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Walking gives me the munchies
26 Sep 2013, 20:48
It's my second week of 5:2
I haven't done any exercise due to a wacky couple of weeks.
I went for a slow walk this evening (100ish minutes) problem is, when I got back, I totally had the munchies. I started on celery as the least evil thing in the fridge, had 6squares of whole nut and half a very large pot of vanilla fat free yoghurt. I'd intended not to eat after dinner as it's fast day tomorrow. I'm a bit disappointed with myself :-(
Is it normal to get like that? I didn't before 5:2 after walking.
Cheers x
Hi Karen

Dont be disappointed, look forward to tommorrows fast, and let this evening go. 100 minutes of walking is great, enjoy that!

I have been fasting for 6 months now, and my experience is that is takes some time to get adjusted to this WOE. In the beginning, concentrate on the fast days. The feed days discipline will come later.

Wish you the best!

Regards from pben
That's really good advice from pben. Definitely just concentrate on the fast days for now because that alone will more than likely still give you a weekly deficit.
You will in time find you are making better choices on the feast days and just not wanting so much. Everyone said this to me at the beginning and I just smirked to myself thinking.. You don't know me :wink: but now it's starting to happen and I'm sure it will for you too.
Lil :heart:
Great advice, concentrate on fast days, and try not to think about watching what you eat on non fast days.

This does show how different we all are though - for me, walking is my main way of getting over a hunger wave on a fast day.

Were you actually hungry though? Or just in that restless snacking headspace?
Hi there the exercise will be good for you so put it behind you coz we're all human :heart: I'm lucky I suppose because my walking from day one as acted as a suppressant brilliant I can use all the help I can get.
Try to stick with the healthier munchies :clover: Sue. :clover:
When I started, it wasn't uncommon for me to eat more before a fast day because I knew I wouldn't be eating the next day. I know this isn't what you reported, but you also say that this didn't happen before 5:2? I also used to sometimes eat more the next day too, because I hadn't eaten the day before. Not due to hunger, more a subconscious 'it's only fair' sort of thought!
This doesn't help speedy weight loss, but it settled down, and I don't seem to do it now!
This may not be you at all, but just a thought.

PS. Well done for going for the celery first! :like:
KataMac wrote: Were you actually hungry though? Or just in that restless snacking headspace?

I think I was thirsty as I took no water with me and it was my first proper exercise since last weeks surgery! x

Btw just done a calorie check on MFP and today's food only came in at 1221 cals
I think I need help working out what I should be eating as I thought I'd eaten too much, whereas it was lower than TDEE!
My walks i always do mid morning after a cup of tea, that could be the difference I take two bottles of water totalling 1*5pints with me and make sure both are empty when I get home then on my return I drink another glass while the kettles boiling and make my first coffee.
We some times mistake thirst for hunger, and on top of that your surgery take care of yourself first and ease into the fasting. Sue :clover:
I can easily believe that you aren't eating enough. I have come to that same conclusion for myself.
Well as Annurca said,at least you went for the celery first
And if you were in that restless head space that Kata mentioned..well its inevitable!
You say later on that your cal count actually was onlyabout 1200 cals
So hey 1200 cals and an hours walking plus a fast day following did good! X
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