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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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When I started this thread I was just curious about why people decided to chose this weight loss method. I'm so happy I did. It's turned into a really lovely motivational thread. Well done everyone and thanks for sharing. I'm fasting today and reading all these positive stories strengthens my resolve even more!
Like many others my weight had crept up gradually over the years. I tried to convince myself that this was ok but I hated photos of myself and hated clothes shopping as nothing looked good. I saw the MM programme in August last year and gave it a go. I lost several pounds but found it difficult and gave up. Over New Year 2013 I had severe flu and lost 4lbs - normally I gain at least this over the festive period. I decided that this would be the kick start of a diet and was fortunate to find the 5:2 book that came out around that time, and through it this forum.

I started in earnest at the end of January, reached target at the beginning of August and two months on I am slightly below target. I have found it easy but only because of the advice and support of this forum. 5:2 has changed my life :like: :grin:
windsinger123 wrote: the advice and support of this forum. 5:2 has changed my life

You, me, and most of us

:like: :like: :like:
I'd been a WW gold card holder for 20-odd years, and was at or about my 'goal weight' of 10.10 - well, this was in February (2012) and I'd put on couple of pound over the previous Christmas.

My tipping point was when I saw a couple of articles on IF, first in The Independent, then in Time Magazine, and thought it worth doing for the health benefits alone. I thought I might lose the couple of pounds I was over my goal weight, but that would be it.

To my surprise, I lost those two pounds - and just kept on losing. Now I'm around 9.2 and lean and fit, maintaining on 6:1 with the odd 36-hour liquid fast.

I was very pleased last August when the Horizon programme was aired, which backed up all I'd read.

Finally, the blood tests I had done a year after I began IF are extremely gratifying - "The best I've ever seen," said my doctor.

I don't envisage another week where I don't carry out a fast of some sort. :smile:

Thanks for starting this thread, Jejum - some lovely stories on here!
After seeing the Horizon Program. I've never been vastly over weight but as I got older it became harder and harder to loose weight gained on holiday, it just didn't budge and as a result my weight had started to creep up. As a scientist watching the program was like a light bulb moment, here was the first way to control weight that made sense scientifically and looked as if it would be OK to stick to long term. I now am in control of my weight I'd like to loose a bit more but know if I stick strictly to 5:2 I will. I feast5 when I go away and am strict when I get home which is quite often a relief as I now hate feeling over full.
I've always been overweight/obese. I lost 2 1/2 stone doing WW online 4 years ago. I was feeling great with a slimmer body and new clothes. I still had 2 stone to lose but for some reason just could stick to it any longer. If I had a bad day it turned into a bad week, then month and year until I'd put all the weight back on. I was telling myself all the time that I'd start again next week and paid the monthly fee for the next 12months. After I stopped paying for something I wasn't using I spent the next few years trying to go it alone using points or trying to count calories. In September I was planning to start again (on Monday, of course) when I saw Alan Carr on the TV say he was doing the 5:2 diet. I google it, liked the sound of it and started the next day (a thursday!). Ok I failed the first fast but tried again the next day and loved it. I started on September 12th and so far I have lost just over 6lbs. I feel so good about this WOE, I can see myself fasting for life. I don't even feel hungry and actually look forwards to fast days.
Dee :)
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