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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'm starting this thread because in reading people's posts, a lot of people say that they do great on fast days, but have a hard time on feast days. So it seemed to make sense for people to have a place to check in on those days too!

I know that people call it different things - feed days, non-fast days, feasting days, etc. Whatever you call it's basically the days that you are not fasting. "Feasting" kinda sound like the opposite of "fasting" so I think it's a good title for the thread.

Of course, just because it's called "feasting" doesn't mean you should eat like it's your last meal. Ideally you should eat within your TDEE.

So, this will be a place where you can post about your plan for the day or how you did or how you blew it or if you are struggling and need some support to keep you from eating that chocolate donut!

Anyone can feel free to start it. Maybe if we post it enough the admins will give us our own forum for it!
Ooh saturday is a difficult one,always!
It always seems it should be a treat day!
Good luck everyone with not going over the top! Watch those carbs!
And remember the old saying,Enough's as good as a feast! X
I have resisted eating so far! I know the issue I will have today is that we've got nothing planned for dinner. I fancy a frittata yep thing, but it does mean going to the supermarket again :frown:
I really don't know how/what to eat on feast days. I try to 16:8 it, but it becomes 21:4 and then I end up eating loads of junk as I've not got enough cals on my plate!
Currently watching the F1 blurb and OH has suggested taking the dogs for a walk when it's finished.
Perhaps we can get some steak and have some leek and potato mash instead of eggs! Hmmmm.
What do others eat on non fast days? :?:
I am doing much better and feeling pleased at keeping to my TDEE this week as I particularly watch the carb content. I hesitate to list my foods for fear it's boring, but @Karenm asks, so here goes!
After fast day yesterday, I had blueberries and yoghurt, no low fat anything, bullet proof coffee. Mid morning a crisp apple and piece of tasty cheddar cheese. My lunch has been a large mixed salad - lettuce, celery, cucumber, red pepper, aduki and endamame beans thrown in, all turned in my own balsamic olive oil dressing with crushed garlic. I use a fine slicer mandolin for the salad things and it was lovely. Then a bowl of fresh strawberries with a dollop of Greek Yoghurt. All very filling, but I waited 20 mins before contemplating a hot chocolate drink...I now feel too full.
Haven't planned tonight, but it's a stir fry with chicken or prawns. The thought of it is a step too far right now. I've dumped all the info on MFP and can forget it now as I am below 100 gms carbo and plenty of cals left for dinner.
Well, my weight was up this morning. So, while this is a "feast" day, I will try to be good. I've had a sensible breakfast and will have a decent lunch. It's also GORGEOUS here today, so I will go for a walk. Tonight I'm going to a party, but will try not to overdo it there! I think I will limit my alcohol to just one if any, since that usually has a bad effect on my weight!

Karen - I think part of why I eat ok on feast days is from having done WW for many years and learning. But, I typically try to eat whole grain foods, protein, fruit, yogurt, etc. For breakfast today I had low fat nutrigrain waffles with strawberries and blueberries and some chicken sausage on the side.

Do you track your calories? Maybe that will give you some perspective and some ideas of where you need to cut back and where you can eat a bit more? I'm not great with eating vegetables but a lot of people swear by loading up on veggies for low calorie but filling meals.
I'm at home today and have a tendency to graze, so I'm trying to remember to drink water instead of eating. I've managed about 50% of the time!
Annurca - I have that problem too and I'm off for the summer, so I'm concerned about it. I will try to drink instead of eating too!
@cblasz, I do track calories every day. This is just to get me back in the swing of things. I am not going over my TDEE. The difference between this time doing 5:2 and last time is that I only ate 1200ish cals on feast days last time and I'm eating 1500-1600 this time and 300-500 on fast days.
Today I haven't logged all of my cals yet. I've had pineapple, sunflower seeds, pecans, a couple of dates, some cherries and for dinner I've made a lasagne stuffed full of peppers, mushrooms, onions and spinach to bulk the mince out.
I was hoping no crisps will make a difference, but I've replaced them with seeds and nuts :frown: I'm honestly not sure which is worse!
I was more mindful today and did not eat several things I might have eaten had I not been trying to keep closer to TDEE. Finally did get to eat our steaks that were postponed by the power failures. But I only ate 8 oz and saved the other 4.

Worked my butt off in the yard and garden, too!
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