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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Until today, and surprise surprise it's not so bad! Who knew lol - I always thought it would be vile without milk!
I used to think that only sophisticated folk took their coffee black, no sugar. Now I take it like that, I know they're not sophisticated at all!!

Cannot take tea without milk though, unless it's Lady Grey with lemon! (there, is that sophisticated enough?)
Thanks to sending a period of time living with other people who never bothered to buy their share of the groceries or replace empty containers, I learned long ago to drink coffee any way it comes. I started with white, one sugar, but soon got used to black and unsweetened! That was over 20 years ago but the habits stuck, so I still take coffee all sorts of ways, although I never take sugar with black coffee. People who know me know to ask every time, or just make what they are inclined because I WILL drink it :grin:

I can't drink black tea such as pg tips without milk, but happily quaff green tea with lemon, earl grey etc.
I always have tea with lemon. My favourite at the moment is the red bush green tea with a slice of lemon and a sprig of fresh mint. Very refreshing.

I started drinking black coffee many years ago. I could never manage a milky coffee without a whole heap of sugar but black is much better just as it comes. Couldn't get through a day without my coffee!
I got used to drinking black tea on a study abroad -- the place where I went to school had coffee, but there were always ants in the cream and sugar. :curse: Luckily though black coffee isn't too bad! I hear it also tastes smoother and less bitter when cold-brewed.
ferociousfleur you are correct. Cold brew coffee very nice. And its 'green ' too. No fuel used to brew!
I always drink my hot black tea with milk and sugar, my iced tea without either! Herbals, green, etc also go without M&S unless I need a little carb lift! :grin:

I cannot drink coffee though - it upsets my stomach after the first cup.
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