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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Or a wet fish of course :razz:

Everything was going along fine, I was fasting twice a week with ease and exercising more, then I went on holiday for a week and since then I can't seem to get back to fasting and exercising :confused:

I fasted on Saturday, that went well, then I was planning to fast on Monday, but I gave up at about 2 and had a sandwich with the kids (who are on holiday already here) and ate normally in the evening, so I just put that one down as a feast day. Then today I planned to fast again, and found myself in an eating frenzy at 5 pm where I had two biscuits, peanuts and crackers with cheese on (I'm almost completely vegan so not sure what that was about) in the space of about 5 minutes. Unfortunately I can't fast tomorrow or Friday, so that brings us back to Saturday, which means I've done 6:1 this week without meaning to.

I don't know why I've lost motivation because I'm perfectly happy with the results I've had and I'd like to lose a bit more weight, but I just seem to be lacking the motivation to continue at the moment :frown:

Let me summon @janeg for you, she's really good at getting people back on track and/or slapping with a wet fish. I wonder if she's still using the same old smelly one? EWWWW I think you better get back on track quick! lol

You've had a successful fast, well done. Now, what's the deal with giving in to temptations after that? Did you plan your meal(s)? I wouldn't be too hard on yourself, you will get back on board, do your Saturday fast and start fresh on Monday. What's done is done and can't be undone.
Ah, cammon, you're only human. So what if you did 6:1 one week? You will do 5:2 next week and nobody will remember that you missed one fast in the end of your journey to Slim Station.
Did I hear the need for the slapping about the head with a wet fish? Always happy to comply! :)
Right, you've been on holiday. Had a good time , I hope. The weans are still off and on holiday, that makes it tougher. And it's hot, damned hot.
So , you managed 6:1 which is great and eases you back into it.
Would 16:8 be more manageable? Worth considering and possibly easier. And it may develop into a full fast.
Remember this is a way of life and sometimes it can be a wee bit tough or not as easy. As TML says, cut yourself some slack. You've had a good loss, a wee spell of maintaining that will do no harm and then you'll be back on track.
Or it'll be the wet fish
And it's smelly now...
I had a week like this, just couldn't push through and started fasting three days in a row only to succumb! Felt all concerned I was losing my way and wouldn't be able to get back into it. After finally completing a 6:1 I found I had maintained my weight and realised I was worrying for nothing and now back in my routine. I'm sure you'll get back on track after the next fast and exercise will return when the change of routine with school being out creates a new routine, if that makes any sense??
Good luck, keep posting as it helps to motivate!
Hello. Well I have completely lost the plot recently re 5:2. Had a long weekend away, that was fine and returned to the fast days ok; however I and the OH have had 5 weeks of upheaval and I am afraid the eating plan was the last thing on my mind. Culminating in OH flying out to start a new job 2 months earlier than expected and on the same day I had total knee replacement.
But I do know that being on 5:2 and loosing additional pounds before surgery was the best thing, and I know over the manic weeks we consumed copious amounts of red wine!! But I am still feeling ok in clothes although I have not managed to stand on the scales yet... But I will return as soon as I can....wish me luck!!
Och Mrsrae, what a time you've been having. Hope your knee replacement went ok and you're not in too much pain. And that Mrrae gets settled wherever he is.
Feel confident! You have managed this WOE before and can come back to it- with the red wine too.
Good luck to you too :clover:
Can I join in? I really need a good pep talk. I am still fasting but I am not motivated. The weight is stuck and/or I have slightly gained. I have been eating healthy walking a lot and feeling great but there is something wrong. I have been losing a lot of hair and a nagging feeling said check my blood pressure. It was very high and hubby went you are calling the doctors to make an appointment. I ended up in tears and feeling miserable and did a brad pilon fast.

Tomorrow is the appointment and I really dont want to be on medication. Ill be on a semi fast as since I am there I will ask for a full blood work.

If anyone has a magical wond that makes stressing dysfunctional in laws disappear I am willing to give you my life savings. :razz:
Aina wrote: If anyone has a magical wond that makes stressing dysfunctional in laws disappear I am willing to give you my life savings. :razz:

Awwww no wonder your blood pressure is through the roof! No advice but lots of hugs. :heart: :smile:
Thanks everyone, think I'd better pull myself together as that wet fish doesn't appeal to me in the least!

Thinking about it I entered this week in a kind of panic get back to fasting rush without planning at all, though there was no need to panic as I didn't put on any weight on holiday, and really I would have been better of planning when I was going to fast and what to eat. I did actually do 16/8 today and on Monday, so I'm just going to put this week down to experience and not worry about it. Must get back to shredding though as results were good, just can't make myself do it in the heat :(

Aina-can't help u with the inlaws but let us know about docs appointment tomorrow!
Hi Nicky, fellow shredder :oops:

It has been a tricky week coping with the heat, shredding has fallen by the wayside for me too - and I haven't made it to my holiday yet. I have done two rubbish fasts this week - popcorn in the cinema on Monday and an awful lot of 'sampling' the cakes I made tonight.

So it's gone a bit off track, so what? Back on track tomorrow - I will if you will :wink:
Well Effie I rose to the challenge and I shredded this morning, heat or no heat, and you know what, it wasn't that bad!

Now I'm not going to worry about food today, I'm just going to have a normal day today and tomorrow and back to fasting on Saturday, the threat of the wet fish has worked its magic again!
Success! Engage smug mode ;)
and well done Nicky-94. Respect for managing to exercise in the heat
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