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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Sarahg wrote: I think whatJR is asking is what I am trying to sort out too
If I eat the same food spread over the whole day,that I eat in my window,will I still lose weight?
I think from my reading it's not the case.the fasting from all food food for a time period is what causes the weight loss and health benefits.
Am I correct?

There is a reference in Dr.M M.'s book about an experiment with mice that showed when two groups of mice ate the same amount & type of food, one in an eating window and the other freely, it was the group that ate in the window that had health benefits and did not put weight on or get liver damage whilst the other group suffered significant liver damage and other negative effects.
I know we're not mice but that did it for me..... :geek:
@Auriga it was the very same quote in Dr M's book that caught my imagination as well. Once I'd looked into the eating window I never looked back :lol: so to speak! I totally agree with @barbarita on this one, it's the length of the fast that is important. The longer the fast, the better and I mean that purely on a daily basis, not extended fasting. If you fast for up to 23 hours in any day you will burn more fat than if you fast for 14-16 which, I understand, is about the minimum time to kick in the fat burning. Yesterday I only had a late lunch at 2.30 with a very rich dessert and 3 glasses of wine and today will be similar as will tomorrow and I am confident that my weight will remain stable. For me, the freedom from calorie counting and eating exactly what I want everyday is so liberating.

Ballerina x :heart:
So it's not about calories it is about time, what is not to like if you get the benefits of a longer fast and you can pretty much eat what you want.

I have a question now does every day of the week have to be an eating window day to lose weight?
Interested to hear the answer as I would like to take a day off sometimes .
Also ,I think I may have to have some shorter fast days as I really struggled today.felt tired and irritable and sorry for myself all day.

I have a question now does every day of the week have to be an eating window day to lose weight?[/quote]

I don't honestly know the answer to that one, sorry. I assume it all depends on what and when you eat on the other days. Back to the old 'how long is a piece of string' again

Ballerina x :heart:
Hi @gillmary and @sarahg Five hour window every day is the ideal. On 5:2 people sometimes abandon a fast day and call it a lower calorie day, and start again with a fast the next day. If a 19:5 seems unbearable, then have a longer window that day - 6, 7 or 8 hours and recommit to 19:5 the next day. There are people on the Facebook page who say they have done this and still lost.

What I would try to avoid is having a 3-meals-a-day day, as I think that will make getting back on the horse very difficult. As to what this will do for your own weight loss, well that is the famous "study of one"; if you still lose when you throw in some 16:8 days then that may become your preferred method; slower but easier for you.

It does get easier, I was almost ready to eat the table towards the end of my Fast in the first 3 or 4 weeks; today I delayed my window by an hour because a friend wanted to meet up to go jogging just around when I usually start eating, I wasn't particularly hungry when I eventually started on my salad. I am just finishing week 18.
I have been doing 16:8 as well as 4:3 to get the weight off but having reached the magical 56k I don't seem to be able to lose any more weight. I have upped the fast for a few days to 20:4 and today I am trying 24hrs and only having two coffees with a bit of double cream to get me through. Experiment in progress here. Tomorrow I am having friends round for lunch so won't be watching what I eat too much and only fasting in a 16:8 window. It's going to be interesting.
Sarahg wrote: I think whatJR is asking is what I am trying to sort out too
If I eat the same food spread over the whole day,that I eat in my window,will I still lose weight?
I think from my reading it's not the case.the fasting from all food food for a time period is what causes the weight loss and health benefits.
Am I correct?

That was a good way to put my question @Sarahg thanks. This stuff can be a bit confusing as the calories in - calories out theories seem to be being thrown out the window. I recall the @kenccposter here had some good insights. if you are there, please post your comment
gillymary wrote: So it's not about calories it is about time, what is not to like if you get the benefits of a longer fast and you can pretty much eat what you want.

I have a question now does every day of the week have to be an eating window day to lose weight?

I always thought eating windows is a daily regime though of course one cant be social outcasts and just never have a fun breakfast, yummy brunch or fabulous lunch be it at home or at a restaurant.

It is the daily thing that gets me. With respect to all the fast fivers and eating windowers and hats off to you as you seem so comfortable in your pattern of eating and are getting fabulous results so keep doing it.. but personally, I feel i have more freedom in knowing that I only have to think about what and when i eat 3 days a week (as im officially on 4:3 with the 16:8 concept only thrown in on fast days to stop myself snacking and allow me a bigger evening meal.. and my latest "trick" of weighing myself on a non fast day and if i dont like what i see, restrict my eating till i see an acceptable weight or 4pm whichever is the earliest)

geez that was like 50 words to describe my method of eating. i guess i cant put it any shorter. lol
Maybe I will do my own experiment of one: for a few weeks I will do. Fast 5 then I will do a few weeks eating the same food spread over the day
I suppose(hopefully ) a confounding factor will be that I will at a lower weight wen I change plan
I like the idea of shortening the fast and making a long window on tough days
Sarahg wrote: Juliana.rivers
Maybe I will do my own experiment of one: for a few weeks I will do. Fast 5 then I will do a few weeks eating the same food spread over the day
I suppose(hopefully ) a confounding factor will be that I will at a lower weight wen I change plan
I like the idea of shortening the fast and making a long window on tough days

@Sarahg being able to experiment is great. Reckon i would go crazy if i can only eat for 5 hours but i dont have as much stamina as many here I think. Also I need food for concentration at the computer. I can handle that slight nagging hunger feel but feel i need to eat a couple of spoonfulls of cottage cheese or yoghurt or even a tiny bit of chicken to get through it.
In terms of weight loss, I don't think eating windows are magic. If you're not in calorie deficit, you won't lose weight. But, for a lot of people, an eating window will allow them to be in calorie deficit more easily (whether they're actually counting them or not).
MaryAnn wrote: In terms of weight loss, I don't think eating windows are magic. If you're not in calorie deficit, you won't lose weight. But, for a lot of people, an eating window will allow them to be in calorie deficit more easily (whether they're actually counting them or not).

I was reading the fast-5 facebook group and someone said

"It is so counterintuitive to think that a non-restrictive caloric diet can lead to weight loss"

I guess that's the contentious point of this thread i created.. the group often implies that you don't have to be in calorie deficit but still lose weight.

You have said before when I started the Fast-5 thread that the eating window approach does not appeal to you and were going to carry on doing the basic 5:2 which you love and works for you. So I don't really understand why you started this thread. You seem upset that people can lose weight without counting calories - why is that?
barbarita wrote: @Juliana.rivers

You have said before when I started the Fast-5 thread that the eating window approach does not appeal to you and were going to carry on doing the basic 5:2 which you love and works for you. So I don't really understand why you started this thread. You seem upset that people can lose weight without counting calories - why is that?

No, not upset at all. Just fascinated by the concept that you can lose weight without attention to total calories. And as I said somewhere I think it is brilliant that it does work for so many here, so please carry on fast-5ing if you can sustain the way of eating. Everybody is different.

I feel the same about ADF, 16:8 and all the other methods under the big umbrella of Intermittent fasting. Everybody will find the right place for them. I guess if anything I'm slightly protective about 5:2 and 4:3 and hoping people give that a really good go too in case anyone implies it doesnt work so do fast-5 instead. Part of my passion about 5:2 and 4:3 nothing else

I will read Bert's e-book as soon as i get a chance.
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