The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Good morning!

I'm starting this thread because in reading people's posts, a lot of people say that they do great on fast days, but have a hard time on feast days. So it seemed to make sense for people to have a place to check in on those days too!

I know that people call it different things - feed days, non-fast days, feasting days, etc. Whatever you call it's basically the days that you are not fasting. "Feasting" kinda sound like the opposite of "fasting" so I think it's a good title for the thread.

Of course, just because it's called "feasting" doesn't mean you should eat like it's your last meal. Ideally you should eat within your TDEE.

So, this will be a place where you can post about your plan for the day or how you did or how you blew it or if you are struggling and need some support to keep you from eating that chocolate donut!

Anyone can feel free to start it. Maybe if we post it enough the admins will give us our own forum for it!

Ironically, I'm actually fasting today, but wanted to get this started for everyone else!

Have a great day!
I am joining this thread as yesterday didn't quite go to plan. My idea for not eating too much processed was ignored completely.
Today I have no idea what is for tea! This is my mistake and I'm going to go and see what we have got! I fancy chicken, mushrooms, gravy, greens and swede again, perhaps some new potatoes.
I am not having chocolate or sweets tonight!
Last night we had a chicken dish based on the Hairy bikers quick corden bleu chicken. it was lovely and we had it with salad and a few new potatoes.
Well I certainly hope I don't feast today!

My son is home from school for the summer, my husband's away and my thyroid's gone bonkers again. So I've been taking a rest from fasting this week. Once my meds really kick in in a week or two, I"m hoping to get back to exercising and fasting twice a week.

Today I had a lovely breakfast I made at my son's request - a potato, onion and bacon hash topped with two eggs - but I found after eating mindfully and slowly, enjoying every bite, that I could only eat half of it. So I very wastefully threw the rest out so I wouldn't overeat.

Hoping to continue eating mindfully and only until I've had just enough ;-)
I call this day replenish day coz i want to nourish myself post fast
However more often than not, its more Rubbish than Nourish!
I really need to somehow knock this on the head!
Some days i do great..but many days are like today..shared a massive cream scone with a friend and have a calorific dindins cooking
Dont want to do it but i still do! Why oh why the self is so defeatist and negative,but i think maybe there's also that element of long ago echoes from times of feast and famine that were our way of life ...It still put those Eat Up urges into our heads.
Not using that as an excuse tho..i am without a shadow of a doubt a greedy guts! :lol: x
Breakfast: two soft boiled eggs, batons of one carrot and stick of celery, fresh decaff coffee.
Lunch: tinned tuna with salad.
Dinner: quinoa and veg, natural live yogurt.
Also had three teaspoons of hommous and a few bits of cheese dipped in mayo to keep my energy going until little 'uns went home!
So tired, might just sleep through tomorrow zzzzzzzzzzzzz
I am "feasting" today although the plan was to fast :frown: by the way a colleague of mine calls non fast days "slow" days, kind of like it myself :grin:
Hehe! That's quite a logical name@Riel isnt it! I like it too x
That's funny! But, I'm not sure "who is slowing today" will work! :)
I wonder if there should be a weekly "feast day" (or non-fast day?) support thread, rather than daily.

My day is off to a good start, I had 100g of cottage cheese for breakfast (trying to clear the fridge of opened containers, etc., before a short trip). I've managed to resist anything else so far. The plan is soup and sandwich for lunch, and mango salad for dinner (more fridge clearing--I can't let that mango rot!). Maybe just having a plan is what I need...
I'm liking this idea of posting here, no where to hide really. I'm still in fast. Got a sleep to go yet.
Very good at keeping to 500 calories on fast day, but the feed days are something I had not experienced even before knowing about 5:2. I crave carbs like world's end.

All my feeding frenzies shall be confessed.
I promise. If I scare myself too much, this confession I make may be my last. I hope I remember this tomorrow when the carb monster strikes.
Well, I'm a woman of my word, I broke my fast with thick fruit toast with cinnamon sugar and butter and a chai latte.
For lunch i had focacia toasted sandwich, rich in calorie but not a big piece. I nibbled on small pieces of hard liquorice. I was making freezer meals for when my sister comes across from Perth to Vic. I had 4 tiny pieces of chocolate pretzels. No likey.
I tried out some leftover home made butter chicken only had two pieces it tasted funny, it was 3 days old and I got worried so tossed it. Then cup of skim milk tea and a oven baked sourdough dinner roll with garlic butter. small mandarine. Pineapple juice with teaspoon psylliam husk and teas acai organic powder.
I have not loved carbs as much as since starting 5:2, but it could also be with adjusting to being in menopause. Not in a great place with liking myself, winter is bit like that sometimes for me.
Yes the carb monster visited me.
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