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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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OK we are pretty good at fasting and we know the ropes and we have helped each other to understand what we need to do to feel comfortable. I figure we have that mastered

What I want to know is what would be the perfect way to eat on a normal day following a fast. I mean what foods and fluids do we need to replenish and restore and reduce cravings and binges.
I don't think I know. It depends how I feel. Sometimes it's a bulletproof coffee. Sometimes eggs. Tomorrow I'm planning dairy free yogurt with a persimmon. (Unless my cravings tell me otherwise !)
Breakfast for me is Bircher muesli or oats with chia seeds and frozen raspberries. For lunch I like a (Vietnamese) rare beef noodle soup from a little restaurant near my work. It's very flavoursome, salty and little bit spicy, has crisp bean sprouts, basil and lemon, rice noodles, easy to digest and always hits the spot.
rawkaren wrote: I don't think I know. It depends how I feel. Sometimes it's a bulletproof coffee. Sometimes eggs. Tomorrow I'm planning diary free yogurt with a persimmon. (Unless my cravings tell me otherwise !)

Me too... Minus the yakky persimmon! A bulletproof coffee after a fast always feel nourishing for me, like, I can feel myself filling up with goodness; lush! Or/and omelette :) makes sense to me for it to be good fats and protein to break a fast... Not too much though else it goes *ahem* straight though!
Wmr309 wrote: Breakfast for me is Bircher muesli or oats with chia seeds and frozen raspberries.

Ooh, can I ask how you prepare the oats and chia seeds, please? I have a pack of chia and haven't been brave enough to attempt anything with them yet. I usually have a 50/50 mix of oats and ground almonds with unsweetened soya milk for my breakfast but I'd be interested in trying your oat/chia combo if you can give me quantity/prep details please....? :)
I often have an eggy breakfast to break my fast - omelette with mushrooms, often something like courgette or spring onions, often ham or bacon, often a feta or cottage cheese. And I often follow that with some fruit too. A nice big protein filled brekkie, washed down with loads of tea. I find that if I have toast or just fruit or muesli, it sets me up badly for the rest of the day. The protein/egg breakfast keeps me full until lunchtime and I don't get cravings. The more carby toast/muesli/fruit gets me snacking mid morning.

Though of course, everyone is going to be very different - what works for some people won't work for others.
Carbs sometimes do me in after a fast, unless I keep the portion size down. I get away with a small amount if meusli. I'd eat a soft boiled egg every day if I weren't worried about too many eggs. (I probably don't need to worry about that, do I?)
Some lovely ideas there

@Domane I have my chia seeds mixed up with other seeds in a jar eg pepitas, sunflower, sesame, chia, and some flaked almonds. I then sprinkle a couple spoonfuls of this seedy mix over my fruit and low fat Mediterranean yoghurt. Keeps me going to lunch . Fruits are berries and banana and lately I have included papaya.

I like the idea of going back to eggs for breakfast asmI have gotten out of the habit, thanks for your suggestions

Karen I love persimmon especially if soft and squishy it's like velvet
MaryAnn wrote: I'd eat a soft boiled egg every day if I weren't worried about too many eggs. (I probably don't need to worry about that, do I?)

Absolutely no reason to limit eggs. They are amazingly good for you and the old "they have cholestrol and it's bad to have too many" has been totally debunked. :grin: This pleases me, because I love them, and would have well over a dozen a week just me (add my family, and it's a good thing we have 8 chickens and 3 female ducks to get eggs from!)
@Wmr309 do you think you could get the recipe for your favorite lunchtime soup as it sounds wonderful.

Agree about eggs they are such a wonderful package on their own, poached soft eggs yum. @Katamac like your breakfast

@rawkaren :like: your Christmas avatar very cute
@Domane, My oat recipe is really simple. About 40g of quick oats, heaped teaspoon of chia seeds and less than that of stevia (sweetener) and about 8-10 frozen raspberries. You could use honey but stevia has less calories. Top it with half milk/half water (I always use a particular bowl and go to a mark on that so have no idea how much exactly, sorry) and then 2 minutes in microwave. The chia seeds give it some crunch (and keep you regular).

@Gillymary, I haven't made the rare beef noodle soup but Vietnamese restaurants seem to be popping up everywhere. I did notice a box with ingredients at Woolies (in aisle with noodles and curry pastes) the other day but I haven't tried it yet. At Little Hanoi cafe in Adelaide CBD it is ready in minutes, always fresh and cheap. I'll be back there on Friday!
I only work 2 days a week now and they are the days after my fasting days so I need something to get me through to lunch. On a Tuesday I have a small serving of fruit and fibre with added wheat bran and chia seeds. I have this with 1/2 a sliced banana and sugar free almond milk. For lunch I have a large mixed salad with a whole tub of low fat cottage cheese - really filling and the protein keeps me going.
On a Thursday morning I have a version of bircher muesli. I whizz an apple in my mini processor ( too lazy to grate!) and add 1 1/4 oz oats, wheat bran, chia seeds and a few raisins. I soak this lot overnight in sugar free almond milk. In the morning I add a bit of vanilla mullerlight, a bit of sweetener and a few flaked almonds. This ia my special treat. Sometimes I can't eat it all and have a bit as a snack later. Then its home made 'leftovers' soup for lunch.
For me it's a grilled kipper and raw tomatoes with a little mayo. I only eat breakfast after a fast day now, and this is usually what I crave.
I used to start the day after a fast with muesli, I enjoyed putting my own mix of cereals and fruits together but get fed up eating it - too much chewing. Now I have a sort of fruit and nut salad with a small amount of cereal.

I start with about a heaped tablespoon of Shreddies (I like them), I add a handful of sunflower seeds with walnuts and/or almonds or cashews, a small sliced banana, half an apple cut into small pieces, and grapes (I cut these in half, they seem to taste better that way) or any soft fruit. I top it all with soya milk sweetened with apple juice. I end up with an overflowing dish full of heaven which keeps me full for ages.
It completely varies with me. Some days it's a nice slice of cake (!) but usually it's either a bowl of muesli and milk or a bagel or sourdough with butter and marmalade. I obviously still like my carbs. But then my lunch will be protein based.

What never change are timing and portion size: 1. I don't want to eat until mid-morning (so sometimes end up eating my post-fast breakfast at lunch) and 2. My first meal needs to be small otherwise I get a tummy ache.
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