating desserts and drinking cocktails which seems to make a big difference.

Have fun!

Re: 5:2 on holiday?
07 Jul 2013, 14:38
To add one more thought...

I can't help noticing the 'related posts' shown are about post-holiday blues and folks feeling bad for overeating on their vacations. Made me think a bit more. Why do we equate indulgence and overindulgence in food with holiday and rewarding ourselves? Isn't that exactly the rather toxic thinking that got most of us overweight and here in the first place? Isn't it really enough to be spending your TDEE budget on new and wonderful foods YOU didn't have to prepare?

I'd take a hard look at your attitudes about food and holiday. As I said before I'd try to focus on the non-food goodies of holiday and make the food the side dish.

I would visualize yourself when you are home after the trip: what do you want to talk about, how do you want to remember it, how will you feel if you do end up with a 3-5 lb weight gain that may take you a month to work back off? For some that's no big deal, for others that would overshadow the whole trip.

There is no "right" answer, just personal choices. Know yourself and make a mindful choice so that you CAN fully enjoy your holiday knowing any indulgences are your decision and not just old demons taking over.
Re: 5:2 on holiday?
07 Jul 2013, 18:54
BruceE and I are going on holiday to France on Tuesday. We will fast as usual on Monday. But then I plan on indulging for 10 days :-D That being said, we walk a *lot* more in Europe than we do when we are home in the states, so it shouldn't make us gain weight. I think I lost two pounds last year from all of the exercise.
Re: 5:2 on holiday?
07 Jul 2013, 19:12
I would just enjoy your holiday and take each day as it comes. There may be some days when you feel like eating/drinking more or less, so listen to your body and follow your 5:2-honed instincts. Having said that, I went on a two-week cruise in May and gained nine pounds. It took me three weeks to lose it - just in time for a holiday in Germany! So, if you do put on weight, don't worry about it because most of it will be water - just jump back into the 5:2 WOE and it will soon be gone! Have a lovely time!
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