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Weird sabotaging going on....
23 Oct 2013, 21:28
I can't work out what's going on here. Monday, all set for a fast, logged on here and told fellow Monday fasters that I was in.... That lasted about two hours, when I started eating. Ok, I thought to myself, I'll try again tomorrow. Tuesday comes, I log on, tell fellow Tuesday fasters that I'm in... THEN straight away go and make Breakfast :?: followed by lunch, then tea :curse: TODAY I think, right, I'm gonna blimmin do it so that I can still get Thursday in and then have 2 fasts under my belt before the weekend. Logged on but didn't announce that I too am fasting, and what do you know, I did it. I am safely tucked up in bed with only 500 cals in my belly. It's weird, I've always felt a sense of camaraderie has helped me to keep going, but this week it's like by announcing that I'm fasting, really I'm announcing that I'm about to scoff my face!! :bugeyes: I've been on the fasting journey for a long time now, and this is a first.... well, not the sabotage bit, rather the manner in which it has happened. As I'm pondering it, I'm wondering if as I've fallen off the wagon a few times (spectacularly I might add!!) there's an element of pressure, and rather than feel disappointed by failure, I just give in? Doesn't make sense...

Anyway, for today at least I DONE IT!! :victory:
"there's nought as queer as folk" eh chichi! Better just fast without announcing it then - that's obviously what's working for you at the moment :clover: Strange but true !! :grin:
haaaa!! Yes... perhaps, having an I'VE DONE IT announcement to look forward to at the end of the day might be worth trying!
Well done chichi :heart:
Firstly on doing todays fast :heart:
Secondly on admitting you've failed a few times because we see members pop back in saying they've returned back for support etc only to dissapear again forever :heart:
This is such a forgiving WOL and all are welcome back however many times it takes, i'm so glad today worked for you so maybe no announcement is best for now keep us all guessing :like: provided you stay with us and keep at it whenever you can because nothing works as well.
Congratulations :clover: Good Luck. :clover: Sue. :clover:
Hi Chichi13 - similar thing happens to me, so I rarely post my intention to fast on a particular day - for some reason it makes me want to eat!

Also, I only get weighed once a month because if I have lost weight, I am so pleased I go out and celebrate. Yet,if the weight remains the same or more I don't eat any extra.
I have done this too, so I like your idea of an I've Done It! Thread. You should set one up! :lol: I'm also only a monthly weigher. I popped in to see what the daily weighers were talking about and their 10 day range. Boy what a tough lot they are - I'd be freaking out :cry:
Well at least you have found out not to post anything until you have completed a fast. So now I say to you a BIG congrats. WELL DONE :victory: :clover:
I think you're on to something, Chichi. I rarely announce a fast on the forum and rarely have a problem getting through it. But I did on Sunday and then fell off the wagon with a thump. Mind, that may have been because it was an impromptu fast and I really need to plan.

Interesting thought though!
Thank you so much everyone, it's really helpful to know that I'm not the only one to have noticed this!! :heart:
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