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5:2 and rheumatoid arthritis
17 Jul 2013, 10:05
Does anyone know if RA can benefit from this WOE? My hubby is showing the first symptoms in his hands. His father suffered badly with it for many years & it would be good to keep the symptoms at bay for as long as possible.

@janine962 take a look at this thread, lot's of info regarding arthritis and inflammatory foods. Might have some helpful ideas for you. There are some members that have RA, maybe a message to them may give you more ideas as well. :heart: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=5674
thank you Betsysgr8!
I have osteoarthritis, which I know is different to RA but I do feel this WOE is helping me. I feel my OA is very influenced by what I eat.
I've just been diagnosed with RA. I'm 2 weeks shy of 16 1/2. The Rheumatologist said there's a small chance that this is just juvenile arthritis which goes away by the time you're 17. But the fact that it's this bad this close to me being 17, then most likely this is full-blown adult Rheumatoid Arthritis. I was wondering if there's any forums for teens or articles about teens or anything that I could read to get some feedback from other RA teens. Please and thank you.
Hubby has had RA for 19 years. He has had bad reactions to most of the DMRA medicines, but if your hubby is offered them from the start tell him to go for it. If the disease can be halted at an early stage its better than trying to stabalise the problem later when joints and bones have become distorted.

The best help my hubby has is to cut out wheat and cut down on carbs. But he is stubborn/stupid enough to think that the small pleasure he gains from having a bacon sandwich is worth the amount of pain he is in. He doesn't realise it, but his levels of carbs have dropped as I do all the cooking, I just have to wean him off sugar in his tea now.
:heart: Hi @janine962 And Welcome :heart:
I don't have RA as far as I'm aware but was told I've got OE in my spine + back, I've now been with this WOL 9 months and after 3 months I found my pain reducing and now I'm almost pain free, also not had a migraine in those 9 months obviously I'm putting it down to my 4:3 and I do realise that the amazing weightloss I've had can only help. Good Luck. :heart: :heart:
:heart: Yes noticed just after pressing send!!!! Ooopppss

Good luck in finding a solution for yourself at such a younger age@Hanilla :clover: :clover: :clover:
Hello Sue.Q

Just catching up on this. Hubby is no worse, but he won't fast. He isn't overwight so doesn't see the point!

I shall keep an eye on him.

:heart: Hi @janine962 Men eh!! :shock:
Glad your OH is no worse anyway for me everything is just so much better my back + neck almost pain free no migraine in my 10 months doing this WOL of course
the 50lbs I've lost has a lot to do with all my
improvements. :heart: Sue
Wow Sue, you are doing so well.Keep at it :)
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