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Yes, we've all read this stuff before but keep reading as I think their comparison lists are very interesting.

Hunger: True & Emotional

When faced with the sensation of "hunger" during your day, consider the possibility that it might not be true hunger. In our Western culture, what we call hunger is often the physical manifestation of an emotion that is asking to be "numbed" or comforted. If left alone and quietly observed, emotional hunger becomes an opportunity for immense growth. When that "hunger" sensation arises, mindfully keep your attention on it, and ask yourself:

What am I really feeling?

If it’s boredom, restlessness or any other emotion, truly allow yourself to feel it. You don’t have to wallow in unhappiness or negativity, but simply recognize what the true feeling is, and put a name to it.

Am I truly hungry or am I feeling anxious / nervous / sad / upset right now?
Here is a useful way to determine if what you are feeling is true hunger:

True Hunger
• Gradually arises

• You’re open to different food options

• Doesn’t have to be filled immediately

• You stop when you’re full

• You feel good when finished

Emotional Hunger
• Arises suddenly

• Crave one particular food only

• Must be eaten right now

• Keep eating even when full

• You feel guilty, shameful, or unsatisfied

There are tips on how to combat emotional hunger but didn't want to make this post too long.

Any comments or tips you may have???
I was always an emotional eater but reading through this list, I think that 5:2 has changed my hunger switches. I can't remember the last time I ate "just because it's there". If there is something in the house I want, I plan for it as a meal, could be cheese/crackers and veg with dips or any number of "snacky" things but I will make the "cravible" foods into lunch or dinner and be done with the cravings.
@lovemyparrot - nicely put. Now the hard work is to listen to yourself, to pay attention
Before 5:2, I had no idea what the difference was between real hunger and emotional hunger.

Now, it's a piece of cake ;-)

I've also learned that if I've eaten in the past two hours, there's no way it's real hunger - that barring any extreme amount of activity, I most likely won't be truly hungry for at least 4 hours after my last meal.
I can still eat everything in site and fantasis about eating complete rubbish on fast days, but am a lot better and usually whatever I crave on a fast day has gone by the time I can eat it is I want to.
love this discussion! I wrote a little about it in a thread on bingeing, and also in my blog. Still brewing another blog post on the topic, but I spent 2 hours about 10 days ago writing it, only to lose it when the site asked me to log in again. I must admit I haven't tried since, but I will soon - cut and paste this time!

This approach is in line with Dr Rick Kausman's mindful eating work - he says one question to ask is,"I can have it if I want it, but first is there something else going on for me?" (I'm paraphrasing!) - a very rich mine of self-knowledge awaits us with this question, if, like me, you're accustomed to eating down your feelings before you're even aware of what they are.

I think that many of us go through our lives as though we are not really present and think that this makes a great deal of sense.Thankyou for reminding me of the benefits of being present to my experience of myself. Being mindful has benefits far beyond considering hunger.

I try to be mindfully present in my work and encourage my clients to experiment with mindfulness. However, it is easy to become distracted and to forget.
Bumping this up in case some of the U.K. members missed it. We need more tips and advice
Yes this ties in well with comfort eating where we misguidedly think eating something nice is somehow being good to or rewarding ourselves! TV food programmes or food advertising can also play havoc with my resolve & can still prompt me to want to immediately eat chocolate :grin:
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