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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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For me its just don't buy it. We bought so much food and treats that we never ate, or are still eating. What was I thinking when I bought a 2kg box of dates? Why buy a Christmas cake when the lads don't like it and hubby only eats the icing? Why oh why did I buy so many cheeses, we had a 5 cheese sauce yesterday to get rid of the pieces that were threatening to crawl out of the fridge on their own, and we still have 7 cheeses left in the fridge? Chocolates, we DO NOT need that many chocolates or Jelly Babies! Or crackers, or bottles of booze, but we must buy more Bailly's next year.

Just to not buy as many 'treat' foods next year, we didn't need them and quite frankly this far from Christmas we don't want them.
3 more weeks since Christmas since i first started this thread

and hopefully more time has passed for us to get back to pre Christmas weight.

will put this thread to bed till next Chrissie but do you have any new thoughts on this one.

will be making final tallies for the Christmas club end of this week so im thinking christmas for last time till this coming year
Absolutely nothing!!

I took a break from fasting properly, although I did do quite a few days of 16:8.

I didn't eat unless I was hungry, but I ate what I wanted. I tried to eat mindfully and only just enough to satisfy. But nothing was off limits. I did my best to have one or two cookies, not 8. One or two chocolates, not 8. I tried to fill half my plate with veggies as often as possible. I tried to get in as much exercise and as many steps as reasonable without interfering with family plans. Basically, I tried to be "normal", whatever that is.

I gained a couple of pounds, but they came right back off the first week in January.
This was my second Christmas since starting 5:2 and it was no problem. I decided that when I was offered treats I would just not think about it, I would automatically say 'no thanks' instantly and hope that when they came round again they would not seem so tempting and amazingly, it worked. I think a lot of people had been good, got through the holiday and relaxed as a sort of well done to themselves and that's when they had problems. I know what that one feels like as I've done it myself SO many times in the past but, no more, IF seems to have eliminated that little evil from my psyche.

Ballerina x
Nothing, I would not change a thing. I ate pretty much everything but I watched the quantity. It felt good that I could enjoy my Christmas dinner guilt free knowing that I didn't have to omit entire food groups.

I find that nowadays I can no longer stuff myself silly as I end up with rapid transit so my stomach has been retraining me. ;) as a result I find that on special occasions I can eat what I want providing I don't go crazy and I don't do it too often.
Difficult to say this one really. we go away every Christmas/New Year this last one for 3 weeks to Egypt.. was in an All Inclusive Hotel so plenty of boozy drinks and plenty of delish deserts. I hadn't started on this WOL then of course as my start date was 13th Jan . however, I was delighted to only gained 3 lbs and hubby gained 2lbs - totally amazing. Can gain 6 normally in Greece n two weeks! So, I am not sure how I will go about this coming Christmas holiday - I hope to have reached target by then so hopefully will just try cutting out deserts and sticking to wine and not beers and hopefully that may help!
I thought i would resurrect this thread as we have just passed another holiday season. did you do what you said you would last year?
Any new pointers from those newer to the forum?

hmmmmm i ate too much sugar when I was not meant to with a particular liking for Italian Panetone fruit bread with butter. I only bought 2 the whole time but i loved every bit of it.

We havent opened all the chocolates given to us... we will let them keep over January but how do i hide it from my daughter. Ive resorted to dark coloured tupperware containers where she cant see what's inside and so far its worked.
I don't think I'll do anything differently. I have allowed space for a little feasting, without massive over-indulgence.

I think that I finally eat in a healthy way for me, which generally means just once a day, whilst allowing myself the odd exception if I really want to. I can now think before eating or drinking, which is a major breakthrough.

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