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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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30 Sep 2013, 19:15
Hello. This is my second week doing this program, my week starts on Wed. and I have not been able to fast a single day. I have been eating and eating non-stop. Last week I fasted for three full days, it was not easy, but did not struggled like this week. I wanted to fast today and tomorrow to undo some of the damage I have done before WI on Wednesday, well, did not happen, already ate a lot. So upset!!!
Re: Weak!
30 Sep 2013, 19:53
First of all stop putting pressure on yourself.
You can fast, you already have, you can do it again.

Try going back to basics. Plan one fast at a time and not back to back until you are properly in the 5:2 swing. Take it one day at a time. Could the overeating be a TOTM symptom?

Don't stress about it and enjoy your WI meeting.
Re: Weak!
30 Sep 2013, 19:55
Look at the did THREE fasts last week?? Well done!
Think we all know about those eat and eat days! They happen to the best of us and we shouldnt beat ourselves up
Reading up on this,it doesnt mean we have no willpower or have failed.
We've evolved all these thousands of years coz the body will go to any length to ensure we survive,including telling us to eat and eat when it thinks we are in a famine situation..
Its very early days for you...many people here seem to find it gets easier as the weeks go on..first few weeks can be tough
Just take tomorrow as another day and do your best xx
Re: Weak!
30 Sep 2013, 20:05
You must have made a difference agree your body is likely having famine and trying to compensate. Just keep going and pick the 2 days that will be easier for you to 5:2 fast, be well planned. As you lose weight that becomes your motivator

Sol angel all the best and one fast day at a time it soon becomes a routine. Some days can be half fasts and turn into 16:8
Re: Weak!
30 Sep 2013, 20:23
Firstly you're not Weak so Please don't beat yourself up about it :heart: we're all human and get tripped up ever now & then it happens :heart:
Firstly you can do it coz you already have, now take it one day at a time if you don't manage a full day and you've skipped breakfast then you've already done a good fast :heart: so now if that fits into your life this is 16:8 and some members loose weight doing this all you then need to do is be careful not to eat to many calories over next 2 meals and try not to have unhealthy snacks stick to salad+veggie type nibbles and have as much as you want. or try doing a week of 600/700cal fasts this may work better for you breaking you in slowly, take it one day at a time that's all you need to do. Good Luck :clover: Sue. :clover:
Re: Weak!
30 Sep 2013, 20:25
Hi Solangel don't worry about it I think you will find most of us go through over eating at times in the early days, I'm not sure why but most have done exactly the same, give yourself a break you will soon get into a pattern
Re: Weak!
30 Sep 2013, 20:34
I've been doing this for 8 months (counts fingers) and last week was a disaster. Only one full fast and really a week of non-stop eating.

I would suggest not eating on your fast day till as late as possible in the day, as eating earlier triggers hunger. Then making the meal later again the next fast.

But, whatever you do, take it one fast at a time. None of us have had perfect fasting all the way through our time on 5:2. We all have had days when just the smell of bacon or equivalent sends us into an eating frenzy. So don't be so hard on yourself.
Re: Weak!
30 Sep 2013, 21:02
You guys rock! Thank you so much for your kind words, for sharing your knowledge and experience with me and for cheering me up. I feel emotionally much better. I do not know why I have been eating like this, probably anxiety, I have to take a very important professional exam in November, and have to study a lot, I have been studying, but I still need to cover lots of material. Since it is too much, I keep forgetting what I have studied already and feel that I am going backwards.

I am going to take one meal at a time as suggested, and do my best. As you said, I already did it, and felt so much in control of the food. But it is not about perfection, it is about persistence and determination. Thank you all again. I will report my WI on Wednesday, even if it is not pretty. :like:
Re: Weak!
30 Sep 2013, 21:51
Hi solangel, Im' glad you feel better about it now. I've been doing 5:2 for 3 weeks and I don't think I could do a 2 day fast yet. Like everyone else said, take it one fastday at a time. You still have tomorrow for a fast and then the week will be a 6:1. Good luck on your next fast, you know you can do it :) Let us know how you get on.
Re: Weak!
30 Sep 2013, 21:59
Just to add, I've found it really helps to plan your fast meals in advance. Decide the day before what you will eat. Not planning means you can find yourself staring into the fridge, wondering what to eat and the next thing you know you're just scoffing all sorts of things!

Plus I totally agree about leaving it as late in the day as possible to eat on a fast day. Just make sure you drink plenty of water, coffee, green/herbal tea or whatever to stay hydrated, also because thirst often manifests itself as hunger so drink first - if you still feel hungry 10 or 15 minutes later after drinking water, then that hunger is probably hunger proper rather than dehydration. But always drink first!
Re: Weak!
30 Sep 2013, 23:32
@justdee : Thank you, I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.

@ Vildekhaya: Thank you for your advices. I actually do full fast days, so no need to plan anything. I do not like planning for the 500 cals meals. For me, it was easier to fast the whole day.

Thank you again.
Re: Weak!
02 Oct 2013, 18:31
I want to say that I was able to do a full fast day yesterday and skipped breakfast today as well. Now, my "good friend", the scale, showed a gain of one pound. This is the first time I am happy that I gained a pound, only a pound, after eating as a wild animal for several days. I will lose it this week, that and hopefully more.

Thank you again for your encouragement. :heart:
Re: Weak!
02 Oct 2013, 18:41
Sounds like you are back on track. Well done for getting back to it! :like:
Re: Weak!
02 Oct 2013, 20:33
:victory: :victory: Well done, I bet you feel at lot better about everything now. :clover: Good luck for the next one :)
Re: Weak!
02 Oct 2013, 20:47
@ justdee: Thank you. Yes, I do feel much, much better now.
@ rawkaren: Yes, back on track and moving on! Thanks.
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