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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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13 Jul 2013, 04:54
Hi all,
I love the idea of this diet as I am an extremely social person. I don't have kids yet and am always going out for dinner or drinks.

However I think I am taking the idea if the "feast" or free days too literally.

So I am thinking of doing. 3:2:2 instead. (I made this up by the way but I think / hope it will work for me.

So I'm thinking of fasting for 2 days as normal. 500 cals.
Feasting for 2 days where I can eat whatever I like, go to restaurants, order pasta etc.

But the other 3 days im going to try clean eating and limiting to maybe 1600 cals a day or something.
So an in-between.
Steamed food, limit white carbs, no alcohol. Lots of friit and veg. That sort of thing.

Has anyone done something similar?

Re: 3:2:2
13 Jul 2013, 06:35
This 'diet' works most effectively for those who find a pattern that suits them and their lifestyle, so it becomes a WOL and not a diet.

I do something like you are proposing - two weekday fast days when I only eat dinner and generally have less than 500 cals, three weekdays where I try to eat sensibly (salads etc) and the weekend when I eat what I want. I don't count calories on any day now but did every day in the early weeks as my weight loss stalled and I aimed for around 1600 on feast days like you. After about six weeks I got used to it and so I stopped counting.

Good luck!
Re: 3:2:2
13 Jul 2013, 06:39
Should be fine. Some people have done 16:8 two or three times a week in addition to the fast days and this seems to work too. Some just go without the traditional morning meal (breakfast) on feeding days. All good in my view...
Re: 3:2:2
13 Jul 2013, 06:51
Im doing as CreakyPete describes, 5:2 for mon and wed, 16:8 tue, thurs, fri, following healthy eating guidelines, lots of veg, salad etc,and wherever my social life leads on sat/sun. Sometimes being social starts on fri night, but whatever fits. Ive lost 7.3 kg, since the 18 March, and quite happy with that. I think that the slow weightloss is worth the trade off of sustainability and hopefully maintainability (if thats a word, but you know what I mean!!). I did count calories a lot in the early days, but now only count on fast days using my fitness pal to ensure I stay under 500 on a fast day.
Re: 3:2:2
13 Jul 2013, 09:31
I did 3:2:2 but not the way you are planning to.
I did 3 normal days, 2 Dukan attack days and 2 fast days. It was what removed me from a plateau and I was very happy with it. I have stopped both 3:2:2 and most of fasting for the past month but I plan to go back to it as soon as possible!
Re: 3:2:2
13 Jul 2013, 11:15
I have done 3.2.2. Since I started 2 x 300cal days, 3x1500cal days and 2x 2000 days. It works really well I now only have 1lb to loose although I may go for a bit more.I have not set regular days for my high cal days as it is nice to be able to go out for a meal or catch up with friends on an ad hock sort of way, also it means you don't have to tell everyone what you are doing so avoid the nagging.
Re: 3:2:2
14 Jul 2013, 07:37
And that is the beauty of this WOE, we all adapt it to something that suits us and turn it into a WOL. Adding in the 16:8 days is what I think nudged me of a longish plateau (thanks Ballerina :like:! ). Nessie, I dont really count on those days, but I think its very similiar to your 1500 cal days.? Isnt it great that there is something that works for all of us! :smile:
Re: 3:2:2
14 Jul 2013, 08:37
Me too, thanks to Ballerina. I do 5:2 and 16:8 on the other days. I am really good Monday to Friday but on Friday evening through to Sunday evening I eat anything I want but in moderate portions and vaguely within the 8 hour window, just stretch it a little sometimes. Seems to be working. Good luck :clover:
Re: 3:2:2
14 Jul 2013, 09:47
Yes I've done similar and worked well for me because of socializing, also doing again this week I hadn't realized it was 16/8 at time but lost 3kg in 1week!!! So now do it as + when needed :clover: Sue
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