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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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So I started this back in Feb and honestly found the fasting quite easy but the weight loss a little slow but then realised I was in fact binging on my feed days...and I was really busy with work etc over the last month so I have let it all slip and have of course put back on more than I lost in the first place :confused:
BUT - thankfully having come back to the forum, jumped on the scales and faced reality and the fact that I really must lose 10kgs to get back to being happy I am very motivated! I am running every days with my doggies, about 45 mins and I have decided to do the 18:6 on non-fast days to avoid the whole bread/croissant issue I am faced with living in France! And to top it all we have guests staying for the next 2 months so I think it will be my only way to enjoy them, the food and the wine - although its going to be tough to fit in 2 fast days.
My other issue is that I am going on a real treaty beach weekend in September and would love to have lost most of my 10kgs by then - optimistic I know, what with all of the entertaining I will be doing between now and then! IF I exercise more will this help? Really pleased to be back and honestly its all down to this forum that I am!! :heart: Thanks all for your inspiring stories!
It probably depends on all sorts of factors but I think if you want to achieve that kind of weightloss exercise will be essential and dare I say, you might need to consider your alcohol consumption. From my family's experience that can make a big difference.
You can't train a bad diet. If you have an optimistic target, then you are just going to have to buckle down and fast. I'd probably relax the target a bit so you don't get despondent but try hard to be strict on fast days.

More isn't always better with both the diet and exercise. Very important to not be stressed, sleep well and have recovery time. Both diet and exercise are stressors for the body so be kind to yourself.

Try some resistance work for toning as it will help with calorie burning too. Look up bodyweight exercises for inspiration.

But really you have to be in the correct time and place to implement this properly and it sounds like you have a lot of distractions, so just do the best you can. :-)
I would also argue you don't need to lose 10 kgs to be happy. If you're happy anyway and have cultivated a good positive image for yourself, it's much easier to lose the weight.

Which is more important to you? Friends, wine, food, good time or being 10kgs lighter?

I'd be happy to be living where you do, at the weight you are with friends and good times! ;-)
BBT makes a very good point about more of everything is not necessarily better, the formula is 5:2 IF and you need to eat to your TDEE so it's fast and feed not feast.

That being said I do believe when you have a craving kind of day it is good sometimes to instinctively eat and graze what your body is asking for within reason. I found that 16:8 is a good framework for feed days and you can still do 5:2 spaced out with a way hey day on weekend.

All the best
Thanks for that and yes I agree I am extremely lucky!!! I just think if I could get to goal I would feel so much more confident and the running and exercise I already do would be easier (imagine if I didn't do any...eek!) - and yes I do a few weights during term time when I get to the gym but during holidays stick with running from home as it works with dogs/kids etc.
I am a happy person and most of the time I think "to hell with it, I am happy, my husband is happy" but then I go to get dressed and nothing fits, or I see pics of me when I was slimmer and I just can't settle like this....I WONT! I also realise that I am 44 now so if I don't get a hold of it now it will be disastrous! Someone the other day said that they have had to accept that even if slimmer, the funny odities of our bodies and the things we hate most will still be there, just uncovered....I think that is such a refreshing way to think and something I wish I had understood when I was 20 and lovely!! I wanted to look in the mirror and see Kate Moss with skinny legs, but even when I got to 8 stone at 18 (borderline anorexic) I still had my same basic shape and skinny ankles and skinny arse ain't part of my lot! So I think whilst I DO NOW accept my shape (thanks Mum) I honestly think I should do myself a favour and do what I know is right and get back to the acceptable for me zone! So I know that before September things are going to be tough so I will have to just tone up and do my best but I sure would love to reach my target by Christmas so I am here to stay!!! Thanks for all your support, keep it coming, it helps sooooo much! :grin:
I was playing devil's advocate a wee bit. It's just a road to disaster to try to have challenging targets in non-ideal circumstances.

I wish I'd known I was thin at 9 stone. I was still a dodgy shape and not very toned but still, I was 9 stone thinking I was fat. Ha, ha, I've never owned a bikini or similar...

I'm 41 and getting a grip finally is fab! :cool:

I feel a lot better for having lost some weight and so I would advocate losing some but the more I read this forum, I feel a lot of people would benefit from cultivating some inner love for themselves and some acceptance for their own unique make-up. :-)
BBT I think you have done soooo well over 13 Kgs lost- you must feel amazing! Its hard to keep focused though don't you think.....some days you think yes I am doing this and sometimes you think its not as important as it was...heh-ho thats why I am here cos as soon as feel a bit urgh I am going to come on this forum! I feel like I am starting again really as my attitude has changed and I realise its not feast and famine: its eat sensibly and fast 2 days....that is where it all went wrong (I hope) the first time round - so this time I will really try and be good! have a great day!
There was a huge phase where I ate too much on feed days and it's taken a while to eat a lot less. I think a lot of people experience this too. I still eat chips lots more than I used to. ;-)

It's pretty much routine now but I have quite a settled life now and it's been harder when social things happen. I'm aiming to be around 11 stone, maybe a bit more, I'll see so a way to go yet.

Thinking of going to 5:2. I'm much fitter now so losing weight a bit fast. Think it's just helps to be a bit zen about it really.
I think it's the first time I feel proud to be a big loser!

10kg is a big amount to lose in a short time and you might resort to 'crash dieting', without re-educating your appetite. As a result, you might put it all back on - and more.
I'd set a small, realistic 'mini target', enjoy the summer and continue to your target weight by the end of this year. Just think how proud you'll be by Christmas!
Thanks Penny and you should be extremely you've done well!!! What are your secrets then? I will take it easy and just keep at the it and up the exercise and hope with all the houseguests I can sneak in some fast days without it being too much of an issue! And yes I really really want to do it!
Hi Melting, I don't think there are any secrets.
I do eat more than the 500 cals on a fast day, but I also watch what I eat on the other days. We enjoy a drink (and I do sometimes have a glass on fast days
:oops: ) and my hub is also losing weight, but not by this WOE.

I've just been very focused on seeing the end goal.

A very simple maxim is (substitute calories for pounds,but the principle is the same!):

"Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen [pounds] nineteen [shillings] and six [pence], result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."
Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
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