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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I imagine being the weekend more people are feasting and facing more challenges than during the week.

Yesterday I ended up not doing so great. I didn't exercise at all (for some reason I was just really tired yesterday.) I did eat dinner at home, but the cup of Ben & Jerry's ice cream, definitely put me over my TDEE! I try to stick to 1500 calories during the week and I ended the day with 1900. :frown:

I have to face the scale this morning too. We'll see what happens.

Anyway, today is a new day. I'm going to a pool party. I might not eat breakfast and I am going to go walk and do my C25K first. I don't count calories on the weekend, but will try to make reasonable choices!

Good luck today everyone!
I still haven't been shopping, so it was lots of toast for lunch (I know, I know!) . On the plus side, I have been for a good walk, and got my steps in, and lots of Fitbit active minutes.
I just need to drag myself to the shops, and then I'll be able to eat healthily again. What I actually fancy is a big punnet of cherries!
@cblaszA pool party sounds fun, and you can burn off a few of the calories you eat!
I havent done too badly yet today, except for the 2 slices of homemade cake. I made it with the kids yesterday while fasting and could avoid it then, but not today! :cry:
I guess I am feasting we are going to a 40th Wedding anniversary party complete with buffet this evening- no idea what I'll eat.
I'm feasting today. I've just had a little Lindt chocolate ball and a little square of flapjack!(typing this has meant I didn't take another piece of flapjack OR the raspberry crumble on the table!)
I'm not 100% sure what's for dinner as I think we are staying here again. It might be reheated Indian from last night or sausages. I don't really mind which,!
I am considering having weigh day on Friday morning, three meals that day.
Fast days mon and thurs with just an evening meal, possibly oxo drink for lunch.
Rest of the week eating window of 4-8pm.
I will continue avoiding crisps and white bread.
I don't want to make things more difficult than they need to be as I've got too much stress on! I reckon this should keep me on track for the next 4-6 weeks. I hope this works as this is manageable long term for me! :smile:
Doing what feels right and tweaking it to better food is a good way to go Karenm :0)

Today's breakfast has been two soft boiled eggs with batons of one organic carrot and stick of celery, fresh decaff black coffee.
Lunch was strawberries and cream whilst out and decaff black coffee.
Been nibbling a handful of Brazils/almonds/macadamia nuts since we got home, also a teaspoon of coconut butter, drinking filtered water.
Dinner will be fish curry with a side of veg korma, no poppadoms nor rice, as I'm trying not to eat fats and carbs at the same meal.
No more food from 7pm until at least noon tomorrow :0)
I'm in!

Feeling uber cold though. Any tips on keeping warm without having to turn up the heating and fry the rest of the family? :D
Ooops, I thought this was a fast day thread! Doh!
I feasted today at Pizza Hut. We had the thin base though and plain garlic bread and no dessert.
Well, I am done for the day at 10cals over my tdee. :like:
Thanks for all the support folks. :victory: :heart:
I didn't eat all day (did drink water and black coffee) until I got home from shopping at about 5pm and then I had half an M&S garlic baguette. Never had theirs before and oh my, it really was delicious! We went to poke our heads around the fun fair at Whitstable regatta and decided to see what was lurking at home as there was only a greasy urged to be had at the fair. Supper ended up being raw sugar snap peas and kohlrabi sticks plus quesadillas made with red pepper, a little provolone cheese, some pulled pork I had in the freezer, and honey mustard dressing. Delish! :razz:
Definitely feasting today. I did quite moderately yesterday. Today we went out to our local, very good Thai place and I had the Pad Thai, which is some hundred million grams of carbs, but worth it occasionally. This was actually a "good" choice, as the alternative I was given was to go to the Chinese place for lunch. I didn't want to pack on all the water weight I would have had we eaten there, nor did I want all the calories that their lunches contain. I am rotten at portion control if the food is on my plate. So the noodles, carby as they are, are much less total calories.

We also picked up a slice of pizza each from the wonderful local hole-in-the-wall that we love which will be our dinner, mostly because I wanted some pizza before Monday's fast not having had any all week and they are closed tomorrow. I don't eat the whole crust, so that is maybe 400 calories for dinner.

I've had a couple slices of the crusty bakery bread I brought home yesterday, too, as it was going to go stale. Again, lots of carbs, not so much calories. I should come in around 1650 which is my non-fast day target. It's higher than my TDEE by about 100 calories but that's what I like about 5:2 that I can eat slightly over the TDEE and still lose.

I baked for my local Flower Club Garden Party. I made Fudgy Coconut Brownies, Lemon frosted sponge tray bake with almonds and two Lincolnshire tea loaves. At the Garden Party I had afternoon tea and then when I came home had two of each of the cakes plus half of the cut off edges from the brownies! Now that was a feast!
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