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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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And what would you spend the money on?

I would typically spend about £3 on breakfast each morning (including coffee) and around £6 on lunch. Since doing 5:2 (and now 16:8 as well), for 2 days a week that's £9 per day saved, and another £3-6 that I'm not spending on breakfast (I wouldn't have bought breakfast if I'd worked from home). So that's more than £100 saved since starting 5:2 in April. Not bad!

What am I spending the money on? A Jillian Michaels video and a new Fitbit One, for a start. And some nifty new clothes (which have completely canceled out the savings and then some, but oh well!).

How about you?
let's, wine, slimming club fees....a small fortune, but I have been spending more on things like coconut oil, organic eggs and better quality food in general, oh and new clothes.! Feel so much better in myself though and that feeling is priceless!!
I just bought a takeaway...that didn't used to happen! :-)
Not a penny :curse:
Infact cost me more replacing clothing that dosn't fit :cry:
A noticeable amount...don't know without number crunching.

I was getting concerned about the food bills each week for one person. It just seemed an awful lot of dosh for one person.
Well £21.95 on monthly Weight Watchers for starters. :grin:
None! I've just blown my clothing fund on a handbag and new glasses!
I don't know - food prices seem to be rising as fast as I'm reducing the amount I'm eating. Don't seem to be spending much less anyway. Trying to plan more during the week when I'm on my own - I eat with friends once a week so that's often money saved and then 2 fast days, so I should be saving around 5 meals worth of food a week. I think it is going down but I've not been counting so I don't know.

Although I was mightily pleased with myself to have spent just £30 last Friday to feed me, my husband and my in laws for a weekend and I'm living off the leftovers still which will last me til Thursday when I'm cooking for friends so will need to pick up a few bits.

Would save more if I stopped cooking for others!
Not sure really, if you are talking food, not much as we have a lot more salad and fresh stuff now. The quality of food choices has increased as well.
So we may be missing meals but those we are eating are better quality so cost a bit more. I think it balances. Plus having just read Greenmonsters reply, I do think that food is going up as fast as I'm budgetting at the moment.

As for clothing, I will be selling my extra extra large stuff on ebay and buying smaller as I go along. So I should show a profit there, as really big stuff goes for premium prices, there still isn't that many of us in the population yet and smaller clothes are cheaper.
AND just think how much better we are being to the environment. We are not over using earth's resources. We all deserve a great pat on the back!
In addition to a lower food bill, I didn't go on my usual clothes shopping spree when I was in the US. Since I'm only a little past half-way to my goal, I wanted to wait for new clothes.
I have two kids and husband at home so can't say I've noticed food bill changing

I have had to buy new jeans. New shorts, new tops, bras and have treated myself to more summer bits too so spent a fortune there. All fun though. It's lovely to buy size 10
jeans instead of 14. And 12/14 tops instead of 18. :0)
Not sure I've actually saved any money really, except on booze - I am drinking a lot less since starting 5:2!

On fast days we are eating more expensive ingredients probably - like tuna steaks (ouch, they are expensive these days!) but we've always made an effort to buy good quality meat/eggs/veg.
I have saved on clothes by being able to fit into my smaller sizes as the larger sizes end up thrown out or donated if they are still in a respectable condition. So far I have not had to buy new clothes as I have just "make do and mend" where ever possible. Looking at my goal and the clothes sizes in my closest there will come a time that I have shrunk out of everything but as the months go on I shall slowly start replacing items. I also saved with 5:2 as just before I started it looked like I would have to start buying the next size up and fortunately that was avoided.

I have saved when I am out and about. Pre 5:2 I would have almost always purchased a food snack (or meal) of some sort when going out shopping. Now I eat at home before I leave and I can easily do my shopping and come home without having to buy something to eat b/c I know I can go at least 24 hours on a fast day so I can go shopping without having to buy food while I am out. I think not snacking while out has (and will be) my greatest saving. I always make sure I have a full water bottle when leaving the house and I am good to go.
Converting my weight loss since April 27th (measured in big Macs) I've saved $727 (£488)!

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