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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I have been fasting since mid April and only missed 2weeks post surgery. Today I knew I was going for morning tea with sister in law and knew she would bring out the goodies. Orange zest shortbread dipped in chocolate. I knew I would have some and I did, but didnt want to push fast into next day,, so had two bars of that, not small not big.
I know I'm under 1200 cals but not sure if anywhere near 500cals.

I got home and continued like any other fast, but felt like I failed it.

I hope this is not an indicator of how I do maintenance, cause it feels like a flop.
In the past I knew I did diets well, hated them, but did them well, I knew I could eat well, too well for my own good, but maintenance is a whole other alien concept.

One slight variant, being orange flavoured, buttery and dipped in chocolate and I feel like a failure. Shortbread is so high in cals. :frown:
You have me salivating at the very idea of zesty chocolate coated shortbread!

Probably best to avoid your SiL on Fast days
oh come on Zamale!! Lighten up on your self. Life is long. The whole fast thing is not sustainable if we beat ourselves up over having a beautiful biscuit with a sister in law. We have to intend to meet our goals and meet them most of the time. No one can do it ALL the time. I hit my 500cals most fast days but today I know I was probably at 600cals (or abit more). Would you say I failed?? You are still way below on cals compared to feast days so take it easy. This whole WOE cant be hijacked by guilt or it is no better than any other diet. It is ok. Do better next time. That is all there is to say. Be glad you have a sister in law who is generous and who you get together with. There is more to life than our weight. :like: c'est la vie
That orange zest shortbread dipped in chocolate sounds very very appealing and I dont blame you. Assuming you don't do it ever fast day it really doesn't need to be something to feel bad about indeed, savour the thought of just how much you enjoyed it.

This WOL makes us really appreciate those special treats we have every now and then and I think without the 5:2 way of thinking you'd probably have gone for many more than 2 bars so you have restricted. Maybe on the next day you just go a little easier on the calorie intake but otherwise carry on and enjoy those morning teas again, fast or no fast.
I just move the fast day if that happens. For example, went to a friends to watch footy and she had made curry, even though I had fasted up to that point, I abandoned it and moved the fast to the next day, meaning I actually go an extra half day fasting last week. Move the days around to whenever is convenient, as long as you fit the 2 in per week, it doesn't matter.
Regarding fasting and exercise, everyone seems to be really different but I enjoy exercise just as much (if not slightly more) on a fast day.
We seem to have this thread twice but I'll jump in with toad and agree whole heartedly! I don't say that we should eat ourselves into oblivion but some things are there to be enjoyed and I'm guessing you don't visit your SIL every day.

I think it was on one of the Paleo sites that one of the experts was saying that, whilst we should continue to strive for perfection, as long as we hit the spot 80% of the time we are doing OK health wise.

Maybe I look at things a bit differently as theres so much I can't have due to intolerances. These are things that I do like but will make me physically ill for several days if I eat them, so for me calorie content tends to take a back seat! If something nice comes along and its not on the dodgey list I'm going to enjoy it even if I do end up losing a bit slower than I'd like. As long as you enjoyed it and don't beat yourself up then I don't see its a matter to worry about.

If we're honest I think we all worry a bit about maintenance. For me its how I'll cope without specific target to aim for. By the time I get there some of you will already have coping strategies in place though and I'll pinch those!
Ditto what everyone else said and if you are tempted again just send the biscuits to me they sound delicious :grin:
Surely you have proved that you are already a success at this by being where you are today. Can't wait to be on maintenance myself, October I hope. Anyway, don't beat yourself up about the shortbread, just move your fast day. Or make it a 16.8 maybe.
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