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Trying out the 5:2 Fast Formula
28 Aug 2013, 11:29
Well, since the manufacturer was kind enough to provide us with the competition prizes and a bottle for me to try out I thought I should do so. I had intended to start on them a couple of weeks ago but had a bad tummy and decided I'd best not start until I was all better.

I've taken a few supplements in my time for weight loss, boob enhancement, general health/wellbeing and some have been great while others have done nothing at all.

The product isn't something I would have chosen to buy and try as I don't feel I need any kind of hunger suppressant, having done 5:2 for so long now I have that under control. What did interest me though was the suggestion that it might somehow increase fat burn/weight loss. Not sure how it is supposed to do this but as my weight loss has slowed down in recent months I thought I could judge it from this aspect if nothing else.

Okay, so I shall keep a bit of a log here of how I get on with it.

I had expected the capsules to be massive and to smell funny. Neither was the case, they're smaller than most supplements I've tried - see the picture I tweeted last night: ... 32/photo/1

They go down fairly easily and I made sure to take them with enough water to wash them right down. Apparently there have been issues in some countries with the konjac root products not being swallowed properly and then swelling with water, causing an obstruction. Yes, this did have me a little worried but the same is true of Zero Noodles and I've eaten them. I want to be able to tell you what I honestly think of the product so I put my fears aside and swallowed!

I then ate my fasting dinner and to my surprise I actually started to feel full about two thirds of the way through the meal. I thought it was probably just the glass of water I took with the capsules, so thought I'd finish my dinner anyway or I'd be hungry later.

Well I was anything but hungry later - I felt proper full within 20 minutes of eating and wished I hadn't finished the plateful. I'll listen to that early full signal next time and believe it! I didn't even have room for the 30 calorie Mini Milk I'd been looking forward to.

So then I worried for a bit that the stuff might have swelled up too much in my tummy and might never pass through. Well, that certainly wasn't the case this morning. Nothing unpleasant and as usual I didn't feel hungry until mid morning. I opted not to take a supplement this morning since I don't feel hungry first thing, but will take one with dinner as suggested on the label.

I guess we'll see at the end of the week if my loss has improved - but will try the pills for at least a couple of weeks to see how I get on. In terms of hunger, I do usually find myself a bit peckish on a fasting evening after my dinner (eating makes me hungry!) but this was not the case last night. Interesting especially as it's that time of the month and I'd normally be all the more hungry on one of those evenings.

So, yes the konjac filling you up part seems to work, not that I feel I need that - but others might. Can't report on anything else for now. Still alive and well at least!
So, I took a capsule with dinner last night as I said I would. Again, it went down easily enough :) ...and again I found myself feeling full partway through dinner - this time I actually left some so didn't feel over full all evening and had room for my Mini Milk :) Definitely now feelings of physical hunger but of course it doesn't have the added feature of psychological suppression, so when hubby was munching biscuits and I fancied one but knew I didn't have room for it that was a bit annoying ;) - but probably in my best interests!

I did find I was a bit burpy after dinner (as I was the night before, but I put that down to the cucumber), but then I sometimes get that with capsule meds, reckon I swallow a load of air in my hurry to get them down. I feel good this morning, but that's not unusual! Will take another pair of capsules with my fasting dinner tonight and report back on that - and this week's loss, if any - tomorrow. The loss will be a bit hard to judge this week as I didn't have a formal weigh in last week having done only one fast while we had family visiting. I had a Dominos on the Thursday night so Friday morning I was a few lbs up from all that food and water retention, I'd like to think that wasn't an actual gain but really not sure what I was last week in reality. Certainly wouldn't have lost anything compared with the week before!

Today is anot
Hi Moogie,

Brave of you to be our human guinea pig and interesting to read. I've never tried anything like this and provided I stay doing what I am doing I can't see me ever need it BUT, it would have been wonderful to have had this when I was struggling with my weight, not for use every day but on the days when I found it hard. Sometimes we all need a little helping hand and as long as it is safe, which sounds as though it is, then it can only be a good thing.

Looking forward to how you get on, thanks for the info, :like:

Ballerina x :heart:
Thanks for that, Moogie. As a fan of supplements, it's good to know another one is working at least towards the non-hunger way.
Thanks ladies, I'm glad you appreciate my experiment!

I took the supplement again last night just before my fasting dinner -2 capsules as directed. This time I took them with less water than previously as I'm no longer concerned about the 'blockage hazard' of konjac products. Phew!

Once again I can report I started to feel full part way through dinner. I did wolf it down a bit last night which isn't like me so probably felt full later in the meal than I otherwise would have.

Again I was full all evening and unable to manage a Mini Milk or a square of dark chocolate to help with TOTM ;) I was a bit later to bed and noticed a tummy rumble at around 11.30pm - but nothing until then, so definitely seems to help with the staying full sensation. Though as I've said before, I don't mind hunger and can easily ignore it, so I'm not that fussed about this aspect of the supplement, though others may find it helpful. I suppose it may come in handy if we have a takeaway and I'm inclined to pig out as I think it would prevent me from doing so. I'll find out soon enough I'm sure as we may have one (or eat out) over the weekend as a family birthday celebration.

Once again I can report that I was gassy (upwardly!) after dinner, but I've had that when taking antibiotics etc with dinner too so I suspect it's more about the glug of water followed by dinner. I may try taking the tablets 10 minutes or so before dinner and see if that helps.

I can also say I've noted over the last few nights I've felt really warm a few hours after dinner. It's possible these are just my usual hot flushes from TOTM, but I did wonder if it's some kind of 'fat burning' sensation as it's been around the same length of time after taking the supplement. Will know one way or the other in the next few days if it keeps up once TOTM is over.

As I didn't weigh in last week due to only having one fast and knowing I'd indulged on Thursday night I can't really judge if it's aided the weight loss at all. I would guess at best I maintained last week, in which case I have lost about 1lb this week which is unusual for me considering the recent plateau and half pound losses prior to that. I reserve judgement on this front until I've tried the product for several weeks. If it is helping the loss then I'm very grateful indeed for this free sample pot as it should last me a couple of months!

So, results inconclusive after a few days of use. Will keep you informed most days about anything I can connect to the use of the product, any concerns, joys etc.
Continuing to try the product, I have taken one tablet before my dinner each day Fri-Sun and as usual felt full more quickly with no hunger during the evening. Taking the capsules with less water seems to result in less gassiness! No more hot flushes so will chalk those up to time of the month.

Tonight I'm having Barenaked noodles for dinner so not sure if it's wise to take the supplement with that, given that both the capsules & the noodles will be swelling in my tummy. Could be konjac overload! However, the bottle does say to take them with food so not sure if I can have them during the day when I'm not eating. It wouldn't really be a fair test if I missed a day of taking them as I'm keen to see if the actually do increase weight loss as advertised. I've emailed the company to enquire about these points.

Anyway, that's all for now - just keeping you informed of my trial with the product. It certainly seems to keep hunger at bay and increase fullness if nothing else. Not that I need that, but I guess some might.
:star: Well Done moogie you're a :star:
But I'm sure you made it to goal with your own hard work :heart:
Good Luck with your next goal :clover: Sue
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