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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Can't find today's thread, and so hope it's OK to start one.
I'm on a normal day today, except that it's midday and I haven't eaten anything yet! Made delicious lamb,spelt and pumpkin soup last night and ate three bowls. I probably only needed 1.5 bowls, but it tasted lovely and wouldn't keep anyway as some ingredients already frozen, and OK I was a bit greedy...
However, on other days when I haven't been particularly hungry, I find once I've had some food, the hunger monster is unleashed. So I shall try today, but be aware that might happen and anyway, Roger Federer should chase it away...
Haven't thought about tonight's meal. Perhaps planning would be better than just seeing what there is!
I'm with you today. Had half a slice of toast, off for a spot of hubby golf shopping in a minute. Then the search for a nice pub for Sunday roast. And I may have a pud. :oops:
Had a chocolate digestive with my midmorning was wonderful. Can't decide whether to watch the tennis...hate being indoors when it's sunny. I may be using the one dark cloud I can see as an excuse to stay in...hoping The Fed will win!
I've just breakfasted, at lunchtime, with a turkey sandwich and some lettuce wrapped around some chilli hummus.
Just had a bacon buttie and a bowl of watermelon. We are going dinghy sailing this afternoon and because of tide times we will be a bit late home for dinner so tonight I will get home put the oven on and we will have fresh cod in breadcrumbs, potato wedges and beans. Not so good on the healthy front but yummy none the less!
I'm SO glad you started it, @Annurca!!! :smile:

I am "feasting" today. I didn't end up going to the party I was supposed to last night, so I didn't end up splurging after all. Today I might have a little treat at some point. I do want to get some exercise in as well.

I tend to be pretty free about my eating on weekends. I don't count calories and don't worry TOO much about what I eat. But, I have to be stricter during the week in order to do this!

Have a great Sunday everyone!
:oops: After two months of maintaining without fasting, I may have to schedule one or two fast days next week--Mon and/or Thurs. My weight this morning was up a little more than I like to see. I think my recent "feast weeks" have had a few too many treats of berry shortcakes with whipped cream and ice cream!

Not to mention 2 or 3 Independence Day celebratory meals involving hot dogs and baked beans :shock: Didn't stop me making a fried egg sandwich with bacon for breakfast today, though.
A combination of trying to drink water when I think about food, and watching Roger Federer (WHAT a match!) has meant that I've got to now without grazing. So that's good!
Lovely day, perfect weather, and we took a drive to our favorite little village, which features a "Bridge of Flowers"--and a place that makes killer cream puffs. Unfortunately for my healthy eating, it also featured a new tiny restaurant which I entered thinking I'd get soup, and exited with an excellentspinach ricotta croissant.

And then for dessert, of course, I had to have a cream puff. (Well, my excuse is I don't get to this village all that often!)

Needless to say, I will be eating some protein for dinner. Since I had only had some bran cereal for breakfast, I don't think I'm much over 1000 calories for the day.

Fasting tomorrow!
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