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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I really enjoy reading the achievements on this site. I have noticed a huge variable on how much people lose. I am aiming for the 2 kilos per month, 1 lb per week and will be happy with that. I have noticed that I eat a bit less on my non fasting days and have been walking a lot. I have about 25 kilos to lose and I am 52 years old. I don't want to restrict my calorie intake on non fasting days to prevent the metabolism going bonkers later on. One thing I have noticed though, apart from feeling better generally, is that sometimes I am really really tired, especially after a fast day. Are the people with really big numbers lost also dieting on the other days or has age something to do with it? Also, I am going through the dreaded M.
Hi Emily well as I'm in the big numbers and I have never felt tired at all in fact I've not had any side effects that some members have had tiredness being side effect said by many members alas were all different.
However I have had a phenomenal weight loss I'm on 4:3 and 2/3 days of 16:8 I do believe that this has boosted my losses I accidently went on the skipping breakfast day after my fasts becaue im not hungry
GOOD LUCK :clover: think its prob not the M :clover: Sue :clover:
For the most part I have been energized during and the day after a fast. There have been odd times when I feel "limp" without energy but it has been rare. I think it has to do with quality of sleep and hydration.
Hi Emilie - I have lost about 11 pounds, but am going about it quite slowly. Partly for my own lifestyle (minimal disruption, maximum enjoyment) and for sustainability. I feel like if I eat now how I intend to eat in the longterm, there will be no post "diet" woosh of gaining back what was lost.

The day after fast, I typically start the day with an intense workout while still in the fasted state. Run sprint intervals or circuit train with weights. Then I am famished and really enjoy breakfast!
I'm averaging out at 1.2ish lbs a week and as you can see have lost a lot, it accumulates before you know it and I don't feel like I've been on a diet! Can't ask for more than that!
According to my progress tracker I'm averaging 1.7kg a week at the moment. I have got a lot to lose, however until last week my husband who is already back within a healthy bmi matched my loss. I only restrict my calorie intake on the two fast days. I save them all up for an evening meal. I'm not someone who is hungry in the morning and I hate having to have what I consider a measly meal if I split the calories up. That just happens to suit me.

Like the others have said it really doesn't feel like a diet. It's not been a hardship to restrict my food on two days. I know whatever I fancy on a fast day I can have the next day if I still crave/want/fancy it.

People do all sorts on this site, there are people who do lots of exercise or people like me who do none. Lots of different ways of doing intermittent fasting. 5:2 suits me and I love it. Long may this last :D
I had a much bigger weight loss in the beginning, it has slowed so that I am now averaging a little less than 1 pound per week. I have not been doing much exercise since I started this (although I think the week I did about 6 hours of kayaking I lost 3 pounds!). I'm content with losing more slowly, as I've already lost more than 2/3 what I wanted to, and my appetite doesn't suffer.
My body is too unreliable to aim for a target date. I had 41kg to lose to reach my target weight when I started. I reckon on reaching my target weight some time in 2015, and that's doing 5:2 with 20% of current TDEE (% and TDEE will change as time goes on) on non-fast days. If I get my expectations up that I'll lose it faster I'll only be disappointed. Damn it though! It's SO much quicker to put it on. ;)
I turn 55 in a couple of months. Initially, I was losing a tad more than a pound a week...and that was after losing 12 pounds with WW. The last two months the loss rate has dropped, but I'm chalking that up to my body needing to adjust and maybe I eat too many sweets on the weekend. I still do fairly well on the fast days...I don't count my 500 calories, but I do just eat the one healthy meal at dinner time. I do try to get 10,000 steps in a day...and my legs reflect it...tummy being a tad more stubborn.
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