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what a feast day!!!
13 Jul 2013, 05:47
Can't believe what I have just eaten today after my 12th fast yesterday, for the first time on a fast day I felt very hungry but stuck to my 500 cals,went to bed early and thought of what I wanted for breakfast, not bacaon and eggs but water melon. When I first opened my eyes all I could think of was water melon, got up and had 2 big slices, it went down a treat, thinking this is a good start of the day. Went out for lunch, sweet potatoe fries, chicken and cheese wraps with hummus and flat bread, then 2 beers, a chicken pie, dougnut then popcorn. The funny thing is I don't eat a lot of sweet things, and have cut down on my carbs. :confused: It was a though my body craved for this, my belly is full but know I will be eating sensibly the next 2 days before my next fast and will be going for a long bike ride tomorrow. Just have to class it as "one of those days".
Re: what a feast day!!!
13 Jul 2013, 06:28
I think we all have 'one of those days' every now and then Jaclee - as long as we don't make a habit of it, what's the harm? I have definitely had a couple of feast days like yours but always feel much better when I get back on track - just a blip!
Re: what a feast day!!!
13 Jul 2013, 07:41
You don't have to worry about an occasional day like that! As JacquiA says, 'we all have one of those days every now and then'. You have to love a WOE :heart: which allows us to eat like this and not feel that we have 'blown it'. In the past, on one of my many 'diets', a day like that would have led to days or weeks of over-eating plus feeling terrible about loss of willpower, being greedy etc. With 5:2 a day like that can be acknowledged and ignored and then you just carry on as usual! :smile:
Re: what a feast day!!!
13 Jul 2013, 08:25
Agree with what's been said- it's hardly a 'blow out' just a bit of a stodgy feed!. A wee feed like this is no bother as it's one day. Don't beat yourself up, listen to your body (the watermelon craving is good!) and move on.
Re: what a feast day!!!
13 Jul 2013, 14:40
Hi Jack Lee and yes agree with everything that has been said put it behind you + behave the rest of the week, I've just struggled this week for first time in 13 weeks but managed to scrape in with a loss. Recently returned from food shopping and of all the things to fancy 'big mac' didn't have one, as I have to be good this werk :clover: Sue
Re: what a feast day!!!
13 Jul 2013, 16:37
Don't think I will be doing that in a hurry again, had tummy ache through the night. Here is start of a new day. Have a good weekend to you all
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