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Post-fast snack-attacks
09 Feb 2013, 21:24
My first two fasts were this week and were both fine but I noticed that on the day after each one I got a horrible carb craving during the afternoons. OK, it's a feed day, but I didn't like the feeling of being overwhelmed, almost, by the need to eat. Has anyone else experienced this or something similar? Does anyone have any advice about why it might happen if I'm not the only one? I tried to eat sensibly each of those days, starting with porridge in the morning and a reasonable lunch. But once I'd had lunch, then I had to try exceptionably hard not to keep snacking.

Thanks :?
Re: Post-fast snack-attacks
09 Feb 2013, 21:28
It goes away, well, it did for me.
Re: Post-fast snack-attacks
12 Feb 2013, 18:34
Must admit it's been like that for me today and Im SO GRUMPY!!!!!!!!!
Re: Post-fast snack-attacks
13 Feb 2013, 12:36
When I'm having an overwhelming urge for CARBS with a side of carbs, I make sure I eat some protein and fat: I might spread some nut butter on a slice of bread, or have a lovely bit of cheese with my bread, or put a slice of ham on that croissant. The protein and fat make me a lot more satisfied and full, and it reduces the amount of carbs I'm able to stuff in my face in one sitting :twisted:
Re: Post-fast snack-attacks
13 Feb 2013, 12:48
I've been doing it for about 5 weeks now and I must admit in the first few weeks I found I really craved carbs. I went a bit bananas on my first feast days I think just because I could, but like BBT053 said, it's worn off.
I feel like I'm gradually getting less food focussed the longer I do this, which is great because in the past food has almost been an obsession with me!
Re: Post-fast snack-attacks
13 Feb 2013, 22:29
Thanks, folks. I'm glad it's not just me, anyway. :)

What I have to watch out for, I think, is the gap between eating something and my system recognising it. It was a bit easier yesterday. I agree that a bit of protein or fat *should* make one feel fuller for longer...

It's been quite sad, realising that even after all these months on a calorie-restricted diet that I'd managed to stick to, I still had a strong underlying impulse to reach for carbs in an uncontrolled manner when I changed my eating pattern to this one. I really thought I'd got that sorted. No wonder I've put weight back on each time I've lost it, before. :( I hate feeling out of control.
Re: Post-fast snack-attacks
13 Feb 2013, 22:58
Out of control is my middle finding that I crave chocolate, and can't get enough of it on my normal feed apart from sewing my lips together, I think I will have to find diversionary tactics.
It's not that I don't have willpower, 'cos on my fast days I can manage, so it is all about thinking that a non-fast day is not a feast day, but rather a "eating with sense" day. Fingers crossed I can find the strength to do that....just don't want to be a "fatty" at forty!
Re: Post-fast snack-attacks
14 Feb 2013, 07:27
I had this earlier this week after really cutting back on carbs before and on my fast day and for the morning/lunch after. Then when I did have some carbs at dinner I couldn't stop eating, ugh!

So the suggestion I had from here (shell I think, thank you!) was to ease myself back into carbs more gently on a feed day. That's what I will try tomorrow...
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