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When will I see a difference?
27 Feb 2014, 21:46
Hello boys and girls,

Just a quick one, I remember seeing a thread about this when I first started but I can't seem to find it now, but when will I actually start to see a difference in my body? I'm about 7lb down and I literally can't see any changes.

My friend in work said my legs look skinnier but I'm doing a quick half hour walk every day so I think that's the reason for that. And I have quite thin legs anyway so that's not what I'm worried about!

I'm hovering around 11stone mark with another 1.5ish go go, that's a quarter of my goal and I don't look any bloody different! My measurements haven't changed by more than 0.5 inches either!!
Hi, it's a pain and disheartening at first but stick with it. I've been fasting since 6 Jan and so far I've missed 3 fasts and no one until this week mentioned that I look any different, suddenly I've had a couple of people remarking on how well I look etc etc. I think it takes a while as the weekly loss of approx 1lb doesn't immediately show.

I keep trying on a couple of dresses which I know how tight they were and now definitely getting loose even though when I look in the mirror I can't see any difference. I was 11 stone 4 lb for absolutely ages and ages and now under 11 and heading towards 10.8 quite happily.

Good luck,
@Anna London I started 4 days after you and was 2lb heavier than you when you started. Now however I'm hovering around the 11 stone mark after a bad week last week! I suppose I need to stick at it, it's just frustrating when I feel so good and happy but I wish my body reflected that!
Ladies, I am not the best example of weight loss in any way, Take a look at my tracker, it's taken me since June to lose 12 lb, but I've had a life, a holiday and a major operation in December. Then there was Xmas which did have its treats and celebrations. There was a thread about the fact that the more you have to lose the quicker it initially comes off . The closer you are to a healthy BMI the slower it can shifts.
Don't be down hearted this is not just about weight loss. I've learnt so much about myself, my self disciplin and my attitude about food in general. And alcohol. At least this way you can still have "a life" and there's always tomorrow.
Get yourself a like minded buddy and bounce off each other, I'd recommend it. Anyway how many weeks till Easter ?

Thanks for your post, I think sometimes it's difficult to keep everything in perspective and recall that over the years the pounds that are now shifting didn't move at all. Initially I'd try to time a fast day with a really busy day and be out and about of an evening but now discovered that I really enjoy them by making the evening a relaxed time for me and not worried about tidying up etc etc plus as you've said time to review your self discipline, food and alcohol intake.
Stick with it I did 16 fasts before my first 1b came off...Im now 8lbs down...
I too tried on a couple of dresses that used to be a snug fit and now they are great.....My scales dont show ounces but I think Im only losing about 4ozs per week..I fast 2 days strictly and havnt missed a one and am quite good on my feast days, so its slowly but surely.....I must admit a friend who I hadnt seen for about 6 months said 'wow you look so slim' and I couldnt stop smiling......5.2 is the best thing ever.....
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