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Whew!! Survived the day!
25 Dec 2013, 08:40
Hello Everybody

Whew!! Xmas Lunch is over, I had way too much to eat and drink, but we had a great day.

Started out sitting outside under the umbrella with some drinks and starters in the glorious 31 deg temp, then inside to the Dining Room for the Lunch.

Every thing went swimmingly and all according to plan, and our delightful granddaughter enjoyed her gifts Santa left her under the tree.

We sent our family home with some food, but we have plenty still left - I think I will have to wait another couple of days before going back on 5:2, certainly can't waste any of it!!!

That is my excuse and I am sticking to it!

Now about to put my feet up and have a cup of tea.

Have a great day everybody.

Cup full of cheers,
Maggie :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
Re: Whew!! Survived the day!
25 Dec 2013, 09:19
Well done Maggie, it sounds like a lovely day.
Xxx juluanna
Re: Whew!! Survived the day!
25 Dec 2013, 09:36
Sounded like fun Maggiee!
We have had a lovely quiet day, Thai prawns and salmon for lunch, salad, sav blanc and Xmas pudding ice cream, and haven't eaten much else as we are all too stuffed!! All reasonably restrained really!!! All the cheese is still in the fridge!!!
Always tomorrow! Happy Xmas everyone!
Re: Whew!! Survived the day!
25 Dec 2013, 09:49
Cold but dry for the start of our Christmas - glad you all had a lovely day x
Re: Whew!! Survived the day!
25 Dec 2013, 09:54
So amazing that you've had Christmas already! Sounded like a perfect day (if a bit hot!)

My sister is having her first Christmas in Montreal...and they've got snow...and lots of it. How Christmassy is that, eh?!! Here, we're just getting over a bad storm in which our shed was blown over and destroyed. Anyway, today I suppose you could say the weather is just right for Christmas. All is still, all is quiet.

Re: Whew!! Survived the day!
25 Dec 2013, 10:12
Happy Christmas everyone. I too enjoyed the warm weather we had down here. We had a long drawn out grazing-all-day lunch. Later in the day we headed outside to enjoy the sun and some Christmas cookies, some time after that we headed back inside for cake and coffee.

I am stuffed but I found that I couldn't eat as much as I could in the past. Right now I feel bloated but I enjoyed the day so it was worth it :grin: (I was a bit anxious about today b/c my mum insists on inviting a relative of my brother-in-law who can be a right jerk. Even he was on his best behaviour).

We sent part of the left overs home with my sister and her family and some other leftovers have been frozen so it can be reinvented sometime in the future. We have enough food in the fridge for dinner tomorrow and I am looking forward to fasting on Friday (my regular fasting day), having said that I will most likely be eating less than TDEE tomorrow subject to no last minute invitation somewhere :smile:

I hope everyone has a great day.
Re: Whew!! Survived the day!
25 Dec 2013, 12:14
Merry Christmas from South Australia. We started the day with a swim at the beach, then home to marinate the prawns, bake bread and finish other lunch preparation. Quiet family lunch inside while it was 34 degrees outside. We were too full to have pudding so left that for dinner.

I have noticed lately that a few glasses of wine affect me so much more than they used too so I drank plenty of water too. I don't think the scales will be showing too much of a gain but still plenty of food to be had before the next fasting (and weigh-in) day.

Have a lovely day!
Re: Whew!! Survived the day!
25 Dec 2013, 12:28
We had a great Austrian Christmas Eve, everyone was happy with their presents, the little ones were a lot better behaved than last year and a lot of family ghosts and angst were laid to rest, which is lovely. Been next door for bubbly and off to the local Manor House soon for lunch with a load of friends. There are 12 of us this year, quite sparse really as we have had as many as 30 in past years but sometimes the smaller numbers are more fun. Enjoy the day everyone,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Whew!! Survived the day!
25 Dec 2013, 13:06
Our day is done. Food was excellent: home-smoked salmon, beautiful Wessex saddleback ham, egg salad, beetroot salad, potato salad and lettuce salad. Then divine Xmas puds with home made boozy ice cream. Presents went well. I didn't eat or drink too much. Some others might have , but no one embarrassed themselves. Perfectly warm, windless day for a change. Happy Christmas everyone.
Re: Whew!! Survived the day!
25 Dec 2013, 13:49
Merry Christmas everyone

Well done on surviving the day ... for simply enjoying the day and what it brought

It's so lovely to hear of temperatures of 30C and morning swimming - it's a balmy -8C here that is supposed to feel like -17C with the wind chill. But I wouldn't know, we haven't ventured out yet! :cool: :grin:
Re: Whew!! Survived the day!
25 Dec 2013, 17:13
:heart: Glad to hear you got through the day [tag]Maggiee[/ tag] well done, we've finished or meal and are now relaxing with coffee before a buffet later on tonight but I'm not participating because I've had enough, we haven't gone as mad as my hubby was intending to just so we wouldn't end up with loads of leftovers for a few days to come so a sensible move on my part to keep back other joints of meat for new year, but did agree with the copious amounts of red wine that is stacked up in the garage. :shock: :shock: :shock: Sue :clover:
Re: Whew!! Survived the day!
25 Dec 2013, 21:20
Some delicious sounding food everybody - Sally I love the sound of the boozy ice cream!

We spent the evening watching National Lampoon Christmas and I had a mince pie before going to bed.

I hope you all had a pleasant day - I will be doing 16/8 for the moment and will be fasting again from Monday.

Many thanks

cheers Maggie.
Re: Whew!! Survived the day!
25 Dec 2013, 21:24
Made it. Mini cranberry muffin for breakfast. 3 bird roast lunch. Lots of veg but no spuds. :like:

Christmas pud for supper followed by a little cheese. Wine obvs.

Fasting tomorrow.....
Re: Whew!! Survived the day!
26 Dec 2013, 01:57
Well I made it through the day before Christmas with 20 people to feed. Christmas was 16 and cold and rainy. Still have 10 visitors here today plus us 4 and another 5 later. So much food, wine and fun :grin:
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